Foid discovers wife beaters are the best in bed

1  2020-01-31 by TotalBasturd


I couldn’t stand SRD. The cringe there was suffocating. One idiot was whining about /r/drama being a doxxing paradise, others were circlejerking about how the sub leans slightly right but is really moderate. And as you note OP, they all fuckin whine about Daddy, altright, and idiots who can’t get laid.


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This kills the menslibber.

Bernie predicted this

they hated him because he spoke the truth

As young as 10, foids already have rape fantasies.

Ain’t clickin’ that shit you libertarian fuck

Slow down there, Muhammad.

Free Jared.

Not including the ones too ashamed to admit it

The incels are right about foids.

I honestly don't understand why more incels don't just convert to Islam.


They want to fuck women, not goats and little boys

Gross. There's no accounting for some people's tastes.

its true tho, women want that hunter

Posted there. Lets see.

Lmao foids get mad at moids for enjoying some tentacle hentai but this is just as fake and gay.

mostly just the last couple sentences where she pretends he wanted to go steady or some shit lol

Treat em rough, get the muff

Cosmo journalists need to stay off the cosmo cocktails when writing a piece at bedtime.

Bullies get laid though lol

I must have been curt with him when he asked how I was, as he apologised almost straight away. “I was a dick in school,” he admitted, saying his parents were going through a divorce and that’s why he was such a handful.

Something about not seeing someone for 12 years then opening with this just doesn’t sit right with me


Women can't write sex scenes tbh

Could be worse.

like fat or smth

Them sexy skeleton vibes.

I guess csmpolit*n making incel bait now.

Gonna gather incel seethe now.

Why are women so intent on blackpilling everyone lmao

  • Anonymous

Lmao they actually got an incel to write for them

I have a dating rule I call the 3 F's: Feed me. Fuck me. Find your way home.

Bernie is right about women 😲😲😲

>In the morning, he rolled over and smiled at me. “You know I was just trying to get your attention in school, right?” It was nice to hear, and the sex was great, but for anything more? Alex wasn’t worth the time of day.



he had an endless amount of energy. We carried on, him calling the shots, until we passed out from exhaustion.

In the morning, he rolled over and smiled at me. “You know I was just trying to get your attention in school, right?” It was nice to hear, and the sex was great, but for anything more? Alex wasn’t worth the time of day.

Lol. This is the most r/That happened story I've read in a while.

its a fictional story from a femcel about how she gets to fuck and chuck the chad who mocked her in high school.

Right now she only feeds and seeds

lol this is some fat girls fan fiction.

Alex sounds like a nice guy. Hope him and the cosmo journalist can make it work. I'm rooting for them

I feel like this article is about me

Incels were right again.

They've always been right. It's just that they're insufferable annd should never, ever, ever be encouraged in any way.