MurderedbyWords multiple orgasms when they learn some Europoor country fines rich people disproportionately

6  2020-01-30 by aduketsavar


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Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. MurderedbyWords multiple orgasms wh... -,

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My heart has gone dark but I don't know what this has to do with my post what are you implying?

MurderedbyWords is one of the subs I hate deeply.

r/wholesome r/nextfuckinglevel r/oddlysatisfying r/productporn

r/facepalm r/forwardsfromgrandma r/RoastMe r/ShowerThoughts

Woah wtf happened to forwardsfromgrandma?

Went from boomer minion memes to political horseshit. Another good sub ruined by the 2016 election.

As like everything it got political

It’s like every other anti drunpf resistance sub Reddit. It’s mostly partisan political posts, that aren’t even remotely people being murdered by words.

If I knew how to use Paint I'd do a coaxedintoasnafu about MurderedbyWords or other subs like it

I remember a post on lizzo about how fat she was, she legitimately got murdered by words. It got zero upvotes lmao

props to the ron swanson tumblr account for producing that amount of angry essay-posting with such lazy bait

$100 dollar ticket and $100k dollar ticket is not equality

it's equal in what's it worth to each of those people

Why would dramautists even be against this? Pat of the people would go from $100 speeding tickets to like 11 cents, lmao.

Wouldn't this create a big perverse incentive? If I'm a finnish cop, I know that pulling over one millionaire will get me more money than pulling over 1000 poor people. It could potentially be cost justified to spend an entire day just trying to get that one ticket.

I don't speak russian, but I would really be curious to see if any of the west russian police departments there do things like post someone on the parking lot of nice buildings to see when rich people leave so they can be tailed.

Probably depends on who really gets that money. If it floats off to the government rather than just the police department, I doubt it would have a huge affect.

There's almost always some kind of sharing agreement. Its just like the civil forfeiture shit that drove all sorts of criminal behavior.

idk that sounds a lil retarded

Did you just drop a hard r slur?

I guess it makes sense when you consider how notoriously trusting of police restraint the average leftoid is.

Just general ignorance of how crooked traffic enforcement schemes usually are. Like those cops they caught making like 300 grand billing hours they weren't working as traffic enforcement in some other parish?

The city or the government take the money, not cops

They still place emphasis on the cops to generate the revenue. The cop that catches a millionaire speeder is going to be more likely to be promoted than the one who catches 100 hobo speeders.

Ah ok, didn't know that

Lmao more like r/blurtedbyspergs

Sub's kinda pointless since you can respond to literally any of their seething essays with "lmao ok retard"

Rich people should get less prison time than poors because their time is worth more, CMV

They fine them proportionately. The fine is proportionate to their wealth.

Which is retarded. Everyone is equal before law.

The law concerns speeding. The traffic law is the same for everyone. Then the concern is deterring and punishing people with a monetary fine if they are guilty. A monetary fine is only a deterrent/punishment if the money is a significant portion of the offenders wealth.

This is radically centric and based. Absolute fairness.

I don't understand the proportional punishment argument. Money still has the same buying power to rich people, even if they're rich. Ten dollars will still get Bill Gates a meal at a restaurant, even if he's worth enough to buy the entire franchise.

If someone is rich, it's totally their problem if they want death by a thousand petty fines. Who cares, the system is making money off of them anyway. If you want to punish them, take away licenses after so many infractions. There's already existing laws; people can't just go double the speed limit and walk away with a slap on the wrist.

It's probably why all the fuckin rich people move to America because we don't cuck them with taxes and retarded laws

The logic behind that policy would also support prison sentences being longer the younger someone is because they have more of their life left and so the loss of X amount of prison time is less damaging than it would be for someone older.

Well, if you fine people to punish/dissuade them, logically the rich should pay more.

The whole point of being rich is so that you don’t have to obey the law, poorcel

Only poor people are gonna worry about getting fined TBH... whats the matter can’t afford to speed? Get money virgin


Lmao no retard. Equal punishment for equal crimes, no matter your race, wealth or background.