Autistic chapo wanders into r/drama

1  2020-01-31 by Tzar-Romulus


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


  1. Autistic chapo wanders into r/drama -,

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Your back brother

I've never left. Just been reading Dune. It's better than Asoiaf but don't tell that to Hodor.

Got tired of four chan?

Nah not a lot of good posts around this time. Probably because all the wagies are at work.

I don't know about you, but I am getting paid while I'm doing this.

Same, bro. Modern life is amazing.

I have spent my afternoon watching literal cuckolds on twitter, who get off on being shamed, argue in 20+ tweet threads about being kinkshamed. And I'm ont even doing it for free! America! Fuck yeah!

They shall bless us with glorious drama ๐Ÿฆ–๐Ÿฆ–๐Ÿฆ–

Share with the class!

This is what some of the jannies here seemed to think when then BANNED me for this.

Stahp saying we're the same person!

Sallamaka al-lahu wa-nasaraka


AKA the Dune (itโ€™s the Fremen language if any other nerds are out there) version one Inshallah, brother


Duneposting when?

Duneposting would be glorious if executed right.

Just need our Muadโ€™Dib. Itโ€™s basically built right into Drama culture. We have inshallah, mayocide, we have it all. Itโ€™s basically begging for some Duneposting

God I'd like to rage a jihad against the SRDines. I heard Dune Messiah is the weakest but so far it's been ok. Not what I expected but still enjoyable.

Shhh donโ€™t let them hear about the day of the can. And I honestly liked all of the books, I like to read more than the average person, but when it came to reading Dune I was like a crack addict, legit every free moment I was reading

"So here's the thought that occurred to me during such passages of Dune: What if Osama bin Laden somehow read Dune during his formative years? Or, if he did not read it himself, certainly there were Arab Muslim students in America who did read it, and the book might well have been part of the reason they became receptive to Osama's ideas.

Because a Muslim would not read this book the same way I did. To an Arab Muslim, the Arabic words and names would leap off the page; the Fremen characters would be the ones an Arab reader would most identify with.

Such a reader would not feel any of Paul Atreides' reluctance for jihad -- on the contrary, he would be hoping Paul would fail to stop the jihad.

And when, at the end of the book, the Arab jihad is triumphant, this reader -- Osama or another of his ideology -- would not only feel great emotional satisfaction, he would have the blueprint for his own future.

... I would be surprised if there were not, among the followers of Osama bin Laden, at least a few readers of Dune for whom this book feels like their future, their identity, their dream." - Orson Scott Card, professional retard

I wanna read dune again

Dune is a fucking bore, ASOIAF is way better. Like Dune is a fucking tranquilizer in book form, I barely finished it.

Dune reads surprisingly well. I thought it would be like LOTR in the space but it's more like Asoiaf with the added benefit of actually getting finished.

๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™ Preach

I got bored of it about two thirds through, the kid just bums around from place to place doing dick all

I'm reading Red Rising atm and it's pretty good.

Okay for real now: how tf did you get unbanned?

There is a couple of based jannies around here still.

Epic. Hope you and your not alts ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ˜‰ stick around

Nigga I donโ€™t have any alts. Hence why it was imperative I get unbanned. I am not one of those weirdos around here with 36 year old alts.

There are like no tranny programmers at least not here.

Programmer here and I work with one. It's mainly a thing because trans shit is easier to fall for when you live online.

I assume since most programmers are male that the trannies are mtf?


There's been a huge uptick in ftm transexuals now that they've been liberated. Of course the reactionary terf forces are outraged, even though they've used the disproportionate number of mtf transexuals as a go to criticism of transexuals as a male fantasy since forever.

Autistic chapo

But you repeat yourself.
