Should the trans community hate crossdressers? Are they LGBT? Creative gatekeeping and cope abound.

1  2020-01-29 by -M-o-X-


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Troids are in no position to bash anyone on anything.

The portmanteau implies they are actually women, not based 😡

No it doesn't lmao, it's originally derived from negroid

since when did troids get elected to the top of lgbt? i guess the dykes and fags must be seething

Cross dressers are sassy caricatures of black women. Transgenders are sad caricatures of porn stars.

Drag is funny and good for lighthearted dramacoin

Troids are just kind of sad now tbh and even their drama's getting depressing

Troid drama is hilarious but in a sad way, most of them are incels who just wanted to be happy but fell for the wokeness trap.

The woke ouroboros will never stop being funny to me.

But the oroborous tangles itself like a rubber band ball then sprouts 100 different heads and starts biting itself at random

Like if the hydra tried doing it

I always just read this as a misspelling of 'ourbros' didn't realise it was its own thing

Everyone should hate everyone else, generosity of spirit is the most disgusting of all sensations

caring enough to hate


Based and apathypilled

The only emotions a man should ever feel are contentment and rage.

And hornyness.

That's included in rage.

I used to "fetishize" it when I was closeted-to-self because my brain confused short bursts of gender euphoria with sexual arousal—I'm a lesbian, so my euphoria and horniness overlap. Funny . . . and it still happens.

It looks like this person has the fetish and not gender dysphoria. I'm sad that these people took over the community :(

autogynephilic lesbian? now where have i heard that one before?

Troids complaining about fetishes is pretty funny

why does every comment in that thread have to be essay length??? im losing invaluable brain cell iq's just browsing the thread holy fucking shit on my balls

I don't hate crossdressers but I hate drag. Crossdressing doesn't inherently make a mockery of women.

Imo, most kinda do. Seeing makeup and shit on a dude and watching him try to act like a girl just kinda makes you see all the girly shit that normally blends in.

Most drag is clown tier shit so i hate them too

Gender is fluid until I don't like that particular liquid.

Trans people need to start being people that mind their own business

we are very different

How exactly?

Crossdressers have existed for far longer, in far greater numbers, and in a far more stable/recognizable form, than troids. Stay in your lane you weepy motherfuckers.

They also don't push "super girl juice" on kids.

They have been around forever but lately they are demanding that it is their civil right to invade women's and girl's spaces. They are active and vocal and it will not end well for them.