Menslibbers jump to the defense of a literal human cum dumpster. She still won’t have sex with them.

1  2020-02-02 by TigerKelley


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homosexuals reproduce by raping kids


  1. Menslibbers jump to the defense of ... -,

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126 wow. Not wife material.

Your mom material.

127 now.

128, 129, 130, 131...

Stop being so insecure

Yeah, how else am I supposed to eat cummies and not have it be gay

She counted, too. Wonder if she had a ledger or a special app or something.

Man that is a lot of cock.

good 4 her

Statistically, it's about 58 feet of dick.


Why are you telling on yourself if you’ll never get found out??

I really hate redditors here's the tweet could easily be a hoe trying to get attention lol

ive come to the conclusion this is at least one level of larp (slut) if not multiple (dude). it's like if i tried to run a shitty twitter about wanting to fuck basketball players and dudes who look like basketball players but tried too hard to make it believable.

Foids 🤢

Let me guess... "Incel broke up with GF because GF had "several" nibbas cumming in her" on IncelTears ?