Is Nintendo enabling pedophiles? /r/SwitchHacks discusses.

1  2020-02-01 by XylGryphon


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I am thoroughly trouncing you. I've seen your mo and I spanked you at your own game. I found your flaw and exploited it quite nicely, my slaughtered braised goose.


  1. Is Nintendo enabling pedophiles? /r... -,

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Yes it is, I got a switch the other day (stole it from a kid lol) and a grandpa approached me asking me to touch his peeper, I am 30 gramps fuck off!

The day Nintendo makes Animal Crossing sexy is the day I rope.

Isabelle is already extremely sexy, you uncultured swine.

surprised that hive of troons would have the nerve to touch on the paedo question.

Video games, ESPECIALLY Nintendo games in particular, are for children. It’s only obvious that an adult playing a Nintendo game is a registered libertarian. 🤢

Gaymers and sexualizing children. Name a more iconic duo.

Just because you see those characters that way, geez, get a check up.

"she's a 1000 year old dragon"

The thought of registering as a sex offender is infinitely funnier than the system registering you as a sex offender.

I'm sure there are plenty on this sub who can confirm, but I'm picturing a guy waiting in line at a place like the DMV to fill out a form

Depends on the content, as a father I thought Galgun 2 might have been ok for my daughter's to play. Let's just say I found it a bit disturbing, walking around a school shooting gloop at school girls out of your pheromone gun whilst they make excited sounds, I'm not sure what kind of emotions that would raise in a teenage boy.

This absolutely obtuse antediluvian.

It's weird, nintendo is probably one of the most kid-friendly video game companies in existence. None of their games are anything like he describes.

Except for Splatoon, that's for pedos.

And pokemon is for furries. They didnt have to make Bulbasaur so sexy, but they did.