Joe Rogan says he doesn't want to get involved in politics anymore and r/politics immediately demonstrates why

1  2020-02-02 by The_Reason_Pete_Wins


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In the past, Rogan has been accused of racism, sexism, and transphobia, the latter of which he addressed and tried to push back on the episode.

His "transphobia" is because of this:

Turns out biology exists and men and women aren't physically equal.

I always wanted to start a podcast called “The No Rogan Experience”, where the only rule is you can’t talk about Joe Rogan.

"So uh, who's you favorite middle aged pothead MMA wannabe?'

My middle school friend's older brother.

They really just don't get why no one likes them and they keep losing in every country, do they? Just wish Leafland didn't buy into this shit en masse


I went through a conspiracy phase in my early twenties.

"I am now and adult since 2 years and I will start believing people randomly I see a youtube without critical thought!"

What is wrong with burgers?

i went through a conspiracy phase when i was like 12 but i was also on a lot of ritalin and borderline retarded

Sure I could kinda understand that but how is it that people go through conspiracy theories 5 years after they were allowed to get a driver license?

It proves more that the land of the free is the land of the free to be retarded.

I grew out of it about halfway through high school, but I still maintain that D.B. Cooper is Kenny Christiansen.

Are you implying you are not retarded now?

no, now i’m on adderall and borderline retarded

Leftoid: Ummmm, ackrually you can only not be involved in politics because you're a cishet white male, check your privilege sweaty-

gets sucker punched by Rogan

Wow epic!

Ok, this is epic.

we should have a roleplaying day where every drama comment has to be a shitty italics story

actually upvoted

Did they open the sub already?


Exhibit 163.236 on why people who browse the default subs should never be allowed near a ballot

Joe Rogan just had Daryl Davis on. Anyone that calls Joe Rogan a right winger is literally a moron that should be ignored and deported to Yemen.

Daryl Davis

I unironically respect the hell out of that dude

I once saw someone bring Daryl Davis up in an argument with B--df--n, in an attempt to convince them that engaging with your political opponents is more productive than playing a retarded game of whack-a-mole deplatforming. B--df--n's response was "What Davis does isn't effective because we can't be sure those neo-nazis didn't revert back to their old ways afterwards".

I was seething at that. Daryl Davis is a saint.

The really ironic part is that deplatforming doesn't make nazis disappear. It sends them deeper into echo chambers. It makes them worse. I've watched it happen over and over again. Just look at Voat.

We know that deplatforming doesn't work and that engagement does but engaging is so much more work and doesn't let me bully people, you know?

I think it ultimately comes down to the fact that a lot of people who insist on deplatforming just aren't very good at talking to people - they can't get inside their opponent's heads and can't figure out what makes them tick. I've had them unironically tell me it's no use arguing with Shapiro-types because "they'll use rhetorical tricks to confuse you and win the argument", but they can't see that this isn't a reason to deplatform them - it's a reason for you to up your conversational game.

But yeah, god forbid you put some effort into this cause that apparently defines who you are as a person. God forbid you'd be surprised when weird smells start coming out from that rug you've pushed everything under.


Pretty sure those Klan guys are using him for marketing.

Joe lives in the most liberal city, in the most liberal state, and is a public figure. He could be right wing, we'll just never know until he retires because he is in cancel culture central. He's not dumb.

He appeals to both sides, but keeps it vague at most times. He'll sing a slightly different tune for each guest.

If it's a conservative guest, he's center. If it's a liberal guest, he's center-left.

Joe wants crazy Bernie to win so that crooked Hillary will endorse tiny Trump as President.

How does it feel to be a filthy bedouin who belongs to a lineage and culture which has never actually accomplished anything for itself? The only remarkable traits of your people are that they sit atop oil which white people pay you for and that you are dishonest and relatively dim witted. If western leaders weren't a bunch of jew addled traitors they would have wiped your people off the face of the earth and simply taken your oil rather than paid your retarded royalty a single cent.

