A chapocel derails a perfectly nice thread about a talking bird Òvó

1  2020-01-29 by KaaraRaven


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Is Òvó the bird version of owo

Yep! :>


peck me daddy Òvó

Poor dude. Carrying tendies all day gets tiring even for the strongest of us. You see a Reddit karma farming thread about a bird everyone already knows about and you just gotta toss em right in front of the normies.

Guys....if we just act pissy and shit all over enough random threads....Uncle Bernie will lead a global revolution and my stepdad and mom will stop bitching at me to get a job and move out.

God I hope Bernie wins the primary. What an election that would be

I don't think it's likely....

For some crazy reason, creating an account for Reddit doesn't register one to vote.

So the majority of Bernie's base is fucking useless...

This isnt school, you don't need to show your workings.

The final five words are more than self-sufficient.

I like to take others on journeys...


Take your hands out of your pockets, worm.
Oh so defiant. I am so afraid.
Look everyone, this is the future of your planet.
No wonder you're trying to colonize Mars.

Whoever says "But everything is political" to justify their random annoying shitpostings should be put into labor camps

On god heard this at parties before makes me want to stick a fork under their fingernails

Lock them up with the little Mexican kids.

Where’s snappy I’m a mobilecel and can’t be bothered to find the removeddit link myself ;_;

Wow what a tard. But I think something we don’t talk about enough are the kind of people who comment

Being a Democrat isn't a personality trait.

then, 1 hour later, with not a single reply or up/downvote decide to go back and delete it entirely of their own volition.

based bird jannie

To be fair, setting up a removeddit link is a lot of work on mobile.

When you realize everyone hates you so you swap sides to give negative publicity to opposition.

Is that what he was doing? I thought he was just your basic bitch troll.


I’m glad chapos are being recognized as the subhumans they are all across r*ddit

Ameritards are uniquely predispositioned to mental illness so it shouldn't be too surprising to see a random spergout