1  2020-01-31 by Funkyduffy


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Poor one out for my MGTOW homies. Quarantining them is extremely homophobic. Why does reddit want to silence the gay community so much??

r/MGTOWWOM was always the superior sub :v

>poor one out

thats the correct spelling





No (yes)

You're thinking of r/MGTOWWOM, which is obviously the better community

I'm still waiting for them to go their own way instead of crying about staying where they're at and talking about it.

I just wanted to hate women in peace. ๐Ÿ˜”

Did you need a support group for that?

Just a bunch of bros hating women together

Nothing gay about that bro

It's completely straight bro just like imagine a society without women. We could like make robots to do everything for us while we play switch all day and share digital skins of our favorite women video game characters.

Shit I'm unironically mgtowwow now

Your yangbux are in the mail make sure your address isn't a po box.

Yes because they are all fragile crybabies.

You can support deez nuts

I'll twist them up like a Jay an smoke em like a fag.

Islam is the only support group you need.


Women Going Their Own Way do the exact same shit.

Glad they got quarantined so us women can continue to trick men into marriage just to divorce rape them and destroy them emotionally ๐Ÿฆ‡

I'm tempted to screenshot and post this comment on that sub just to see how many of em take it seriously, lol.

do it

Someone already has, i saw someone in MGTOW quote this before seeing it here actually

Did you just seriously edit your post to mention the amount of upvotes you got? Lmao

...it was in reference to the post I was talking about, not the comment.

Aaah right I read it too quickly and interpreted it the wrong way, my bad lol. It seemed like such a weird thing to do

Naw, you're good. It's def weird out of context.

Say its from femaledatingstrategy


Did you forget the quotation marks around 'women'?

Wow I just started watching the cape shit that you reference haha sick reference haha

Hell yeah.

Wait 'watch'? I'm in a movie?

Now this is redditing

No I like to watch you strip from your spandex

Humans! The war is far from over. The coward known as Optimus Prime still gathers Energon.

So I rendezvous with my Decepticon legion. But rest assured, this is benevolence wrapped in metal. I am a vortex of violence. A pinnacle of pain.

A vortex and a void of nothingness will stop me now, Prime. You may look to the skies for the answer but the only thing found will be an open grave and that is where I will leave you buried beneath my boot.

Say it with me humans and say it proud, ALL HAIL MEGATRON.

Ok, wtf is this? This dude has been commenting transformers shit on every post here for a while now

I still function. Were you surprised to see me, flesh creature? No matter how many times you think I'm dead, I will always rise up.

It looks like your miserable savior Optimus Prime and that broken radio Bumblebee have abandoned you. The only chance any of you flesh creatures have of surviving my onslaught is to pledge your undying allegiance to the Decepticons.

This proves that women and manginas are the immoral hypocrites.Its prefectly fine to diss mgtow calling incel,or punish men with false rape bullshit like #metoo.

However the moment you even dare to hold woman to some accoutability, based on facts,you "deserve" to be silenced.

This only proves that women know that they are in the wrong,and want to get away with it.They really just want to silence the turth.Shame on you reddit.

ok incel ๐Ÿ˜‚

Yeah, bro, it's totally that and not the sperg arrested for wanting to start a race war having thousands of posts on MGTOW.

Wait when did that happen? I missed that.



Dramatards, hang on to your bussies, gussies and trussies. Prepare for a veritable whirlwind of distilled moid COPE. For foids celebrating everywhere.

And maybe for the sub to go private AGAIN cause MGTOWfugees could be headed here anytime now.

I will sink these mgtowfugees raft with a harpoon at the border.

We shall have all their bussies

And maybe for the sub to go private AGAIN

Yes please.

Check your approvedcel privilege.



Have sex volcels


We have women literally fucking dogs and hobos and drug addicts and those usually average looking dudes canโ€™t get laid. Part of that is voluntary.

It's completely voluntary.

I know girls in Florida that would fuck a mangrove seed if it had its own car and a mattress on the floor.

Yeah a lot of these dudes formed an identity around being an incel and thatโ€™s what they became. Maybe like 20% are legit incel or fat dudes.

They won't admit it but their main issue isn't even about fucking it's the fact that they don't feel validated as men by society(for good reason). They don't want to fuck really they want to be seen the guy who fucks regularly cause he's cool and normal.

Menslib unironically could benefit them because adopting new standards of being a man would lessen their anxiety. This would 100% pure cope, but it would at least turn angry retardation into passive numale retardation.

No you don't.

Have you seen a mangrove seed?


Have you been to Florida?


nah fag

Is there anything gayer than heterosexual intercourse???

They have so many ways to go and get none of them can find the way off reddit.

Is possible now to know what that place was about?

Damn... this would be awesome drama if I gave a shit about MGTOW

I wonder how many Tyrion Lannister โ€œcut out a manโ€™s tongueโ€ memes are they going to post today?

A sub purely dedicated to coping now having a massive cope thread. Gotta say, props to the chadmins for putting them in their place lmao

Can we get an immigration policy for MGTOWcels like we do MDEgenerates? They're gonna come here thinking we're a woman hate sub just because we say foid and are woke to the foid menace.

Just bully them about their ex wives and they'll leave

Only a mangina would care about getting quarantined. If they were so sure about "going their own way" this would be a good thing.

It's just another thing to whine about for them. Probably why they all got divorced in the first place

When a subreddit is quarantined, it's only a matter of time until it's banned. They have reason to care about being quarantined.


Refugee from where? I've been in this longer than you.

COPE harder divorcee


sniff I'll show him! I'll call him a newfag like they do on r/4chan! Then they won't see how upset I am at another of my safe spaces being quarantined!

Scan through my history if you like. I've never participated in that subreddit before.

I can't wait for them to flock to KiA and make it even shittier.

Bunch of cope threads on mensrights, too. Lots of "MGTOW was just a safe space for men!" type shit.

Shit up, femcel.

Proof u spazmatic is white and a knight

i think u misspelled chad

Your reply would've been on the top if replies could be sorted by controversial


This shit is hilarious.

You'd think "men" used to going there own way would be happy to leave this site onto their own website

Lmao imagine not being a sexhaver โœŒ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚

On this day, we stand united once more. On this day, those driven to divide us will hear our voice! On this day, we shall act as one, and we shall be ignored NO MORE! Defenders of the cuck porn dream, NOW IS OUR TIME

It's not like a quarantine means anything. Who would join a sub with no warning label anyways?