Can you get Coronavirus watching Asian porn?

1  2020-02-01 by aduketsavar

For the last two days I'm coming down with flu, it's pretty heavy and I was wondering whether it's Coronavirus. I mean I try to be careful and only watch videos uploaded 2 months ago or older and with Japanese cast but you never know. Is there an health expert on this sub that can enlighten me whether I could I get bat soup flu from Asian porn?


It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Can you get Coronavirus watching As... -,

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It's not racism to discriminate against Ching chongs if it's for health related reasons

If you formed an unhealthy emotional bond with one of your waifus, it’s possible that you contracted psychosomatic crayolavirus just by mental association. You should kill yourself so that you don’t infect others.

Wait a minute I thought saying kys was a capital offense

pretty sure he meant "krill yourself" as it draws out the crabolavirus

Only if you report it.

so it was the fucking mds who sent me to the clink for 3 days?

the jannies got me for 3 days and i just wanted to make sure an mdetard looked after their personal health

No reason not to try

dont worry u can cure urself by watching enough sexy doctor videos 😏

If you get it now you can beat the rush and get some proper healthcare before hospitals get overwhelmed by the big rush.

Not if it's pixelated

Nah. It's Japanese so you're good for now.