Basketball coomer drama

1  2020-01-31 by SkrrtSkrrtMyDickHurt


I had an ad for a site called Black Crush “because black girls need sex too”

Lmao. Glad to see you're finally using this account.

I thought this was better than pibble drama I usually post.

You browse the negro forums?

But yeah I love this account

Still getting threats from pit nutters?

I was looking for fat booty bitches to coom to and that thread popped up.

Not recently but I have not used this account in a few months but I’m back at it haha

I want to read this thread but I legit need someone to translate this from retard-nigger to english.

I love how it has random coomers begging for porn in-between the basketball-americans fighting.

And could someone translate this for me?

U a internet thug nigga stfu & go beat yo dick smfh

Is it an insult or is he trying to make peace?

He's insulting him for being what most people know as a "keyboard warrior".

Thank you, where did you learn to speak fluent ebonics?

I'm black and I was born in the hood. Most people don't believe it but it's true.

Nice. I was born in the hood too. But I'm white so I just got jumped and had my bike stolen.

True story.

Being a white person in the hood is literally a curse lmao. Black people hate you for being white and white people hate you for being around black people.

Pretty much, still got along with the Vietnamese (who hunted morning doves off our bird feeder with a slingshot) and Mexicans. They always had good food.

The neighborhood I lived in as a kid was pretty much all black people. I didn't meet any other races until we moved from my granny's house and I was shit at socializing (and still am) so I never bothered to talk to them.

You were born in the hood but couldn't understand that basic ass ebonics phrasing? It's not even that far off from how a lot of white folk speak in the South.

Source, black Welshman with family in the States.

I live in the country now and half the time can't make head or tail of what cleetus is saying

  1. stop being a fag

  2. order Popeyes chicken sandwich

  3. browse WorldStar for 5 minutes

  4. stream Ice Cube's first 2 albums

  5. try reading it again, because now you'll be the retard-nigger and should understand just fine

One of my favorites from the exchange

I’ll call you a faggot ass nigga that’s what I’ll call you gay ass boy & you don’t got no one number quit cappin yo simp ass

Click back and forward a pages this shit is wild, niggas fighting over who stole which That's nudes and reporting eachother's posts and getting them DMCA'd.

I eat ur gay ass reddiquette for breakfast and shit it out on Alexis Ohanian's wife stomach while having kinky sex with her


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