cb2 gets big buttmad that human beings are expected to be functional and complete basic tasks

1  2020-01-30 by 600_lbs_of_sin


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I was gonna start playing league again til I saw they auto filter the N slur now. Noped right out.

Gaming is basically dead.


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"How dare he not waste thousands of dollars so that she shouldn't feel bad about making a huge boneheaded mistake that he warned her about?"

Cb2 is literally /r/niceguys at this point.

I still don't understand how that original OP or anyone else would think that the relationship was still going after him bailing on her. Honestly I can't see why either party would want to stay in the relationship after that.

Seriously. How do you come home thinking things will pick up where you left them.

I got downvoted for saying everyone sucked but the girl much more because regardless of her being criminally stupid about the whole thing you are still an asshole if you bail on your GF at the airport. It might have been justified to not waste thousands but that is definitely a relationship ender and you'd be an asshole to expect to just carry on after the fact like it was normal.

I mean she could've done an Express job in her passport and met up with him a week later but that would involve her knowing how to care for herself.

It might have been justified to not waste thousands but that is definitely a relationship ender and you'd be an asshole to expect to just carry on after the fact like it was normal.

I mean what's the alternative, he throw away everything? Realistically he won't even get a partial refund for that shit, and I'm going to assume he's the bread winner with how retarded she is.

I'm saying regardless of how the vacation ended the whole event should have ended the relationship. The whole event is just proof that the chick was basically a leech and expecting the dude to be her surrogate father and do all the adult responsibility things for her while she sits back and spends his money.

The fact that the dude bailed on his leech GF and she was angry at him for doing it and he thinks they will just pick up the relationship makes me think neither person is a goof choice as a partner.

Yeah, you got downvoted for being a complete retard.

you are still an asshole if you bail on your GF at the airport

The airport which is a 20 minute train ride from the city? I go further than that to go to work.

If someone told me to check my passport expiry, I didn't do it, then we realised at the airport that my passport is expired, I would literally insist that they go without me. If anything I would be apologetic that they wasted money on accomodation and airfare only for me to complete squander it by not checking my passport when they literally asked me to do it.

pretty sure what's happening is:

  • gf really just wants someone to babysit her forever so she never needs to deal with responsibility. but low-key she knows if she dumps OP she's not likely to find another man who will put up with this shit. so she'd rather use this to guilt him into endless secretary-hood

  • OP is a doormat (and a redditor, shocking!) but lately he's been growing traces of a spine and that's why he needed the internet to explain that he's dating a large child

I like how they can't appreciate he's basically taking a vacation from her retarded ass. They said he's going to get dumped but the broad fucked up her car because she ran it till it was out of oil, it's going to go the other way around.

You have no excuse in this era of YouTube. I didn't know how to install some new headlights, what do I fucking do? I pull it up and get a detailed tutorial for my 97 piece of shit car.

So the takeaway here is basically "He's an asshole for expecting a f*id to be able to do even the most basic tasks". Is CB2 secretly low-key redpilled or what's going on here?

Horseshoe theory

hahahaha how could I, I do that shit all the time: don't know how to properly post a letter (c'mon, it's been ages), don't know shit about car mainetenance, did something similar at the airport, etc.

Oh, so he's just mad about this because he's a fucking loser like the gf.

And how the FUCK does anyone not know how to post a letter? You put it in an envelope, you write an address on it, you put a stamp on it, and you put it in the pretty blue box on the streetcorner. A developmentally normal five-year-old can handle that shit. I'm not even memeing when I say anyone who can't successfully post a letter as an adult should be medically evaluated for mental retardation.

these are the same people that are completely unable to order a fucking pizza over the phone because MuH aNxIeTy

Modern civilization was a mistake.

This is such a great find. The highlight of the thread is that one CB2 foid saying she'd do the same if her partner was an absolute manchild, and attracting only upvotes and no controversy whatsoever even though there are autists throwing a shitfit defending m'lady on every comment above and below hers.