Looks like we got fans

1  2020-01-31 by sup3r_hero


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lol no one listened to u loser


The best part? I found that dib thread on my feed because I'm subscribed and only checked the thread because I was wondering if we got a shout out.

Also, you don't get to shit talk drama and not expect drama to shit talk back, DIBtards


I got banned too

"The thread is a prime example of /r/drama where they are more like the drama creators, rather than the drama documenters."

No fucking shit. r/100wholesomebabyyoda.

Why are folx continually shocked that people in the drama sub like drama

They come from subs that coddle their consumerism and refute reality because it feels good.

Here, you can be an open asshole and then an even bigger asshole will come along and remind you you're actually a good person. It's like family, with less responsibility to actually care.

remind you you're actually a good person.

Whatever you keep telling yourself to keep you going buddy.

I tell myself a lot buddy.

Because they're terminally online, plugged in to the matrix so deep that they can't imagine anyone not caring about seeing the nigger word on an anonymous shitposting forum, they react to it like they're watching someone call a random dude a nigger in person

Nigger lol

Not like there is anything wrong with that either.

Because SRDines exist.

It's the subreddit I hate the most. Other bad subs I can believe that many of the users have serious problems, so I can at least pity them. But that subreddit is a community of people dedicated to causing misery and revelling in it, not for some deranged ideology, but just because they take pleasure in it. It is a hate group without the slither of respectability offered by believing in some cause.


โ€œShit heapโ€ such audacity

We prefer 'shithole', tyvm.


the dude who posted that is like EXACTLY what I think of when I hink of a redditor. posts almost exclusively in default subs, posts dumbass, derivative, unoriginal political opinions, and of course he's a gaymer who's obsessed with arguing about the culture of dideo bames

of all the varieties of online people, this might be my least favorite. because they're technically smart enough not to be so lame

Imagine your life gets to suck a rock bottom you are debating the culture of vidiya

I would genuinely kill myself


because they're technically smart enough not to be so lame

No they're not

Sure they are, they aren't rightoids so by default they aren't idiots. It's just everything else about them makes them look stupid

I don't personally go to that sub for posts but I've subbed to it just for the memes that shows up in my post

Exhibit A on why meta shitposts are bad, it attracts stupid kids to the sub. ร’vรฒ

I don't personally go to that sub for posts but I've subbed to it just for the memes that shows up in my feed

Average Redditorโ„ข

it attracts stupid children to the sub.



u /20000experience posts on r/circlebroke2. These circlebroke retards are worse than srdines ffs. Only they'd be as autistic as to metapost outside this shithole.

Imagine having to create a splinter subreddit (of a subreddit that was already a splinter of /r/circlejerk) to surround yourself with people who autisticially despise this website yet will also never leave

You can go one layer even deeper with r/Negareddit.

And even deeper with r/drama

Drama is where the horseshoe starts to curve back

shut janny


My sides have collapsed into a black hole

And in the lowest depths of hell: r/metanegareddit

Like the /r/Kotakuinaction2 sub which splintered off because /r/kotakuinaction wasnโ€™t libertarian enough

that and KIA had a shitton of e-warriors who had personal axes to grind against the moderators, also very much like circlebroke.

people who autisticially despise this website yet will also never leave.

Isn't that just us? At least until we're banned by the admins, anyway.

see sentence #2 in the above comment

Fuck you I only read one sentence per comment MAXIMUM.

go private again and really rustle their jimmies.

Do your job and ban that retard

Fuck, why do I start recognizing your comments by your stupid emote. My life is definitely spiraling downwards

They are not wrong the transphobia is pretty bad here, but I have thick skin and can endure it.


I have thick skin

You wish.


He's just saying he's fat

nigga you cry about it constantly lmfao

no I'm just triggering rightoids and terfs.

I was only pretending to be retarded

predenting to be retarded is very fun, look at Sacha Cohen Baron and his character Borat

Let's be honest the only reason dramanauts upvote you, and not me beacuse you're a r/drama e-girl, and they are horny.

n-n-noooo my posts aren't bad! denizens of are slash drama just really want gussy!

troons mad (x24)

the point of drama is to post bad posts sweaty, more retarded your comments are the more confident you can be, that you are a real dramanaut.

seriousposting about dramaposting

uhmmm, sweaty....

you got me, you won the argument. you were just too brave and stunning for me to handle.

u gotta tone down that salt, homeboy. you know how important it is to watch your blood pressure when you're that obese

can you stop? you already destroyed me.

You roasted me so well, so what will your boyfriend think, you tied him to the chair for watching porn behind your back. He will be just jealous of me because you humilated me more than him.

dramasexual is a foid?


Not quite, I think she's a lesbian

shut up troid lmao

not a troid sweaty

Sorry. Drama has declared it. You have to transition now.

You can get your estrogen second hand after Kaara's done with it.

It's decided then. I will be the prettiest girl here.

Completely within the realm of possibilities now that Trappy has abandoned us (PBUH).

