Could this be the chink in Trump’s armour?

1  2020-02-01 by TheColdTurtle


This should come as no surprise. These are the same people who literally argue in favor of the mayocide. Did you forget about that? I didn't. /r/Drama posters are literally pro-mayocide. That's not even me being hyperbolic or making insults, it's simply a fact.





They are autists. And they are completely irredeemable.


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Why does everybody think something is wrong with the economy? Its seen unprecedented growth in the last 4 years, and only improving. Not like Zoomers know how the economy works.

Interest rates are dangerously low and wages have been stagnant.

Everyone thinks a strong stock market isn’t all that good until the market does bad, and then they realize how much worse things can get.

Almost every industry has jobs available. Things aren’t incredible but we’re also in a trade war so all things considered it ain’t bad.

I see people whining about how the stock market doesn't affect them when it goes up so they don't care. They also whine cause people who own stocks are making money from the stocks and they don't. Motherfucker just buy stocks. It's easier than ever.

No, wages haven't been stagnant. In fact, they stopped being stagnant some time ago.

Why do you people post the same dour shit on the economy year after year and just expect it to be true?

Okay, 3 out of the last 4 years wages have been stagnant.

You can't even read the fucking graphs I spoon-fed to you with a link. The stagnation ended before 2018 even started. That's over two years ago, since you seem to struggle with math.

Also, nice try to average in older data to move the goalposts. You said wages have been stagnant. They haven't been for years. Own the fact that you just post bullshit to prop up your delusion that the economy sucks.

Okay, 11 quarters out of the last 16. You can't count this year, we don't have 1st quarter numbers yet.

Wage growth should be aggregated over a given time frame because cost of living aggregate.

Where did I say the economy sucks? Someone asked what problems they could have with the economy over the last 4 years, and I gave some.

Okay, 11 quarters out of the last 16. You can't count this year, we don't have 1st quarter numbers yet.

Bullshit. The turnaround happened before 2018 started. I'd guess 2017Q4 from the NYT graph. That's all of 2018 and all of 2019. No need for any 2020Q1 numbers, though those are likely to be good, too, based on correlated indicators. What are you so bad at this?

Wage growth should be aggregated over a given time frame because cost of living aggregate.

No, wage growth isn't based on PPP. If you use PPP based on a basket of cost-of-living goods, wages haven't really ever been stagnant.

Where did I say the economy sucks?

Someone posted that the economy was doing well, and you replied with reasons it wasn't. Was your point something other than, "Actually, the economy isn't that great"?

Someone asked what problems they could have with the economy over the last 4 years, and I gave some.

The only time anyone before you mentioned a four-year period is for one measure (probably S&P 500), and the evidence was that it's been continuously strong for four years. The actual point -- which you seem to be missing -- was to argue that today's economy is good.

Nobody is asking, "Has the economy been good for four years?" We are talking about whether the economy is good now. For measures like wage growth, it's merely been good for two years. For other measures, even longer.

This is what I replied to, sperg:

Why does everybody think something is wrong with the economy? Its seen unprecedented growth in the last 4 years,

The wages being stagnant was my secondary concern, but if you can promise me they will continue the current trend I'll cross it off my list.

Dems have to keep pretending the apocalypse is occuring so they can continue to collect pity dollars until they lose again.

The growth is subsidized. It’s not that people think it’s bad now, they doubt the stability and feel that if things do go south, it’s gonna plunge.

I was hoping this would be referring to Asians. Has Twitter exploded yet?

The writer, June Wong, crafted the heading and wanted it retained.

She knows "chink" has been used in a derogatory and racist manner, but she, as a Malaysian of Chinese ethnicity, wanted to “own” the word.

She also says: “As you know, ‘a chink in the armour’ is an accepted idiom to show a vulnerable spot, so I am using it to say the chink that could ‘kill’ Trump could ironically be a person of Chinese descent.

Nothing wong with that...

Wow, a journo with a backbone

Next we'll see a commie with a job or smth

Also student loan debt is an actual problem that no one really has an answer for
