DevOps sperg cannot find gainful employment despite his shining, sunny personality. Proceeds to shit on his more successful, less socially awkward brother and shit the bed at a job interview yet again.

1  2020-01-29 by bumshecksagogo

"BadgerLad" first grabbed everyone's notice with this wonderfully autistic rant about his "nazi, Trump-loving" brother:

Original post text (as he's deleted it):

Here's a little tale which may help people to understand life in the UK today.

Both me and my brother are not very well brought up, but we have very different personalities. I'm going to describe them and how we're treated in our society.

He is a high school dropout who failed to pass a single foundation GCSE. He's also a deeply racist Trump admirer, virtual neo-Nazi on occasion, and I've heard him call for genocide against Muslims. Yet now he's earning some ridiculous salary (over £65k) in a DevOps role even though he his knowledge of IT is only minimal. He knows absolutely sod all about programming (he couldn't tell you what a "class" is, or what machine code is or what a CPU does) and his expertise seems to extend to Powershell-type commands, which he seems to think is really elite.

I wouldn't even mention money and profession if it weren't for the fact that he keeps bringing it up every time he gets caught making uninformed claims. He knows absolutely nothing about geography, history, science, current affairs etc. and constantly holds forth with his ridiculous opinion. The most amusing example was him dismissing Newton's laws of motion and confidently laying down the law on what "he thinks" is true of the motion of the orbits of the planets. I have a degree in physics but he dismisses that as bullshit and "fake study", as he does with all learning (and he even regards medical doctors as charlatans, and thinks he can do better than them with a Google search).

He's also a terrible liar who makes stuff up about me as I'd expect from a mortal enemy rather than a brother. This was the thing more than anything that completely poisoned our relationship. He can't stick to the truth, because he knows he will lose, so he has to live in a world of lies and negative spin.

Despite all the above, he claims to have society's blessing because he's "normal" and I'm a "weirdo" ... and I have to agree. I did well in my GCSEs and A-levels but graduated with a third. I was unemployed for a while not out of laziness but out of a shortage of jobs in the area and just out of interviewers not choosing to hire me which was a huge blow to my confidence. I went for dozens of interviews without getting hired. I'm entirely well-mannered, widely read, I'm well spoken, I don't make controversial statements, and I do well in technical tests. But some X factor leads to me being unsuccessful in the vast majority of interviews. I have been told I'm "not chatty enough" and "I won't fit in".

My brother on the other hand has been hired on his first go in every single interview he's been for. From what he tells me he typically has no technical test. I have to go through complete grillings on the technical part, and even when I pass them with flying colours I'm still sometimes told no because "not a good fit to the company culture".

So I think he's right: Most people would take his side, and they'd say that I'm the one with the problem. Employers can't be wrong, they'd say. Him earning a lot of money is proof that he's a wonderful person and a brilliant IT professional.

Or second hypothesis: Maybe we have a culture which penalises learning and honesty, and rewards ignorance, dishonesty, sneakiness and racism.

Anyway, now he's emerged again after having been rejected for yet another job:

Scuttlebutt has it that this may be an alt for a universe-sized intellect called "jhyperion".


Hahaha, you were so butthurt you reported all my posts to the moderators too.

You win this one, I'm not allowed to make fun of you anymore. Enjoy living your internet life every day, goodbye.


  1. DevOps sperg cannot find gainful em... -,

  2. -,*

  3. -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

My whole life is tip-toeing around other people's egos. As soon as they find that I'm an intellectual with a lower classification degree who reads philosophy, history, classics of literature, works out his own new algorithms, they start to come for me and try to destroy me. I have to keep it secret but I'm always found out in the end, as I simply can't conceal a huge part of my identity.

Can this be a new snappy quote

This is borderline darqwolff-tier

He’s got a high opinion of himself for somebody who finished undergrad with a C.

I do front end and I make just over £100k lmao stay mad autism nerds

He deleted that one too

God sometimes I really wish I can meet people like this in real life. Their sheer autism, delusion, and instability leave them one step from a breakdown at best or disassociation worst. Seeing them do shit is like going to the zoo.

Get an IT job. There's always atleast one.

DevOps is not for the socially awkward weirdos. You actually have to be a people person and get people to work together. He should just focus on getting into back end development.

DevOps is not for the socially awkward weirdos.

Correct. It's for the socially awkward aspiring micromanagers.