SRD discusses the violent misogyny of Family Matters.

1  2020-01-30 by blorkpork


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You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. SRD discusses the violent misogyny ... -,

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This headline made me laugh.

So did his username

Thanks. The sanctimony spoke for itself.

Many srdines don't realise they're the stock creepy guy

I remember I was the weirdo for not liking Family Matters as a kid. I HATED Urkle. I’d get so angry when an episode was on, and I remember full on storming out of the room if I couldn’t change the channel.

When you're feeling down on yourself just remember that though life might seem bad at the moment, at least you're not this person.

Severely autistic behavior, but I’m sure it’s about Family Matters

Imagine remembering any of the storylines or characters in that show, besides Steve Urkel.

If you wanna do the MasterLawlz dance

All you gotta do is hitch up your pants

Bend your knees and knees and stick out your pelvis

I’m telling you baby it’s better than Elvis

Lmao mineta is mvp against foids