Amber Heard admitting on tape to physically abusing Johnny Depp

1  2020-02-02 by charming_tatum


Reading this article makes me never want to get married.

This only proves that I'm not MDEfugee, downie, autist, or any other labels you cucks try to put on me. I'm my own party, army and a movement. I'm an independent, thinking, rational person unlike you dumb sheep.


  1. This Post - Outline

I am a bot for posting links. github / Contact for info or issues

How is this bot so fuxking based i swear its the cumulative genius of 500 drama autists

That’s still a really low bar.

What is MDEfugee?

Person of rightoid, irredeemably retarded

Suffering with rightardation.

MDE was a youtube channel run by the prolific mass shooter, Samuel Hyde. MDE had subreddit here that parroted his zoome right wing views and memes. They got banned and have been roaming around reddit, creating new subs that quickly get banned, and invading other communities. Hence why they are called refugees, or MDEfugees

TLDR, retarded rightoids.

Fan Bois of Million Dollar Extreme. Got Alex Jones'd for being too mean.

This will get you up to speed

Shame on your toxic ways reddit. No, Netflix didn’t pay me and no I never got paid to post on reddit or rather accepted to post sponsored posts. But it’s heart breaking to see the amount of toxicity and threats you’re willing to spew at someone for using this platform as a 4 year old hobby now. Say what you will, we’re all on here together being bored and killing time.

Some of us enjoy lurking. Some enjoy shitposting. Others moderating. And sadly some enjoy toxic harassment without reason or proof.

Be better reddit ❤️


  1. Amber Heard admitting on tape to ph... -,*

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

This is not what they mean when they say believe all women

Fuck it im believing all men, free my nigga Weinstein

different situation, there's evidence against him

This was definitely not a joke

It was a joke? I agree with it.

Did I really need to put /s???

It kind of is though. Believe all women is just a euphemism for don’t believe men. Believe all women comes at the expense of the innocent when the roles are reversed and false accusations are levied. It’s asking people to forego the facts and make a judgement before people even know what happened. It’s a way to say women are more believable than men when that’s just not the case 100% of the time. People shouldn’t be taking sides in any accusation until facts from both sides are known. It’s just a bad faith practice for the public to act as the jury when we don’t know what happened.


Ok incel

Lolol believe all women no matter what the circumstances simp. It’s like you’ve never heard of the concept innocent until proven guilty but I digress. I hope she sees this bro

It’s like you’ve never heard of the concept innocent until proven guilty

That’s just for court. Literally no one follows that as far as public opinion goes.

I follow it!

Literally no one follows that as far as public opinion goes

You are part of the problem

And herein lies the problem

This is exactly what the people who say that mean. It's pretty unequivocal - "all women" means all women, including the liars.

We should do something about the aggressive matriarchy.


It's Mr.Jack Sparrow's + patriarchy's fault for causing this #BelieveNoMen

God I fucking love Noooposting

It’s the way the lord intended mockery to be

But he's not even doing it right. The end should be AAAAAAAA, not another NOOOOO.



A single google image smh. And I am using the soyjak "NOOOOOOO" btw, here it is

That's literally its origin, you dumbass. There aren't two NOOOOOOOOs.

Current use > origin

Sneed more

The current use is also NOOOOO [subject matter] AAAAAAAA. Just because some retard on /r/drama misuses it, doesn't mean they're right.

'NOOOOOOOO' is used much more than your silly 'AAAAAAAA', even out of /r/drama. Please stop sneeding

Incorrect. Seethe harder.

I think you mean sneed. Seethe is out of date in 2020

You are the only retard I've seen using "sneed" instead of "seethe."

Formerly chuck


I will use it in a sentence "Look at this dude CHUCKING lmao he is so mad". The word has recently been replaced by sneed however

What the fuck is this millennial shit?

Wow you really are seeding and feeding

And you are sucking (on my dick).

No it used to be suck and fuck, now it is seed and feed

I'm going to blast in your mouth.

I'm sorry, but I must sleep in order to spread my sneeds another day

Night night, nigga.





Virgin Nooooposting vs. Chad MUH-posting.

