WW fucked a dude named “hobo johnson” and got herpes, wants him cancelled

1  2020-01-29 by unrulyfarmhand


You just like hating on a sex worker with herpes you fuckin troglodytes.

Yikes. So people pay her for herpes?

Not previously!

It's not a feature, it's a bug!

The euphomism sex worker is retarded. It conflates prostitutes with upper middle class foids who post pictures of themselves naked online for extra cash.

Do you think Castreau hired common street whores for Ghahadafi???

Try to at least not be regarded for a cotton-picking minute, bigot.

no shit. foids are master manipulators and social engineers. the appropriation of the term from downtrodden prostitutes was a calculated move to garner oppression points

Imagine being a ricecel or a pajeet. White women are literally fucking dogs and hobos before throwing some gash your way.

They’re being forced to rape for access to gussy, which is a human right.

Lack of pussy is the root cause of global instability.


La creatura

La atrocidad del oeste

La bestia del lago.

LMAO what the fuck is going on with the gene pool

Lol nick cruz

Not to mention his music is god awful,

Dude looks like a Mexican MasterLawlz.

Hobo Johnson is like the physical manifestation of Sacramento

That dude is straight up retarded lmao

I'd take a dog over >designated any day

at least my dog can shit in the proper place


What a bunch of gross people.

Sexhavers am I right 🤢🤢🤢

I think he meant women

Yes, sex havers.

Parents just dont understand

Oh sweaty. Having genital herpes is absolutely something to be ashamed of.

Can't get genital herpes if you never have sex. Semen retention keeps you healthy and makes you a wizard.

My favorite sub, unfortunately I was banned from r/semenretention for implying we could double our retention volume by also retaining semen in the ass.

They hated him because he told the truth.


Do better bigot

I prefer my method: mu wife and are the only people we've ever fucked, and we do it 3-4 times a week.


A sadder post than the tweet.

wow 3 times a week with the same fat woman !!



My favorite post was the guy who had his balls explode because he got so backed up.

Wait that's a thing?

Surely that's fake

I've long since lost the link, but it was some dork in an AskReddit thread. He'd been told by his doctor to stop doing the NoFap shit because of his hyperspermia. Basically this moron would get testicular pain if he didn't wank every few days, but figured it was just 'growing pains' and his doctor just didn't believe in magic.

So naturally he continues to hoard his power and fucking pop, off to the ED with blown balls. Said he was planning to continue as soon as he had healed, and AskReddit laughed at his expense.

Wait, you actually think that's possible. Lmao

There is an associated condition where someones sperm production could cause that. It'd take immense willpower and stupidity to actually have such a thing happen.

They were talking about how their doctor was trying to weaken their powers, so they fit the bill perfectly, imo. I'd believe it was a trol if it wasn't for the fact that my tagger noted their hundreds of posts to nofap.

I've seen too many youtube videos to believe a little extra pressure could do that.

X, my friend.

Try inflating your balls and see how far you get.

Retards try it with synthol occasionally.

Try inflating your balls


Plz have a link

I remember getting downvoted into oblivion on datingoverthirty when a femoid asked if dating with an incurable STD is a turn off and I politely said yeah.


Hobo is actually a linguistic identifier for a herpes carrier. Don't believe me? Find a homeless person, do they have herpes? Yep.

How do they get the herpes?

How do homos get to fuck normal people?

Do normal people fuck hobos?


Hobo Johnson and anyone who likes his music deserve worse than herpes....its soooooo fucking corny

Didn’t even know he made music. Wow it’s terrible, I’ve seen awful fuckbois usin it for background on tiktok

Get off TikTok, pedo


I watch tiktok all the time...its like an lolcow zoo

Yeah anyone who is willing to fuck hobo Johnson or enjoy to his music deserves some sort of punishment


How about the punishment for those that even know🤔

Even melon

Oh no if only there was some way she could have avoided having sex with someone she just met

She fucked a literal Hobo and got mad she hot the Herp.

Can foids be anymore retarded?

He's worse than a hobo he's an emo rapper that talks about the struggles of the Sacramento Kings.

She deserves worse than the Herp for that tbh.

On the upside, he has a Subaru Crosstrak.

Oh im sorry is it opposite day today?


Too bad he didn't cover "Drip Too Hard."

Would've made it more satisfying.

This hobo guy is legit autistic right


El goblino.

Keep that shit out my inbox 🤢 🤮

Proof that all you really need is a personality

Hahaha hey incels! What the fuck is your excuse again?

