Foid makes a small dick joke, her husband and her son get offended by this. How can OP survive this misogyny?

1  2020-01-30 by BINGO_U_BETTER_B18


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Man, why does this have to be bait?

Why are men's egos so wrapped up in penis size it's ridiculous!

First thing that comes to mind when she wants to insult a moid is to say he has a small penis

Planck length IQ

Probably a troll, but I have met some women that have this kind of reasoning process. Not with donger size specifically, but just the “what? No but moids bad, you know what I mean, don’t gaslight me”.

People in general tend to be prone to hypocrisy.

But yeah, I've no doubt this was a troll post. Pretty funny, though.

It's like saying "Why are X people so defensive?" and then and using the negative response you get to justify your statement.

shit i saw a ted talk by a woman talking about how bad slut shaming is and she made a small penis joke in like the first 3 minutes.

foids were a mistake, mayo foids the greatest of all

Probably not a troll "Man bad woman good" is incredibly common

tbh if your "penis" is smaller than 30cm you should have already started HRT

I know 30 cm is probably more hassle than it’s worth, but I want it anyway. Lab grown dick transplants when?

Let me tell you, anything bigger than 23cm has absolutely no benefit, you're just gonna absolutely destroy her cervix unless you buy one of those dick bumper rings (but then what's the point of having a big dick in the first place)

I want it anyway.

I recomend visiting /r/bigdickproblems and reconsider.

I unironically still want it.

I hate the metric system, but I always use cm to describe my penis length because it sounds more impressive to Amerifoids.

Planck constant*


lmao yeah the op is a moron for the comment she made but her husband and son are worse imo for being small dicked pansies

she outted him as being 5 inch max!

It never even began for average-cels





In more civilised countries that's a whole dozen of proud centimeters. Nothing to be ashamed of.

she prolly said worse shit and is just downplaying

Husband needs to divorce her and get a poor wife so she knows her place

Bottom shelf bait. Not fresh at all.

Do you feel you are being treated.... Unfairly?

It might actually be a self-righteous mother. It reads like bait, and she checks off all of the narcissistic insensitive woman tropes. However, look at her post history, and notice that after she got dragged for her story in advice and relationship_advice, she posted it to AITA with a bunch of details left out or downplayed, which is classic internet validation-seeking behavior. It's very possibly still a troll, but if it is they're doing a well considered, subtle twist on a classic.

26% upvoted

oh boy /r/advice is not happy with this foid

are dicklets the new manlets?

lol, this crazy void also took this to AITA and relationship_advice

Troll probability is high, but there's some pretty juicy discussion especially in the AITA post as they eat the bait.

one of the few times I've ever seen positive scores on calling a woman a loose vagina


Imagine getting the woke Twitter treatment IRL from your family.

Son banned you for this comment

Based and equalitypilled.

Remember these words, humans.

Dicklets deserve to be bullied

into transitioning, inshallah

do men really get this upset over the old 'compensating for a small dick' line? that's awesome, it means that when you yell it at someone in tactikool gear or driving a flashy sports car like a maniac that it actually does hurt their feelings

No more than you do when the old ladies at the grocery store mock you for your purple hair.

people die their hair stupid colors to get that kind of reaction tho

Well if we’re talking about Eastern all-stars Mercy purple,then it’s hot to me.💁🏼‍♂️

But women and simps get more butthurt than men ever could:

And don’t forget that butthurt foid who made the dating chart for Leo.

But women and simps get more butthurt than men ever could:

dunno, you don't see as many going on shooting sprees or getting into bar fights because someone insulted their honor or rejected them or whatever

True,women are less violent,but they’re the ultimate tattletales. Cancel culture was invented by women.

True,women are less violent

Most violence is the result of an extreme emotional reaction to something

Cancel culture was invented by women.

counter-point: gamergate

Counter counter point: Zoe quinn

counter counter counter point: Zoe's cuck

I used to feel bad for him, but why would you put your humiliation on the internet like that? Ultimate cuck behavior.

i feel bad for him, but he made a continuous string of bad decisions by advertising his crypost and engaging with people about it everywhere. then again, at the time the internet was certain to boil over over something stupid so it's not entirely his fault

counter counter counter counter point: Zoe's bull

...No wait...

You win.

Zoe's bull

which one?

She bought the farm? O.O

If they have a small pecker they do lmao

The thing about what the lady wrote is the fact that her son is going through puberty and awkward/self conscious about his manhood. Making jokes at the expense of men when you have a self conscious son is obviously just a stupid and insensitive thing to do to your child

Edit: aw fuck I did a serious post.

Dude tiny pecker lmao

Oh my fucking God, if my son was sensitive enough to not talk to me for 3 days over this, I'd bully him myself because clearly it's not happening enough at school

Teach him to stick up for himself too and make him learn how to throw a punch

Realising your parents are morons is the first step to becoming an adult, 2nd step is realising they are stupid but not as stupid as you thought

This entirely unironically


It evokes about as the same level of shame as when a man mocks some roastie for being a slut who banged 12 guys behind a gas station dumpster.

The truth just hurts.

Dicklets do lmao

That thread would fit perfectly on r/madsmalldickredditor

I really don’t get the dicklet question. Of course women prefer a bigger dick, it’s literally genetics. They’re insecure about having to wear makeup, brush their hair, shave their armpits and paint their nails just to be as presentable as a naturally beautiful moid so let them have this

We need an equivalent of eyelash extensions and acrylic nails for dicks.

Dick extenders are a thing.

penis sheaths exist tho

I try to forget about those

I try to forget about those

Good idea tbh.

All this also reminded me of

ok furry

She also posted this on AITA

Assuming it's real, which is rather dubious already.

She is hinting at divorcing her husband over this so I hope it's real but in my heart I know it's fake.

Guys, this is bait. This ain't real.

You’ll get downvoted for saying that here, too much overlap between the users of this sub and the target group of the bait.

Women does something bad

Must be incels trolling

Every single time, like a clockwork