Now we have a scenario in which a bunch of dune coons run around playing 21st century warlord with weaponry their stupid people couldn't possibly invent and shitting up life on earth for everybody. We never should have sold you so much as a Lamborghini let alone a fucking autocannon. Handing you sand niggers modern weaponry is like handing a small child a hand grenade.

If your people were worth their weight in salt they would turn their own lands into a place fit for human beings. Since they aren't able to, they flee to our lands and proceed to breed like rats while feeding their children with fraudulently earned income and welfare paid for by white people. You and your ilk will eventually outnumber us in our homes and our lands will become as shitty and useless as your lands. Cograts, you'll achieve dar es salaam but you won't have running water or a functioning power grid. You played yourself.

Shameful behavior from a deceitful desert tribe. Yet you feel pride. So strange.

Begone, rat.


  1. Joe Rogan says he doesn't want to g... -,

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outrage and cancel culture.

No such thing exists. This is another myth contrived by right wing propagandists.

Don't believe their lies.

The standard deflection is "cancel culture doesn't exist because people got mad at this multi-millionaire celebrity and nothing happened!" as if it's the same when the horde decides to go after some working class schmuck or a teenager

In what way was Joe Rogan cancelled tho?

Cause I said so

Hugely influential leftoid podcaster with millions of listeners from across the political spectrum endorses the progressive candidate for president

Progressives: fuck you Nazi!!!!!1!!

I'm really hoping the_reason_trump_won shows up for this thread

Sanders supporters do not really identify as progressive usually. It is the neoliberals who support the other candidates usually, they identify as "progressive" because it is the most left wing thing they can imagine in their small minds. Neoliberalism co-opted anti-racism and attempted to integrate that into capitalism to serve the interests of the bourgeois, they cling to this desperately to try to wave their progressive credentials while opposing literally every policy that would do anything to improve the material conditions of the working class.

Capitalism has nearly infinite ability to co-opt and neuter any revolutionary or subcultural movement to serve it's interests. Look what they did to Nelson Mandela, Nelson Mandela was sooooo much cooler than the sanitized neoliberal version of him we were taught in school.

The neoliberals attempt to prove their anti-racist bonafides by hysterically forever trying to shun and shame anyone and everyone who has ever had a single problematic moment in their life. Sanders wisely realizes that these proletariat are a potent force and the basis of any future force he may wish to build among the working class. Whatever problematic views they may have expressed in moments of frustration in the past, he knows he can satisfy them with real material gains. The neoliberals know for a fact that they can't do anything to improve these people's lot in life, they can never win them over, so all they have is hysterical shunning to try and discourage defection from the neoliberal empire.

words words words

Yep, it's watermark time

But it's not absolute drivel, for once. This is basically the /r/stupidpol manifesto

Define Neoliberalism please

Not hating the global poor, and the less you hate the global poor the more neoliberalist it is

They love the global poor cause it's cheap labor.

This but unironically. The best way to help the global poor is to tell them to open their markets or get droned


Neoliberalism: Things are going pretty good right now [1], [2]. Maybe we shouldn't burn the system to the group because you're the first person ever for whom learning a few truths about the real world turns out to be a depressing experience.


[2] The apparent case of syphilis the US Government appears to have developed lately notwithstanding

LOL. Co-opting causes has been part of the leftist recipe for gaining power since at least Alinsky. It's hardly a day between me seeing posters in town -- almost any town -- saying something like "No war with Iran!" posted by some local socialist group. The events inevitably switch the topic to class consciousness as quickly as possible before explaining how capitalism is the real root problem. I got fooled once or twice in college.

This isn't even just an Alinsky thing. Pick up any copy of Jacobin, find a story about something other than class consciousness/capitalism, and you'll quickly learn how the patriarchy, homophobia, and racism are all really problems caused by capitalism.


really goes to show you that leftoids are more concerned with “punishing” people for wrong think than actually attempting to convert them to their side. The new purity tests consider your entire history. It doesn’t matter the context of what you were talking about or if you’ve now changed your views. Once you utter their version of bad words it’s over. Not to mention how incredibly stupid this behavior is with an election coming up. I mean, shouldn’t the goal be to create more leftists? Even more pressing than that, shouldn’t the short term goal be to convince as many people as possible to vote democrat?

