[ F A C T E D ] Fact: Corona ☣️ Beer 🍺 Cures 💊 Corona ☣️ Virus 🦠

1  2020-02-01 by HodorTheDoorHolder_


Congrats, fellow sperg, you've finally joined us in the big leagues


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Coronavirus™, brought to you by ((((((((Big Corona))))))

The "virus" is all just a viral marketing campaign for Corona.

Cannot wait to be infected with pepsivirus

I guess this business insider writer needs to learn2meme.

A composite image of a doctor in Hubei treating a person infected with the Wuhan coronavirus and a bucket of Corona Extra beer.

Somebody did 4 years of journalism school to write this lmao

Better than the indian cow piss cure lmfao

Tecate Virus

The least fucking funny people I've ever had the displeasure of watching. "Hehe if I talk really loud and fast and then scream I'll be funny!"

hey, Maddox. used to love your work.


The sane conclusion is that they're just searching for shitty memes

Broke: nCov-2019 was bioengineered to kill China’s enemies

Woke: It was bioengineered to sell beer

the future of advertising is big corporations bio engineering pandemics