Commie in /r/antiwork can't stand that other people are pursuing financial independence without a workers revolt

1  2020-01-31 by Peetrius


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Wasnt asking you, cretin.

Let me speak in your language of Cretin Retardian. Im a bit rusty. I haven't fully grasped your language.


Darrrr dyurrr wewoo wewoo wavaba nyarn wohoo wohoo waaaaaaa durrr durhhhhhh duhhhh

For people who arent Cretin Retardians, that translates to:

Go fuck your Dad's dick hole like the good little sperm you are


  1. Commie in /r/antiwork can't stand t... -,

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Man, it must suck for life to be so terrible.

I am but a low level cog in a machine owned by Goldman Sachs. My house is nice, my wife is happy, I'm getting a dog, building up a reserve bank account for home improvements.

Life is fucking great. Shows you what a 2.8gpa in Political Science can get you, without any connections. Lmao lazy fucks.

Seriously browsing /r/all you'd think that life is hopeless and impossible it's so pathetic.

Well you see, weed and nintendo games cost money, and that's fascism

It is for average redd*tors. Handed tons of opportunities by their rich parents and they still can't even manage to move out.

But what about people who can’t afford college? Like- truly can not afford it. Even with fafsa and grants. That’s actually a lot of people! I wouldn’t generalize that many people as lazy... would you?

even with fafsa and grants

my education was entirely fafsa

choose a less expensive school no one gives a shit where your degree is from for 98% of jobs

live in europe then ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Community college can literally land you a $50k a year job, and you dont even need brain cells

What about those too apathetic to even apply for college or apply for jobs? What about them?

This is why we need to bring mandatory conscription back. They'll have a choice between working or prison, and if they choose prison, they'll have to work anyways because prisoners don't have rights.

What about those too apathetic to choose?

If you don't choose, it's prison by default. Problem solved. Honestly a solid portion of zoomers would contribute more to society if they spent all day breaking rocks and cleaning up highway trash.

Why prison when therapy is a better method for rehabilitation?

The point isn't rehabilitation, silly. The point is to ensure that they generate some modicum of productivity. Therapy would just tell them that their apathy is valid.

You do a good bit

Prison is cheaper, nobody cares about apathetic people.

🤔🤔🤔 Good question as always

"If you disagree with fighting microaggressions, then you're not a liberal."

"The hand gestures are clearly a microaggression, same as the demands that students have to do homework. These kinds of demands are typical of the patriarchal white Western civilization mindset that holds us back."

"If you disagree with fighting microaggressions, then you're not a liberal."


LSU in state tuition is like 4 grand lmao.

It’s not a tier 1 school but it’s a flagship state university that can get you a 75k job even if you are blackout drunk the whole time you are there.

Yup. Back when I applied there it was a measly $3500 which included a meal plan and a room in Kirby.

The community college I went to was like $1k a semester lol. Imagine not being able to handle $1,000 over the course of 6 months with financial aid and the ability to take out a loan.

Scholarships you mong.

This site is filled with Americans, if they can't afford university they can go to one in Europe, there is plenty of english speaking classes for foreigners.

Go get a loan like everyone else, then. And go to community college.

So, been there and done that. I have 10’s of thousands in loans and still have 2 years to go. I don’t think there should be loans at all, let alone that much.

Honestly everyone in here just seems interested in saying “stop being poor” without having a good faith conversation about it so whatever. I don’t really care what is said after this.

Lmao nigga you missed part 2 of the "stop being poor and also go to college" equation. Community college. They're usually between $1,000 and $4,000 per semester. Get an associates and you can use that to get a good enough job to stop being poor and pay your loans back.

Yeah working for the man has proven to be pretty lucrative for me lmao I don't see what is so bad, better than any other reasonably probable path I could have taken in life.

I literally work retail right now, 4 days a week, and can still afford a car, an apartment to myself, all the other necessities, and have a couple hundred dollars each month to blow. Any time I bring this up in a discussion on non-drama subs, people chime in with how there's no way that's possible and I must be getting money from mommy and daddy. Lmao.

Reminds me of people blaming genetics for being a fat sack o crap. Is there a nonzero amount of people its accurate for? Sure. Is that most people? Lol no.


There are plenty of other commie echo chambers, why does this have to be one too? It was my understanding that under communism, people still had to work. This sub is about hating work. This isn’t a place for you to spout your specific brand of propaganda. And for that reason, it brings together people with varying ideas. That is what makes this sub so much better than every other leftist circle jerk

look at this bootlicking pos

Work 50+ hours you losers.

Or be successful enough to work just 40.

15 hour workweek is some chapo neet level of fantasy only attainable with heavy doses of never having done real work in your life to shape your notion of reality.

God I wish we could ping.

commie is anti work

Hmmm how can this be


I wonder how these people would fare after a commie revolution.

Maybe they would finally realise that working on the farms 12/7 is not recommended, it's obligatory.

I wonder how these people would fare after a commie revolution.

If I had to guess, I'd say they would fare as well as every other useful idiot after every other commie revolution: Pretending to be Lincoln Logs in a giant ditch under a thin layer of dirt

only 12 hours

12 hours of work, 8 hours waiting in a bread line.

12 hours of work

So a half day. That’s light duty.

communism used to be this

burgers literally ruin everything

fat useless foid manager

How is that different from current year burgerland?

Imagine failing in capitalism, the system designed to set you up for success.

The great success and failure of capitalism is rather than unproductive members of society dying of hunger, they cut of their own dick, get fat and then complain about society on Reddit.