I remember opening a picture of Johnny Depp on r/Ladyboners (because Im a fag) and seeing women trying to defend Heard like it's some double-triple cross situation that made her the victim. Fucking hell. I remember when Depp was playing some Harry Potter villain and twittercells where throwing a rampage. None of them give a shit about this cunt being a DC superhero. Fucking whores.

seeing women trying to defend Heard like it's some double-triple cross situation that made her the victim



There’s no ladyboners post where people say that

here's one example, mix of defending him and calling him an abuser

I stand corrected


Is it just me or does the proposed list of causes for hard currency seem like a bunch of nonsense? It is literally just a list of reasons to blame developing countries for their poverty written by residents of countries that have hard currencies. It doesn't take much to put two and two together and see that the list of nations with hard currencies is more or less simply a list of the most powerful core countries with the largest economies. The only real exception is the Swiss Franc, which is backed by massive amounts of hard currency from big nations due to all the rich people from those nations dumping money into its bank accounts to dodge taxes in their home countries that the poor have to pay instead. So we can introduce another cause of hard currency, being backed by other hard currencies in large amounts.

The list is shockingly non-realistic and just is nations with hard currencies giving themselves a big pat on the back. While the elements may play a certain role, it is increasingly clear that the Yuan is becoming a hard currency in its own right, and China violates almost every single one of the proposed rules that "guarantee" hard currency success. What does it have? A. A gigantic powerful economy that can push others around B. Massive stores of hard currency. Is this seriously not obvious to anyone else? Liberalism is blindness!

Did you take all of your addy at once again?

Don't feel the least bit sorry for him.. There has to be social consequences to letting a foid bully you.

There are social consequences, unfortunately.

Apparently not enough.

Since female-on-male domestic violence is notoriously underreported and victims rarely get help from the government even when it is reported, I would say there are more than “enough”.

Government help? It's a foid. Take care of it yourself.

Take care of it yourself.

What specific actions do you personally recommend? You sound pretty knowledgeable about it so you should have good advice.

Any man that needs an instruction manual to deal with foids should stop wasting his time and start transitioning already.

Oh, I guess you don't actually know then.

You could have just said you don't know.

I see you're already going through the process. It was kind of the mods to give you a flair celebrating your efforts.

Let's get further into the things you don't know about women.

  • how to discipline them

  • what it's like to have sex with one

  • why they keep laughing at you

Why gotta make it sound like rocket science? 99% of men out there controlling their foids and not getting bullied by them. The remaining 1% should be encouraged to transition like yourself.

So you can't control your foid and you don't even know basic rocket science.

No wonder you're getting bullied so hard.

By Amber Heard? I'd love that. That bitch could use me for her personal ashtray all she wants. There wouldn't be a peep from me. Her hot to crazy proportion is high enough to get away with anything short of murder.

Hmmmm, well that was pathetic.

Don't generalize. Amber Heard can get away with anything she wants. A mid transition troid like yourself on the other hand would not be allowed to make eye contact.

Oh thanks, you made it fun to bully you again. Please continue.

Slap the bitch, not only it's self-defense but somehow it seems to often reset the foid's brain to its normal levels of insanity. Our ancestors were wise, far wiser than modern moids, if you can call them that anymore.

And then you get arrested.

Depp has been maligned as an abuser for not fighting back, how do you think it would have gone if he did fight back?

You get arrested anyway or smeared like Depp was if the bitch is completely insane and lying her ass off. At least this way you have the satisfaction that you taught her a valuable lesson.

If ever in that scenario you simply tell her, “If you want to call the cops for me abusing you, even though I don’t, I’m going to make it worth my while.”


Lmao under reported. More like it doesn't exist because it's a fake problem that only exists on reddit

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

 If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)

This but unironically

Why would anyone ever downvote in r drama? Either you disagree with the comment so much it makes you want to downvote it, in which case it’s a good comment, or it’s just plain retarded, which also means it’s a good comment.

I only downvoted spam or something factually incorrect. Any opinion I disagree with, i don’t upvote our downvoted

Listen up kid. This is Reddit and I just downvoted you. Do you really think your opinion can exist being so grossly different (more like wrong) to my own? Think again edgelord. RIP in peace to your karma buddy because that arrow is gonna be down and blue when I get through with you. Perhaps you should think twice before disagreeing with me.

Congrats, you spurred seriousposting and drama on the drama subreddit

Have my updoot stranger

Jesus fuck his finger tip got severed because of her

I don't mean this against you at all... I know not everyone followed it at the time

But he had ALL of this, the same story the same pictures, when they were going through the trial she won. He had PROOF, even (I can't remember but I think there was a video of the two of them in a kitchen and she was absolutely badgering him, and I think even threw something).

And it seemed like the whoooole world, those who WERE paying attention, still aided with her. Absolutely bonkers.

Really makes you think..

A lot of people assert that abused men are abusers to cover for their less socially acceptable instinct that abused men deserve it.

50% correct


abused men deserve it


What the fuck is wrong with you

>unironically defending m*n


Unironically posting the full zozzle without first posting zoz and zle

May Allah break the backs of all those who support these disease-ridden rodents.

Female privilege.

She didn't win any trial.