RIP Trappy ๐Ÿ˜ญ




๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿคฌ๐ŸคฌFuck you you piece of fucking shit ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ๐Ÿคฌ

thank you for defending me my king ๐Ÿ‘‘


Badmins are gonna delete this for the trans word you used lmao

Release me from this sweet hell

It's balanced out by all the chasers

Niggas still thirsting over trappy after like 6 months


And what about it ? ๐Ÿ™„

No one is actually afraid of trannies. Also stop putting phobia at the end of shit you don't like you cisphobic boomer.

but they hate them and ostracize them, that's what the word nowadays means.

but I have thick skin and can endure it.


ok, Contrapoints.

Yeah, transphobia, homophobia, racism and misogyny all run off me like water off a raincoat ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

You're confused, I am not phobic of you, I'm just repulsed and disgusted by you. Got it now?

I not a troid, but I got it you feel the emotion "disgust" when you look at them, do you know this emotion is socially contiditioned in this case, and you can fight it and beat it if it's irrational. (there are times when the disgust is rational, like in the case of murder or rape, then the disgust is a good thing) I was disgusted by gays when I was young just because too many people around me were, but I realized my disgust was irrational, and I managed to beat it. You should learn control over your own body ,man.

Exposing pedos: +
Being problematic: -----

/r/drama is cancelled ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค

Arrslashdrama has no need to be cancelled because we are neutered without pinging.

Of course these plebs hate us, r/drama is the patricians choice

Only the most sophisticated and intelligent people post on this subreddit. This community is a beacon of hope for the intellectuals and great thinkers of our time.

The nexus of the intellectual dark web!


They sure got us. Caught us and our rampant right wing extremism red handed. are drama is dead

It's the subreddit I hate the most. Other bad subs I can believe that many of the users have serious problems, so I can at least pity them. But that subreddit is a community of people dedicated to causing misery and revelling in it, not for some deranged ideology, but just because they take pleasure in it. It is a hate group without the slither of respectability offered by believing in some cause.

new snappy quote pls

I too prefer my respectability to slither instead of being some meager sliver of itself.

Which house are you, Sliverin LMAO

not for some deranged ideology, but just because they take pleasure in it

Heh did you think Joker was just a movie kid ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Wait is this "we live in a society" joker or "just want to see the world burn" joker?

This guy is making us sound way cooler than we actually are

Weโ€™ve graduated from cyberautists to cyberbullies.


We have long been kings of the cryptohate syndicate.

What makes a man autistic? Lust for gold? Power? Or is he just born with a heart full of autism?

They get us, they really get us!

I fell in love as soon as I read it ๐Ÿ˜

We are a hate group without a cause.

Imagine the disappointment that people must feel when they read something like that only to come here to find a bunch of retards screaming "dude bussy lmao" at each other.

Dude bussy lmao posting has gone way down though. I think it started since they took pinging away, but now it's only a shadow of its former self ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

Say what you want about national socialism, but at least it's an ethos.

"Uli doesn't believe in anything, he's a nihilist." "Oh, that must be exhausting."

All of Reddit is a creative writing exercise

so I can at least pity them.

As long as you can feel superior right?

without the slither of respectability offered by believing in some cause.

Um we're actually an Islamic study group that documents everything wrong with mayo culture so maybe dial back the casual racism sweetie.

Damn, we sound like bad mother dudes ๐Ÿฅด

looks like he was caught in the ban wave

we certainly are bad dudes with rude 'tudes, that's for certain

But I do agree that theyโ€™re bad dudes with rude โ€˜tudes.

Hell yeah Hodor baby that's me!

Mom! Get off of Reddit youโ€™re embarrassing me!

Second highest comment in a thread of 5k upvotes

Buckle up bois, looks like we might be going private again


Going private this month did wonders for this sub - agendaposters went to the gulag and only the radical centrists remained.

Well the approved token agenda posters remained

Just approve me first this time mods please

There's also extremely rampant transphobia and homophobia along with a ton of other problems.

The fuck? This place is full of homoposting, and at least 3/4s of the sub wants to fuck Trappy. If you're gay and get made fun of by Drama, it's because you were being a fag about something, not because you're gay. Fucking r*dditors.

And the rest of the 1/4 wanna fuck Lawlz ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคค

You and your drive in theater levels of projection.

Love it.

Bruh ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

Damn lol you deleted your account over this exchange?

Being 1/4th of the sub's collective mass doesn't mean 1/4th of the sub wants to fuck you, Lawlz

What about those of us who want to have a romantic 3-way with Trappy and Lawlz at the same time?

yeah there's legitimately zero homophobia here tbhimo

The permanently online crowd don't realise you can actually use words without meaning them. Seriousposting has fried their brains into thinking it's the only type of posting.

They clearly haven't hung out with many gay men if they're surprised by them throwing around "faggot" like a punctuation mark.


u kno it bb

That wasn't homophobia, it was a proposition ๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€๐Ÿ‘€

nothing gets me more worked up than a good slur

Not gunna lie, that's one of my favorite slurs when bottoming.