Meanwhile rightoid mayos will hold “blacks for trump” rallies without any actual blacks in a retarded effort to convince people that they actually are converting voters lol

It’s Sunday, he’s golfing


I made this post just for you

Lol I didn't notice it till like an hour ago sry bby

It's okay I still love you 😘


Like Rogan always supports lefty policies but has friends from all over the spectrum so he’s canceled.

Joe Rogan doesn't really believe in anything besides getting high and saying "Woah that's so cool" to the people he's talking to on his podcast.

true centrism

Is there anything else involved with being a Democrat?

Forced reeducation of the lower classes to ensure they don't express any opinions that middle class white women might find distasteful.

You struck the nail into the center of the earth.

What's funny is if you look at the statistics for those Title IX kangaroo courts, which are of course all run entirely by middle class white feminists, black guys, who only make up like 4% of the college population, account for 50% of the expulsions.

Really makes you think 🤔🤔🤔

Note that just isn't true.

He also believes meats are the best foods, martial arts are the best sports, and that it isn't a real 911 unless it has a stickshift manual.

And there's nothing wrong with that

Wrong he believes in people eating meat

He doesn't think people he disagrees with are monsters.

He's a monster!

I'm watching a trainwreak in slow motion in slow motion and I dont like it.

Pete could hace been so good for America.

Cancel culture doesn’t exist but if it does they deserved it.

Every time, without fail.

It's their version of "the holocaust didn't happen, but I wish it would".

The holocaust didn't happen though. The Jews needed people to be overwhelmingly sympathetic so they could re-establish Israel.

Don't make me get the fly swatter out, dork.

Good job using a safe insult, you wouldn't want to hurt someone's feelings.

Using safe insults like dork, dolt, dunce are the most effective tbh, they make internet losers seethe

Stfu nigger

I mean... I guess

You idiot the Holocaust happened but it was actually 20 million Jews and they downplayed it to 6 million because

Fun fact, the “11 million combined; 6 million Jews and 5 million non-Jews” number is a complete fabrication.

The Nazi war effort caused the death of about ~34 million people, combined. But when it comes to specifically the Holocaust, the 11 million number was made up whole cloth by Simon Wiesenthal.

The problem was that, up until the 70s, most Americans didn’t really know about or care about the Holocaust, the same way they still don’t really give a shit about the Holodomor or the Nakba or the Bengal famine or the Great Leap Forward or the Rwandan genocide or the Bosnian genocide or the Armenian genocide or any other 20th century violent atrocity.

But American Jews needed the broader populace to care about the Holocaust for many reasons, including to drum up support for Israel. So Simon Wiesenthal came up with a plan - if Hitler didn’t only target Jews, then he could make up a number of targeted non-Jews high enough that the goyim would be forced to care, but still low enough that people would associate the Holocaust with Jews. He just decided to settle on 5 million. Because of his clout as a writer and self-styled Nazi hunter, people bought it.

I’m serious, you can look it up. And not on the Daily Stormer or Stormfront or anything, but from actual Holocaust scholars, who are continually frustrated by the perpetuation of the fabricated number.

I think the object level argument that “the Holocaust didn’t happen” is obviously false. It’s one of the most well documented events of modern history, and all of the common denial arguments fall flat on their face with a single second of critical reasoning. There’s very good reason to believe the number of Jews killed was anywhere between 5 and 6 million.

But there are a lot of things about the Holocaust that have been completely made up, like a lot of famous autobiographies, the 11 million number, the roller coasters, the soap made from Jew fat, the Jew skin lampshades and, my personal favorite - the masturbation machines (shout out to the nigga that made that up - hilarious). And it is kind of absurd how it’s illegal to deny that it happened in some European countries.

