
1  2020-02-01 by Rentokill_boy


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. malefeminists.jpg -,

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Reported OP for giving me aids with this post

it's so bad oh my god

I honestly can't get over how awful it is

if OP doesn't give you aids, that faggot on twitter will, with or without consent

The photo accompanying this tweet is truly one of the worst things I've ever seen on the internet. It's worse than the pain olympics. It's worse than those videos of mexican chainsaw beheadings. It's worse than masterlawlz's stickies. please share in my pain:

Sitting in this charming little diner and a female-presenting young teenager broke off from going out the door with probably-their-parents to come over to me and hesitantly say "uh...I like your hair and...I think I like girls, and you looked like it would be safe to say that to"

Me: "Thank you. And you're right. And it happens that I like men, women, and people who aren't either one. Good luck to you."

Them: " can do that? I...thought you had to pick one or the...oh, I have to go, thank you goodbye!!" I don't know if this young human had never run into the idea of bisexuality, the idea of non-binary gender, or both, but. Friends. I am so glad I could be an old safe queer for this young person for just a minute. I wish them all the best.

ah shit he locked his account. pack it up guys

Holy fuck, that description wasn't exaggerating. I think he's going to rape me now 🥺

That is definitely the look of an aspiring rapist, no question.

Sounds like he prefers young teens as well. Absolutely disgusting

Looks like Gollum if Gollum was a dyke.

This should be a snappy quote

Laugh all you want, but where would Oliver, and the artful dodger be without this man?

of all the things in the world that didn’t happen, this one didn’t happen the most

It's okay. The coronavirus will take care of everything. Thank you, based China.


And that faggot's name? Adolf Hitler.

Kill me.

future rapist

every single instinctual alarm bell in me is screaming

He'll rape anything that moves.

Or doesn't.

not all rapists are male feminists

but all male feminist are rapists

I refuse to believe there is a child anywhere who feels safe around that person.

ah fuck there it is

oh no

Nsfw dude wtf

you're so right

Why is this uggo important? Or is he just a random checkmark?

I just strongly felt that if I have to know this exists, I'm taking all of you with me

G-d what did we do to you to deserve this

Next time drink yourself into a stupor like a normal person

This dude is a check mark? What organization has a clear rapist in their midst?

not a checkmark but a semi-notable account in some particularly freakish echelon of the wokesphere

I was going to check again, he already protected his tweets

This tweet is another example of why this "queer" ideology is a blanket slate for heterosexual people chasing after victim status in the rainbow cartel and a front for your typical creepy heterosexual men who are closeted pedos but deliberately toe the jail bait while at the same time wrap themselves up with identity politics to protect themselves from any criticism.

If you read this thread, you already see other drama users screeshoting various example of his closet jail bait fantasies.

Think of these queers as the leftist equivalant of pedo priests in churches all over the world who enjoy institutional protection.

Keep in mind, I am not just saying this about modern day "queers". If you look at the past, you already see that queers were one of the big proponents of promoting pedophilia and are a contentious group even in the past.

The stereotype of male feminist being a future rapist is proven as the truth again.

Everything about that guy is fucking gross

then the entire diner stood up and clapped. Lincoln rose from his grave and gave me $100%. Epstein released his child prisoners from his secret underwater base on the moon.

Bet his computer gets you 10-25 and a permanent roster spot.

Not betting against that

And here's a tweet from him about high school volleyball lesbians noticing his hair

High school volleyball team is here.

Young woman: inaudible

Friend: No, but his hair is blue!

YW: turns to look at me as I'm walking past to the bussing station

Friend: Just saying, you're a lesbian. You don't have a crush, you just want his hair color.

imagine thinking "having blue hair" counts as a personality trait

especially when there is a 100% chance this person lives in a liberal city where it's not even that weird of a color

oh my god this isn't a man, it's a demon

I bet he has fantasies where he gets teenage lesbians to fuck him, probably because he's not like the other men.

Lesbians who like cock, to be specific.

Best kind

Bruh that 'tiny!queers' part got me throwing up

This is what the average Nintendo switch owner looks like

this is what i see in my nightmares hovering over me

This guy has a 300% chance of raping your kid

Profiles locked. What was the post or what happened?

read the comments champ

Was he a check mark? If so how?

not a checkmark

Random fantasies involving minors.

It's gone what did it say?

Here but it was really the picture that put it over the edge

Pic's gone.


Lmao his tweets got protected after this post. I saw them through this post but decided to to check right now to share with le wifey but they're gone. Absolute state of twittercels

Yo pretty sure I saw this dude when I had sleep paralysis.


Taking a shower and using deodorant to own the facists.


I think this is a move everyone can get behind.

Take a bath to own the libs

Use deodorant to stick it to the alt-right.

Brush your teeth to stand up to ZOG

Wear clean clothes to show the mayos who's boss.

Imagine the improvements to smell

broadly, improve your life to spite others

I support it

This guy should be in prison


Dude shut down his twitter

I don't think I've ever interacted with this retard but he blocked me wtf

I need an adult

I guarantee he's got a huge anime collection.