Just be a rich retarded hobo rapper, bro.

Just be a rich retarded hobo rapper, bro.

Yeah, pretending to be rich is a felony. If guys could lie their way into moids pants they'd be doing it all the time.

You mean foids pants

Lol, I did.


We just need to imprison all men.

Between this dude and Oliver Tree, Reddit is introducing me to the work of retarded-looking "vocalists" who can't sing.

Same dude I’m kinda mad rn, didn’t even know he made songs

That's why they're called "vocalists" and not "singers"

a singer, typically one who regularly performs with a jazz or pop group.

The dictionary is a conspiracy run by reptilians and wokeists, see the recent addition of the singular "they".

I would be more shocked if someone named "Hobo Johnson" didn't have STDs.

Who the fuck is hobo Johnson

I just found he makes music. It’s very bad.


Probably one of the worst ‘artists’ at the moment, not even an exaggerated


All music is degenerate.

Who let these guys do black music?

Not even trying to be too cool for a thing other people like...literally who?

if there's nothing wrong with having herpes, why does her prostitute friend care that she caught it?

Cancel everyone. EVERYONE!

PSA almost everyone has Herpes.

Not on their dicks and cocks.

dicks and cocks

dicks and cocks


Okay so I read about it and there’s type one which almost everyone has and type two which about one in ten has, but half of people seeking medical treatment for another STD and 93 percent of prostitutes.

Correct, like 90% of the human race has hsv1.

I’m part of the tenth that doesn’t have it. My body is too powerful to accept disease.

Almost everyone has some form of herpesvirus, for example, the chicken pox. The nasty herpes are HSV1 and HSV2, oral and genital herpes. Only nasty people have these.

What most people don't realize is that "oral" and "genital" herpes can both infect the mouth and genitals, so if someone has either, they can give you nasty red breakouts on your dick.

No almost everyone has HSV1.

Also I’m studying to be a doctor but this talk about cock herpes makes me want to go the eye doctor way

No almost everyone has HSV1.

Wrong, "The lifetime prevalence in the United States of America is estimated at 20–45% of the adult population"

Having HSV1 is equally as bad as HSV2, and both should be 100% mandatory to report to a potential partner, with criminal penalties for failing to do so.

Well almost everyone is not right but worldwide prevalence is 67% in adults under 50. More likely than not I have it but I’ve never had any symptoms so what punishment should I get for having sex lol

Get tested. You might have a sexual plague that causes oozing red penis sores and you're not concerned? You're just eating all of the pro-STD propaganda that is being put out these days.

You know what else has high prevalance outside of America but is still not ok? Toxoplasmosis spores in your fucking brain. More than half the world has it, but way less than that in the US. Its proven to change your personality and fuck up the way you drive.

I have relatives who get cold sores so the odds of me never having contracted it from their saliva with shared food seem pretty bad. Also that makes HSV1 not an STD doesn’t it? I didn’t know it causes genital sores too

How little you know. Get tested.

I’m sure I have it like most people so what’s the point

We just established only dirty power bottoming sluts have it, and they should be shamed for having it.


Twitter is truly a white food containment app.

Well, he does call himself a hobo.

“You just like hating on a sex worker with herpes you fuckin troglodytes.”

duh lol

Okay so I’m gonna go ahead and assume that everyone on here with the “well why did you sleep with someone if you didn’t know them” is saving themselves for marriage and has NEVER hooked up with someone. You just like hating on a sex worker with herpes you fuckin troglodytes.

Thot finds it literally incomprehensible that someone could not be a Thot.

Dude, there's two options. Either you marry someone and lose your virginity in the pitch black passion of your honeymoon or you fuck someone the first hour you meet them.

Actually as a true Christian I'm not even going to have sex with my wife after we get married.

Sex is just consooming biologyshit and pleasuring women at all means you're a feminist, and therefore a cuck

I'll probably let some cucked soyboy feminist take care of her weak womancel needs while I concentrate on making Jesus memes for /r/ConsumeProduct

Thanks, for saying this, Pizza!

Based and Shakerpilled.

Why not both, bigot


Chick in question just commented and her anxiety is making her puke blood apparently..

We need to lure her here cos she seems a grade a lolcow

She has dreadlocks, she deserved worse

Lice isn't bad enough?

Nah that's like JV shit for having dreadlocks

and her anxiety is making her puke blood apparently..

no, ma'am, that is your 47 STD's doing that.