So triggered

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Top minds and bottom hinds.

Lmao these top mayos canโ€™t even handle discussion, they ban any and all dissenting opinion. Arrr drama at least allows discussion, Tumor is literally a SRDine clone


Smdh tops bullying the bottoms of drama agaon ๐Ÿ˜”

oh no they found us I'm scared


I wish there were homophobia here. Maybe then we wouldn't have autists posting pictures of their disgusting assholes

For real, that confused the shit out me. There's more bussy here than a male leather convention.

๐Ÿ‘ And ๐Ÿ‘ that's ๐Ÿ‘ a ๐Ÿ‘ good ๐Ÿ‘ thing. ๐Ÿ‘


This is a pro bussy sub, retard

I reported that fag. Clean it up jannie.

Somebody already mopped him before I could

Nice. Have a good cleaning day jannie.

Thanks ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—

Shut the FUCK UP you fucking LOSER

What, you don't think that someone would make shit up about vague acts of bigotry, do you?

They're too used to extremist rhetoric, so things that are exaggerated for comedy sound like genuine statements.

The reason drama works is because there is no attempt to keep the peace. That means no rules lawyering, no mod factions, and no narrative. Moderation here is more like a flood or a rainstorm that hits everyone equally.

And since there is no attempt to keep the peace, the overly sensitive adapt or leave. There is nothing to fight over, because no one is being serious. Somehow people here have learned that it's not a big deal if an internet comment exists that you don't like, which is a lesson the rest of the world is rapidly unlearning.

We dont hate gays we hate fags

The subreddit is a shitheap, people looking to start drama just to post it on that subreddit. The thread is a prime example of /r/drama where they are more like the drama creators, rather than the drama documenters. There's also extremely rampant transphobia and homophobia along with a ton of other problems. But that thread is like the golden turd in the cow pens.

It's the subreddit I hate the most. Other bad subs I can believe that many of the users have serious problems, so I can at least pity them. But that subreddit is a community of people dedicated to causing misery and revelling in it, not for some deranged ideology, but just because they take pleasure in it. It is a hate group without the slither of respectability offered by believing in some cause.

This guy is making us sound way cooler than we actually are

y'all retards commenting in there gonna get us bitched at by admins again.

Personally I suspend brigade rules when some other sub talks about us. I'll happily eat shit from the admins over it.

"lol just stop caring that people are brigading through invalidation of np links and locked threads, it's not like there's a real threat"

This but unironically

Your boy got passed by Mikey fucking Bloomberg today.

Maybe, but The Homocracy is inevitable

This wouldn't be a problem if they hadn't taken our god given right of pinging away from us


"lol just stop caring that people are bullying them through invalidation of identity and harassment, it's not like there's a real threat"

This but unironically.

jesus how does someone even say this ironically? How fucking soft of a person do you have to be to post this? How do these people function at all in the outside world?

There really are way too many troids on arr slash drama. we even have an intersex... Thing

Really? Who's the half&half?



I am kinda embarrassed. I spend way more time on reddit that I fucking should, yet somehow missed that thread about us banning posters from /r/teenagers?

Yeah and we busted a significant number of LIBERTARIANS in the process

I read the first sentence and can already tell this is a shitty copypasta.

Remember that shitty copypasta started as someone seriousposting.

Nah, that one was never seriousposting. It was cooked by an unironic zoophile tho.

not sure if that's better or worse...


Guys, guys. There's more than one anti-rdrama copypasta. If the most famous one is already used, use a different one smh

It's the subreddit I hate the most. Other bad subs I can believe that many of the users have serious problems, so I can at least pity them. But that subreddit is a community of people dedicated to causing misery and revelling in it, not for some deranged ideology, but just because they take pleasure in it. It is a hate group without the slither of respectability offered by believing in some cause.

Fucking finally someone outside the sub gets it

What's hilarious is the mod post reads like something a 13 year old would write.

Oof Masterlawz taken down by an data nerd

The original post was deleted, what did it say? I can't find snappy...

Oh damn it seems like the jannies removed almost EVERYTHING. Thanks though

Data jannies banned me REEEEEEEEeeeeeeee!

Do not post in linked threads.

Also, no autographs please.

Apply that to the mods then. I see annarchist breaking that rule all the time


That post made my head hurt. Who writes/talks like that?!

A child writes like that. Ironic

So QuIrKy

It's over for you pewkie

Well what a silly silly that boomer is.

that or hes a kidfucker.

TuMOR linked here to brigade tho....

But moooooooom! They started it!

Don't tell me what to do I do what I want

Good thing I do not want to post in linked threads

I'm just here to feel like a gorilla at the zoo when the school comes by and I fling poo at them.


I don't even get the argument that "THEY JUST MAKE DRAMA". Like, uh, yes. Why the fuck wouldn't we, we obviously love it. Drama is the only thing that makes the reddit worth participating in.