It’s also a little curious how quickly it became an important and defining event in the entire Western world. Nobody in the US knew or cared in 1945, and now, there are more Americans that know about the Holocaust than know that we dropped 2 nuclear bombs on Japan. Not to say that the Holocaust doesn’t deserve this recognition, but, rather : why isn’t there an equally strong acknowledgment of the other aforementioned tragedies of the 20th century?

Is it a coincidence that 5 out of the 6 largest American media companies are headed / founded by Ashkenazi Jews & the 20th century atrocity event with the most cultural import is the atrocity event that targeted Ashkenazi Jews? Is that a spurious correlation?

On the meta level, I think the argument that “the Jews that disproportionately control the media chiefly bolster their ethnic interests and get away with it because, in a liberal capitalist democracy, the mainstream media decides what is and what isn’t important” has some weight to it.

Not to say that I think, say, Jeff Zucker and the Sulzbergers are deliberately working in some conspiracy to brainwash the American populace into supporting Zionism, believing anti-Semitism is a massive rampant problem in American culture, etc. They might be doing it totally unintentionally and totally without coordination. The same way that many billionaires just to happen to stumble across anarchocapitalist libertarianism (exactly the kind of ideology that would bolster their own class interests), it’s entirely possible that the disproportionate number of Jews in charge of the media just so happen to prioritize putting their own ethnic interests in front of the eyes of the American populace.

In both cases of the Randian billionaire and the Zionist Jewish editor-in-chief, there could be a “happy accident” where the subconscious prioritizes primal tribal self-interests and the conscious thinks it’s acting purely rationally, without any explicit conspiratorial intent or collaboration. But the result is the same as if there were conspiratorial intent - we all believe 11 million died in the Holocaust and there are 100 Holocaust documentaries for every Holodomor documentary.

This is one of the worst post I have EVER seen. Delete it.

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The holocaust has several unique aspects.

From the founding of their party the core of the Nazi's ideology was eradication of the jewish race. This goal widely known. And as soon as they had power they did everything to reach that goal.

The holocaust was long planned and completely industrialised. The German jews were extremely well integrated. The only thing these people had done wrong was being born. The killings weren't arbitrarily, nobody was afraid of the Jews, at least of 1.5 million jewish children.

There was no deeper sense behind it, yes people profiteered of it but it was't reason for it. They just wanted kill jews and they did it in the most efficient way they knew. This applies to no other genocide

I wouldn't say they were well integrated honestly.

In eastern europe it's arguable but in Germany they assimilated. They spoke the language, they fought in the wars (lots of the victims were highly decorated veterans of WW1), they were highly patriotic. There was no reliable way to identify someone as jew at the time beyond some common names. A lot of them even converted to Christianity.

the Nazis invented ethnic cleansing

the nazis invented the industrial genocide

You’re right, the Nazis inventing industrial genocide completely explains why the Holocaust had absolutely no presence in broader American culture for a couple of decades and then, all of a sudden, possessed so much import in American culture that, in 1993, twice as many Americans knew about the Holocaust than knew that the USSR was our wartime ally.

No other genocide or mass casualty event deserves even a fraction of the import that the Holocaust has, because none of the deaths of those innocent people were industrial. That’s why.

the Holocaust had absolutely no presence in broader American culture for a couple of decades

where do you goose steppers come up with this shit?

Read "The Holocaust in American Life" by Peter Novick.

Here's a good starter :

"The Holocaust Industry" by Norman Finkelstein is pretty good, too.

Both of these people are (or, were, in the case of Novick, who died) accredited, accepted, tenured political scientists and historians. Not that it matters, but both are Ashkenazi Jews.

The fact of the matter is, the Holocaust was famously only reported as a footnote in the New York Times as it was happening, the US gladly denied entry to Jewish refugees and very few people cared, and FDR also infamously didn't pay too much mind to the Nazi death camps or the Nazi's brutality towards the Jews during any of his fireside chats.

