Californiacels BTFO

1  2020-01-31 by AI_WAIFU


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Is there anything good about cali?

Not for you

No Drumpftards

"If you disagree with fighting microaggressions, then you're not a liberal."

"The hand gestures are clearly a microaggression, same as the demands that students have to do homework. These kinds of demands are typical of the patriarchal white Western civilization mindset that holds us back."

"If you disagree with fighting microaggressions, then you're not a liberal."


Worlds 6th largest economy, hot women, perfect weather, legal weed.

If you are an upper middle class high income earner it can be great, but if you are poor, then you fucked

What’s being the worlds six largest economy have to do with anything lol. You could have the worlds largest and it can be shit for the average person.

That's why I said you should be at least upper middle class, retard. If you are an average person with an average job then live in the rust belt

Based and BRICSpilled

hot women,


Is it really much of a debate?

You're right. It's mostly full of uggos and skanks.

Lol what place in the states would you say is better?

Nigga I live in Cali. You're not winning anyone over.

Then I'm asking u where the bitches are better lol. Arizona has some, but most of them are just cali girls going to college.

Maybe NYC?

I like blondes because as a Iberian Ubermensch it's my duty to civilize g*ermanoids. So Utah ig.

So I came to Cali after being in a long term relationship so maybe that's why lol


lmao you probably live in the valley or bay or some shithole in socal. living in the sierra is fucking amazing

Compared to most of the world yeah. Are you really gonna debate that?

You think Oklahoma has the babes?

The crabs by the shore

A downvote from a commie is the equivalent of an upvote from someone with braincells. So thanks, man.


  1. Californiacels BTFO -,

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Friendly reminder that this is only bad if you're a poor homeless piece of shit.

This is just going to add to the CA refugee problem so I'd argue it's bad for the whole country. We need to build a wall.

The more people California houses the more people it can turn into Californians.

As long as they stay in California I don't care. I just don't want them shitting up my PNW any more than they already have.


Oh so you're already vermin, never mind.

Probably worse than vermin; I live in Portland.

Increased density and 400 sq ft boxes is the latest obsession of the Leftists or, as you say

poor homeless piece of shit

/r/toronto has a thread or two a week discussing ways of how to increase density in the city "to hep the poor".

I was curious and looked at the 600 sf NYC apartments. Lots of yikes and ew from me, dawg. It's like living in a hotel room.

Commiefornia proving once again living there is shit.

At least the foods good. I wish I had more to use as cope.

What food is good there

Ok California has no redeeming qualities.

California just exists as a place that people from Arizona use to go to the beach.

street feces tacos

Those are good but wait till you try their signature heroin needle quesadilla

Only thing they got are beaches and then on the other side is mountains. You have your choice of activities but my god the laws and taxes there are terrible.

OK but unironically nimbys aren't people, believing in zoning laws should be a capital offense.

I like the Reddit reasoning that property owners shouldn’t decide what happens in their area and should just cede control to fly by night renters.

Once folx cross the threshold from woke lib to socialist, there's no one they hate more than landlords, single family home owners, and police dogs. They let loose depths of seethe that don't even emerge for actual Nazis.

Tokyo did away with zoning laws and now housing is affordable.

No, thanx