She file for a TRO then refused to pursue it further, didn't file a dv case, and her case was dismissed with prejudice meaning she can't file again. They went through a divorce, no prenup, yet she only got 7mil when Depp was worth 400mil at the time. They both agreed to a NDA, but she continued her 'DV survivor' charade and so Depp sued her for defamtion and this audio is part of the evidence in the case.

Ah! My bad. I remembered her case and the $7M going to her. It's been a few years.

Easy to mistake it as a win for her because she paraded her winning 7mil from the divorce and told everyone she would donate to charities, which I checked if she realy did donate everything and surprise surprise, cant find any but only listing her in the 1 to 5mil donor bracket lol.

IIRC the trial was supposed to start this week but Depp's camp was late to file some medical paperwork for discovery so it's been pushed back

Actually it was because both sides were having difficulties in taking depositions for people in California. The judge in the case was actually pissed about the fact that some tabloids insinuated that Depp's team was late to file whatever she requested.

See this:

Glad I put IIRC in there lol. Thanks for the info

No worries 😊

Women are the pitbulls of gender

Nanny gender

Women are the women of gender.

Pit bulls are the women of dogs

Pit bulls are the women of dogs

I think john lennon said it best

They used to call them nanny foids.

Gender of peace

I imagine if I had to be around Johnny Depp for any length of time I'd probably snap and start slapping the shit out of him. But this...

She also repeatedly and frequently threw objects into my body and head, including heavy bottles, soda cans, burning candles, television remote controls and paint thinner cans, which severely injured me.

I don't think I'd be quite based enough to throw a can of paint thinner at him. Maybe it was the only thing she could find that would dissolve his makeup. 😂😂😂

lmao why didn't he just punch her

I’m pretty sure he did.

fucking based

God I wish that were me

getting your life ruined? okay


i dont have any love for johnny depp and his sad life but it should be legal for him to smash ambers kneecaps with a baseball bat for this

Celebrities are so fucking gay

I just want this bitch to be kicked out of the Aquaman and DC movies. She's not even a good actress, but coomers cant' stop fapping to her photoshopped pictures.

If Momoa was even suspected of hitting his wife, they'd drop him off a cliff

I think she's hot and the fact that she's evil just makes it hotter

How does this even have upvotes?

She’s pretty but not the prettiest woman in the world and this kind of thinking gets men abused.

Do you think Johnny Depp finds it hot that she’s evil? Look how his looks and life got ruined by her. Do you think you would find that hot? And men online are trying to convince me that men don’t care about looks. Bitch, men would give up a lung for beauty. Idc what men virtue signal about.

Plagerizing Snappy is evil.

men men men. Men say a lot of things. See I am a man I don't agree with this neither does many others. I don't understand why people only mention the male gender when talking about negative things. Ffs most world reknown scientists/philosophers/geniuses/artists/liberators are men too. But people only mention men when are doing some evil or stupid shit.

She’s an irl succubus, nothing is going to happen

/x/ didn’t tell me about this

Watching Aquaman

I hope she gets 1000 more jobs just to see the capeshitters seethe

This is peak permavirginity

I hope she sees this 🙏

Fucking based foid.

Bisexuals, man

They should all just go gay. Like just go be freaks without dragging men into your bullshit.

The woman cries out when she strikes you

#JusticeForJohnnyDepp trending #3 on twitter

also the asian doc that hounds trump's twitter is being critical of the foid and boy howdy people are pissed

It never even began for Johnny, they've got his name wrong in the hashtag.

he loves to speak out about this because he claims he was falsely accused of abusing his ex

They have taken down 3 hashtags about it so far off of the trending list. It's funny how it's Superbowl Sunday but every hashtag would currently be about this if they weren't purging them

There's actually a good article from Doug Stanhope where he voices his belief in Johnny Depp and that Heard was being emotionally and physically abusive

I didn't even know he put out articles like that. Bookmarking that shit.

Yeah, I'd been following Doug Stanhope for a while and when this abuse thing made headlines, I was surprised to find he had an article released about it.

I believe Amber sued him for defamation actually for that artice, and part of her settlement agreement with Depp was that she would drop the suit against Stanhope. Funny thing is Stanhope probably had a decent chance at winning that lawsuit.

Even when Foids try to be domestic abusers they fail spectacularly.


The #METOO woke types that were calling this guy a piece of shit and wishing him dead must feel pretty silly now.


