reddit moment 9 years ago

1  2020-02-02 by heeehaaw


If your girl begrudges you a trip to the spank bank and isn't offering to jerk you off herself, it's time to fucking go, son.

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If you support free speech, you must support people pinging other users. It's completely legal speech. If you won't defend pinging as free speech because you or someone else finds it disgusting, then no speech that you or anyone else views as disgusting is safe.

>if it is in fact on shaky legal ground it's reasonable to not want to be the case that establishes it as illegal.

It's not, The reddit admins are straight up lying to the ignorant (like yourself) to justify their prejudice. Pinging being protected speech has long since been estabilished, as it has undeniable artistic merit. The only time it's been included under any obscenity laws is when someone is being charged with possession of harassment, so the state can slap them with more charges. The courts have been very careful to not charge anyone for pinging, because they'd get their asses fucking annihilated by a higher court due to the firm precedence of pinging being completely legal speech. /r/Drama had nothing to worry about, this guy was just making shit up to fool people into thinking his censoring wasn't entirely personally motivated.


  1. reddit moment 9 years ago -,

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Come on now, it's got some redeeming qualities. Top comment has "tard" in it.

i can't imagine a popular thread in a default sub where the top comment says, "your gf is being a tard" nowadays

"I'm tempted to publicize her mothers contact information so that you guys can have a go at it."

In current year OP would get his account suspended for this. Óvò

Between this and the Jon Stewart "fat shaming" thing, I'm really appreciating how obvious it is to anyone paying attention how fucking crazy the internet has gotten over the past 15 years or so.

Current year was a mistake

"I'm tempted to publicize her mothers contact information so that you guys can have a go at it."

In current year he'd get his account suspensed for this. Óvò


Why wouldn’t you just make a thread about this? Get to work.


The Eternal Coomer

Why tf are you digging thyroid 9 years of reddit


Why tf are you digging thyroid 9 years of reddit

When even your phone knows you're fat


Shut up nerd

Too bad that poor GF didn’t have support subs like r/loveafterporn to go too for support!

damn, she might have actually been confronted with the consequences of her neuroticism irl and been motivated to reevaluate, rather than stewing in echo chambers of mental illness and extremism which will reinforce her positions 🤔

This was a fucking roller coaster holy shit

He did the triple brackets

Forgot a bracket though.

hahahaha coomers amirite?

That was a thrill to read