Okay so I’m gonna go ahead and assume that everyone on here with the “well why did you sleep with someone if you didn’t know them” is saving themselves for marriage

This is a very astute observation. There is no middle ground between saving yourself for marriage and being a prostitute. Also out of those two choices, being a prostitute is definitely the good one.

Cancel him.

I thought cancel culture wasn't real?

That’s assault and he knowingly gave her herpes.

And if it happened in California, that's not a crime!

You hate on sex workers with herpies


Shouldn't herpes be a mandatory retirement situation for sex-professionals?

as someone with genital herpes, a condom won't stop shit. i caught it while using a condom

Weird, my ex of 2 years had it and I never got it

you've probably got it, you just don't show symptoms. a lot of people are carriers and don't realise it

you might have avoided it if she was super careful not to bang during an outbreak, as that's when it's most contagious

heterosexual female to male transmission with a condom is actually pretty damn hard. The risk of female to male transmission of herpes with condom use is 2% per year.

If you have herpes, I can only conclude you were bottoming in penetrative sex with other males.


Over one year, the virus was transmitted to the other partner in 10 percent of couples. In 70 percent of cases, infection occurred at a time when there were no symptoms.

condoms don't do shit if the sores aren't literally inside her pussy. you can catch it from any contact within the boxer shorts area. stop getting your medical knowledge from tumblr blogs

That was from a medical journal, from a study where people weren't banging when someone had an outbreak because that's just fucking stupid. If you have herpes, you were taking it up the ass from a man.

Condoms don't even protect against herpes. How you gonna be this fucking stupid?

expecting mayo foids to have an ounce of intelligence

It’s basically unavoidable

You expect a sex worker to have any intelligence at all?

you'd think about STDs a hooker would be the most educated of any of us t b q h

I don’t

Yeah and you'd think boxers would be the most educated about CTE but try holding a conversation with any you can find who lived til 40

sex worker

Brother call them prostitutes.

Or whores

Paid sluts is too mean, or too accurate?

sex worker

you mean hooker?


You mean hooer?

Better yet, her (((friend)))) is a literal twitter whore. If I was hobo Johnson I’d sue her for giving him herpes. How tf does she even know it was him when she’s taking it from any basketball American with a gram of crack?

The foid cries out in pain as she strikes you.

So you fucking bet any abusive, incel tweets are being hidden. I’m not going to subject her to more abuse.

It's like sorting by controversial.

"I'm asking for a friend"

Twitter hoes gonna hoe, who would have known?

lol was instantly blocked for minor criticism

Swerfs btfo

Thinking condoms protect you from herpes.

Why not? Genuine question from non-freak.

It only needs skin to skin contact, and can be anywhere on your body that isn't covered in calluses.

There is nothing wrong with Hobo Johnson's music. It is very understandable to not like his combination of rap, spoken word, and indie rock, but he is a good sensitive boy who means no harm and just wants to schizo talk-sing about tfw no gf. Despite having never said "good morning" ever in his life, countless retards and their polycules have been ganging up on this poor innocent young man by trying to spread the idea that he is an incel, which is an absolute shame considering how minute his apparent misogyny actually is. For many people who think they're online, Hobo Johnson is the face of inceldom. This greatly disappoints me, as incels deserve a representative that actually represents their beliefs and Hobo Johnson is not the man for the job.

She’s a peach..... peach scone


She deleted it lol, archive ?

Ask snappy

where he at tho?

But snappy is fucking dead. He fell into a river

Something wrong, I hold my head

Snappy gone, my nigga dead 😭


Snappy ain't here. I missed it too :(

you da real MVP


Peach scone was code for STD in the house!

White Shari'a is the only answer.

It's gone. Screenshots?

wait until they hear how many black women have herpes (literally half of them between ages 14 to 49)

racist much, sweaty?

Looks like her Twitter was cancelled.

Dumb incels, like 1 in 5 people have an STD. Wild that yall are honing in on a woman being infected with an std after she was essentially raped.



My brother made me listen to Hobo Johnson once, that's when I realized that he was literally a congealed blob of mayo.

I guess I’ve mistakenly stumbled into an incel sub.

No one here has a problem getting laid. We hate women because we’re reasonable.

Anyone who says incel now is the real incel

Does anyone have the link to the person’s twitter? Tweet got removed.

Found a shitty cropped screenshot from a shitty blog post



Lol this whore deleted her account