Feel silly

Not gonna happen

Nah, they'll spin it somehow. Amber is again gonna come out of this as a hero somehow. Because fuck men and all they represent.

lol, he went full donnie brasco on that crazy broad

They actually mutually agreed to record it as part of therapy but she broke the NDA numerous times and is being sued so I imagine Depp leaked this to repair his image somewhat

Amber Heard did not "abuse" Johnny Depp, abuse implies a misuse of power, which women do not have. She "mistreated" him, maybe, but she is incapable of "abusing" him.


abuse implies a misuse of power

No, it doesn't. Is this a troll job that's gone over my head or something?

It's not my job to educate you.

Still none the wiser if you're for real. God I hope not.

It's a chapo poster, they are not all there.

Then I'm glad you spread bullshit as a hobby instead of making a career out of it, if this is even really what you think.




Please tell me this is sarcasm

Normally I would say so but he fucking posts on Chapo


And just why the fuck do you assume I'm a "he"?

I forgot, half of chapo posters are trannies, my bad.

Transphobic slur, yikes.

Wait tranny is a slur now? Fuck I’m gonna look like an idiot at the roller disco

Are you really this fucking retarded?


Wow, we're resorting to ableist slurs? Yikes.

I think you best spend some time with a dictionary. You’ve created your own definition to support your claim.

-To treat a person with cruelty or violence. Pretty cut and try to me.

Your argument minimizes women and implies that they are inherently victims.

It is power that you can beat on your husband and still have women and men go to bat for you despite clearly admitting and then lying about the way you inflicted physical harm. It is a power and privelege that physical harm against men is not only dismissed but even used as a form of comedy even in severe cases of bodily harm (see the view and their reaction to a wife throwint her husband's dick in the garborator).

You are prime example of this outrageous double standard because in your eyes no man can be abused despite the fact that a women can have physical, financial, and emotional leverage over a man. Even more so you are ignorant of the bias of courts and how any physical retalltiation by Depp would be much more strongly scrutinized. It is a lose lose when men are in abusive households. They have no voice, nowhere and often no one to turn to and you have people like you that are blind to this because god knows why.

How exactly does he have more power in this situation?

No, you can't just victimize all women and make us seem like weak little innocent flowers. We women are very powerful and very capable of abuse!! And Amber Heard is one abusive b***, there is no other way to spin this!!

Remember when he joked about assassinating the President?
Chalk this up to the Trump curse strikes again.

Don't be a retard

Agreed. Karma's a bitch. Say retarded shit, get finger lopped off. Depp should count himself lucky he wasn't castrated

No I mean you. Don't be one of those retards who brings up the Trump Curse like it means anything

OP, please x-post this to

OP, please x-post this to /r/trumpcurse

I mean.. we already knew this. She abused her ex-girlfriend. Johnny and her obv were abusive towards each other. Everyone knew that marriage wouldn't work..except them until they separated.

When this all started Johnny claimed Amber got mad after and argument and retaliated by taking a shit on their bed. At the time it sounded crazy and untrue but after hearing the recordings it seems like she’s very much the type of crazy to actually take a revenge shit on someone’s bed.

You guys in here are all way too mad about this. And that's fine, but take it somewhere else nerd. This is obviously as much Depp's fault as it is hers for letting a foid have her way with him


Lol ONTD still have Jussie truthers too

TwoX is an echochamber.

I'd tongue punch her fart box

She’ll ruin your life.

Men will give up an arm for a beautiful woman lol

Im sure Johnny doesn’t think it was worth the shit

Amber is why we can’t have nice things. We were finally being heard, people were paying attention to our stories and finally we were able to get a bit of peace with after the hell we went through. Then this bitch proceeds to take advantage of the MeToo movement to try and cover her tracks as an abuser, to pin everything on Johnny- because it would work- and it did. Personally I never pointed fingers either way UNTIL the evidence started to come out. Never point fingers until you get the full story.

Idk, I'm a huge supporter of jumping to conclusions and making decisions based on hearsay

She's far from the first to try and benefit from the #MeToo movement. Any "movement" that advocates for uncritical and blind belief begs to be misused in this way.


this shit got me errect

I legit called this - just got into a massive argument with the wife because she’s angry that Amber Heard was found out and that I can now without sharpie of a doubt say it was the woman’s fault and she set up Depp - it drove her crazy. It’s a woman thing.

So many red flags, I low key was confused by the supposedly abusive footage she posted right when they were divorcing. HIS MOM WAS IN THE HOSPITAL and she was like "omg he is crazy" while he was crying about his mom being ill. He broke a glass but it he wasnt trying to hurt or scare her. Also he didnt direct any anger at her even tho he realized after that she was filming him so she could gouge him after the divorce he was just disappointed.



Please check out the articles and sign the petition! Stop Amber Heard from profiting off of real abuse victims and their stories!

Men can't abuse women, also women can't abuse men!!!
