One of a vast number of cope threads in r/meninskirtsland

1  2020-02-01 by BlooCheckmark


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Hahahahaha, you're in college and you still spend your time like this! This internet troll shit is for lonely 14 year olds, not adults.

The rest of your life is going to be lonely and boring if this is what you do with your time during what should be your most exciting years.

Before you know it, college will be over and you'll have no ability to make new friends because you don't have anything interesting to talk about or any way to meet new people. If you're not able to make friends now when it's literally the easiest it will ever be, there's no way you're going to swing it when you're even older.


  1. One of a vast number of cope thread... -,

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Eurochads not even hiding their intention of cucking Bongistan

we should go back to the EU where the UK is leeched dry financially and forced to immigrate terrorists against the will of the people

Okay bye

I was sitting there on the verge of tears, while he was celebrating.

Not only do they dress like women, they act like them too lmao

The were trannies before trannies were a thing

so william wallace is actually a trans icon?

mind= blown

Kilts are comfortable tho cant lie

So is the life of the foid

Well at least until they hit 40, unless they had kids and shit.


Lol ireland produces better pipe bands than them too

Dude imagine not being independent lmao

Imagine not being able to free yourself of Bong rule lmfao

Imagine interacting with crumpets

England won't let us have our say in our future

So let's declare independence so we can go back to the EU who won't let us have our say in our future

Guess the older abusive boyfriend isn't good enough, need to go for the newer abusive flame.

Fuck Brexit.

Fuck The Tories. Both Red and Blue.

Fuck The Lib Dems.

Fuck Farage.

Fuck The Union.

But most importantly:

We are subject to the whims of an uncaring superstate. We must seize self determination!

I am well and truly heartbroken


I wish nothing but pain and misery


i hate brexiters. I hate every fucking one of them. [34 points and counting for that one!]


His only reasons for voting are rooted in false information and bigotry


I was sitting there on the verge of tears


our heart bleeds for what has happened.

And a score or more other threads with exactly the same. I hope enough Diazepam supplies have been stockpiled - based on the amount of despair on r/scotland, they will be urgently needed.

Wow, this board is like r/badunitedkingdom, but even lamer.

Anyone who pisses off Anglos this much is based. Love me some Boris

UK leaving EU: Reactionary, little-Englander, gammon boomer.

Scotland leaving UK: Progressive, patriotic, proud Celt.

why even bother becoming independent from the UK if ur just gonna immediately submit yourself to EU rule

Don't confuse the desire of some buthurt reddit remoaners with the more longterm desire for independence. A substantial material change is needed to justify having a second independence referendum. Britain leaving the EU is such a substantial material change. The referendum would not ask "Stay as part of the UK or leave and join the EU". Any future membership of the EU would be a later, post-independence, decision.

Wow, she doesn't seem to know that it's called the "European Commission," not the "EU Commission." The only place they're called anything like that is their Twitter handle (@EU_Commission), presumably because the character limit prevents use of the actual name. Regardless, nobody calls them that.

Has she ever actually been to the building or interacted with them as an organization?