Fuck every leaver that put us in this situation. I will never forgive any of you or what you've wrought upon this country. You're all fooled by sham populist slogans and idiots like Farage and Johnson - juvenile puerile dimwits who think it's all about "winning" and "owning the libs"

1  2020-01-31 by bumshecksagogo


No wonder you have an army of pretentious neckbeard losers following you around


  1. Fuck every leaver that put us in th... - archive.org, archive.today

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You're all fooled by sham populist slogans and idiots

Isn't this every election in every country since the beginning of democracy?

It's the political version of the "I'm not like other girls* thing.

you fools! You've been taken in by populism and lying demagogues, unlike myself who enjoys a close and mutually-beneficial relationship with my chosen politician

It's been this way since at least the Gracchi brothers.

They deserved worse

Is there a u/ thereasonbrexitwon ?

It could be you.


Be the change you want to be

The salt mines are truly flowing today

I mean they are right now that the EU can't protect Britain now, it will become Pakistan's new colony. Streetshitting will be common and you will have to speak Arabic to buy groceries in the store. And bong will deserve all of it for voting themselves into a third world country.

All of Europe is already practically a Third World country leaving the European “stuff your country full of refugees” Union will not change that fact.

Sorry but you don't know anything about the EU, it is basically an Apartheid state run by Germany called Fourth Reich, they united so the US and USSR couldn't fuck them over like they did in the two world wars. There is an enourmous wall around the EU, and Britain want to leave it because pajeets took over it, and they conviced the bongs with degenerate liberalism that EU are "nazis", for their ghettos. Now that the EU can't force them to refuse the millions Pakis that want to move to Britain. There is this law in Britian that citizens of any nation that was part of the Commonwealth can just move there, whenever they want to, but it went against EU law so this law was suspended while Britain was in the EU. Now Pakis can finally create their Islamic State of Bongistan they always wanted.

God I hope a strong man from austria comes to germany to lead the eu into a prospering future.

Merkel is our Führer. Heil Merkel!

I'm proficient in Arabic thanks to diversity

I don't know if you're British but if you are or you move to Great Britain, then it will be useful skill.

you can work for GCHQ and help your country cuck for the americans

You say these things like they aren't already true

But Pakis speak Urdu; they speak it to your 12 year old daughter while they're fucking her.

I know but they need to teach all those bongs Arabic so they can read the words of the Prophet (PBUH) in the Quran.

Not every Pakistan is a rapist; just most of them.

Some, I assume, are good people

Pakistanis speak Urdu, not Arabic.

It's all foreign gobbledygook to me

They're kinda right, Brexit will probably skullfuck their economy and they will gain nothing from it, America will offer them a hilariously one sided trade deal and they'll accept it because they have no leverage anymore, same with the EU and the UK goes from being a top player in the EU to just being Burgerland's bitch or the EU's bitch since they still have to abide by all their regulations now they just don't get any voice.

I love brexit.

Free at last! Free at last! Thank God almighty, we're free at last!

I live in Britain and try to avoid all brexit news so this is mostly new to me and

The UK will enter a transition period until 31st December 2020. During this period, the UK will continue to trade under the same EU rules, follow ECJ rulings, and contribute to the EU budget.

Literally all that changes for a year is that we don’t get representation in EU parliament. Why is my government so fucking incompetent

So that people get told we finished brexit. I'm gonna laugh when the transition period deadline gets postponed.

Literally all that changes for a year is that we don’t get representation in EU parliament.

As an American, this is quite ironic

Relax. It’ll be fine.

Days like today are how you can tell that Reddit is filled mostly with seething spoiled middle class mayo kids.

Like god forbid they have to pay 10p more at tescos for their nutella just so some racist-xenophobic-homophobic northie doesn't have to become an indentured servant to feed his family. The same guy also unironically votes Labour because he is a "leftist".

currently reading the reactiongif thread and watching people's insane hot takes.

I'm loling at the poster who said "screw you guys I'm off to Norway".

...Norway, in case you didn't know, isn't in the EU, so way to make a protest there.