They are hiring at Mcdonalds at 12.50 an hour in rural Montana. Imagine making double the poverty level with no skills, a bad attitude and a criminal past. Fucking commies, man

How? How is it possible that a system that claims to be set up to help people succeed is actually slowly taking that very power away? Like... I don’t think anyone will be able to succeed at all in another 50-100 years given the rate of decline in that ability. Like, sure the 50’s-80’s were great but now... I just don’t see it.

Have you tried not being a filthy poor? I'm doing quite well living off my trust fund spending my days lifting weights, snorting cocaine, and anal raw dogging based Latinas on the regular. Quit being a leech and get a job, güero.

Bring back poor houses

Try getting an actual job and driving for Uber.

Come back when you have a real argument 😂

😡😡😡 Still angry that reactionary 🇲🇾🇲🇾🇲🇾 Picasso destroyed the communist 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Incan Empire 😡😡😡

Why do so many people think that their neofascist or communist or whatever revolution is going to happen because people are angry? Revolutions only happen when poor people are hungry, not when some neet writhes with impotent rage

Were they hungry with the Arab spring? I know in Syria there was a "little famine" that caused poors to flood the cities and exacerbate the situation.

You’re right, I meant revolution like French or Haitian or Russian, which I think is way different than protests deposing a capitalist, nominally democratic government like in the Arab Spring or Serbia with another capitalist government, but is actually democratic

Oh fair enough, chapos love larping as the vanguard for the common man, whilst the common couldn't give a fuck about their depression or HRT treatments and just want to be able to provide some goddamn TupperwareTM for his spouse

Yeah, it’s also funny that their fav candidate Bernie Sanders is barely a socialist because most socialism is retarded

Pretty sure they like him because of his rape fantasies and this weird belief that he'll institute communal farming by banning GMO's so that they can talk to people who are there against their will.

Nowadays in American politics candidates are popular based more on emotion than position, though that’s always been partially true. Bernie and Trump supporters are angry at the system, other candidates are angry at Trump

I'm just hoping for more drama this year, the shit fest the degenerates will throw will be hilarious if the rightoids win again. And Trump is such a shit Hitler. I'm still waiting on the trains to the gas camps in Arizona.

Chapos are literally rich brats who mooch off their rich parents lol. It's incredibly ironic.

It's called a population bulge or youth bulge. Basically the hypothesis goes that when Male youths strongly outnumber other demographics, shit goes down. It's got numbers to support it and, while not mentioned in the link, the idea jives with historical stories of conquering sprees coinciding with overpopulation. The gender of peace indeed.


Behold, our future revolutionaries are ricecels.

At least we'll get some quality Drama and state mandated gfs

I've never seen commies online having fun.



Pick one.

They do that crab thing when they get subreddits ban I feel like they get something from that.

They can't even get hard anymore because of all the estrogen


Criticizes others for wanting to be "parasite layabouts."

My position is quite clear: antiwork should be a space for those exploited by capitalism, not those who exploit. Anyone posting FIRE shit (financial independence - retire early) should be banned on sight and be sent back to r/financialindependence where that shit belongs. These people will never be antiwork, for their entire lifestyle is predicated on the exploitation of the labour of others.

Gods I wish I could ping.

Does this kid understand that in order for society to work... people have to work in it?

Who does he expect to be working if not him? Does he get to decide? Doesn't that make him an exploiter?

Okay, even I wish I could ping this one.

They believe we have the technology for fully automated luxury gay space communism.

Why don't they grit their teeth, work for a while and by themselves that technology?

Are you telling me that writing long screeds about communism's merits isn't important work?

same reason they insist that capitalists are lazy bastards who don't do anything but find themselves unable to become capitalists.

they take their personal failings are moral virtues. you aren't poor because you're dumb and lazy, you're poor because you don't want to be part of the system

Same reason they hate Landlords. Successful people are seen as bad

They hate landlords because they remind them of their parents

And their bosses at work who misgendered them

I remember reading some Lovecraft story where the people had developed an automated society. I don't remember how it ended, but I'm pretty sure everything was great from that point on.

Who does he expect to be working if not him?

It depends on your meaning of work. Sleeping and playing video games are types of work.

Does he get to decide?

Not him necessarily but you can easily have a commission that puts people into the jobs they are best suited for.

Doesn’t that make him an exploiter?

No, just because your definition of work is so narrow-minded doesn’t mean you get to call everyone who thinks more broadly exploiters

It depends on your meaning of work. Sleeping and playing video games are types of work.

A little too blatent Mr. Recall. This isnt really believable.

Too blatant in describing real jobs for yiu?


Who decides who goes on the commission to hand out jobs?

I do

I’m not reading any of that

Full communism in a sense has already existed before in the Incan empire.

That must have been one hell of a community college class this kid audited....

The Inca did all that without a writing system. It was writing that allowed the Man to take power.

commie in a sub full of worthless layabouts

Whoa no way

I'm a dirty commie but I dont feel like i'm suffering at all things have gotten much better over time. I just feel like we could be working less and making more if we wanted and rich people stand in the way of that and also I just want to rob the rich for selfish reasons. I also think any improvements good and we don't have to sperg out 24/7 because of social democrat somehow make a full on worldwide revolution impossible

That's not very dramatic of you, can't you just sperg out how calling things retarded is problematic?

WHAT DID YOU SAY SHITLOrd U absolute fucking faggot how dare you say that dont you know tha word has killed over 6 million retards MY WIFES BOYFRIEND WILL KILL U FOR THIS

> read more books

The communist lives in a world of shapes and sounds, unable to correlate them into a functioning reality.

I thought authors like Napoleon Hill were pointless perseverance-wank from the temporarily embarrassed millionaire set. Now I’m in full favor of Think and Grow Rich to be enshrined in grade school curriculum.