... I mean why doesn't the politician use a picture of Patton Oswalt instead? It's a win-win: 1) Oswalt looks identical to the baby. 2) Own the libs. 3) Resulting outrage will distract Oswalt from murdering his second wife.

1  2020-02-02 by SandorClegane_AMA


Eat shit


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Is that dude already remarried?

he got remarried like a month after his wife died. also she had high levels of alcohol and benzos in her blood when she died lol pwned

She had Adderall, Xanax and Fentanyl in her bloodstream and there's rumors there was some coke and MDMA too. But sure Patton Oswalt didn't sit by and let his wife OD. It was definitely that heart defect she totally had that despite the dozens of doctors she had shopped around for, no one knew about.

The right can't meme. By order of law