It wasn't something that was entirely denied in the broader American consciousness, like the Bengal famine was by Churchill, but it was something that didn't nearly have the import that it did until the 60s and 70s with people like Simon Wiesenthal or Elie Wiesel or the (falsified) Kosinski memoir.

Eat shit, faggot.

Eat shit, faggot.

fuck off nazi.

merely made the claim that there is a non-spurious correlation between the disproportionate growth of Jews in American media throughout the late twentieth century (a statistical fact) with the increased presence of the Holocaust in the broader American culture in the late twentieth century (an historical fact)

clearly acknowledged the historicity of the Holocaust and the extent to which it was an horrific, violent atrocity

am voting for Bernie Sanders


Are you a Zionist, or just retarded?

fuck off nazi

Okay, I'm sorry.

fuck off nazi

Bruh this is a radical centrist sub. It's fine to deny the Holocaust but at least also deny the Holodomor and the Rwandan Genocide.

The funniest part is I am not a Holocaust denier. On the object level, I agree with every mainstream academic Holocaust scholar on the number of Jews killed and the way they were killed.

Sir this is r drama


The person above me is an anti Semite, everybody knows it was 60 million Jews

Dont downvote the lolcow

I read somewhere that they mostly starved. Is that correct?

Towards the end of the war the supply lines were all fucked. The Germans wouldn't want to starve the slaves that supported their war effort. And if they really were death camps we wouldn't get stories like "I over slept and missed out on a death march" or "I was pulled out of line for the gas chamber because I was sick".

Shut up retard. Deported

Shut up retard






Joe Rogan is the archetype of your modern day bro. This is what really bothers people. The bro was supposed to disappear into a bygone era. They didn't want him to evolve into a brogressive ally. He is supposed to be the enemy.

Rogan is the white male moderate who isn't really political but will listen if youre not an ass. People really hate the thought if average, not internet and "theory" obsessed people participating.

He's super left-wing. He's not moderate at all. UBI is like his favorite thing. He will just listen to anyone from Hitler to Stalin.

He hates the idea of puberty blockers or trans women beating the shit out of female boxers though which means he's a nazi

He's super left wing and his large right-wing following literally never made a stink about it at all. You get the lefties involved and look at what happens.

Which is ironic because the YouTube comments will raise hell if he has a controversial lefty guest, but it's not like it ever makes the news or anything. His viewer base is majority right wing, it's easy to tell. Just look at the Adam Conover episode, and Adam is someone lefties worship.

You don't get it. His priveledge give him the luxury of listening to dangerous ideas, because in the end those dangerous ideas aren't going to personally affect him.




Did you ban him?


Fucking based

Hitler to Stalin

Theyre basically the same tbh









At least he's self-aware. He said that he is literally an idiot and if you're listening to him to form your political opinions, there is something seriously wrong with you.

Redditors could learn something from him.

Joe Rogan is smarter than most redditors and I mean that with full sincerity.

That still very insulting to redditors.

And that's a good thing.

Also much much more physically fit and with a sense of humor.

The bar is so low for all of these that this isn't particularly high praise for Joe Rogan

He is also seemingly self made and proof hard work can take you a long way, basically the American dream.

Can’t have that.

I’ve probably only listened to 3 JRE episodes. So it’s not like I am a huge fan of his

Once they bow to the Rogan, the bros will control both the right and the left and we will be pushed forward into a world of sick gains and partying hard.

The liberals say ewwww, ewwww! I say, yes, yes.

You cant be friends you dont agree with?


Friends, yes. Platforming their bullshit dangerous conspiracies and ideas, no.

Literally the next post down is people saying cancel culture isnt real and that the left cares more about civil discussion lol

/r/politics is boomer lib neoliberal hysteria 101. The sort of leftism that was cultivated in reaction to Trump's victory, that ignores the material interests of the working class and simply tries to shun them into silence to discourage defection from the imperial neoliberal politics, is utterly ridiculous and ineffective. It is a neutered form of leftism encouraged by the CIA and State Department and the deep state and MSM, because they know it doesn't threaten their globalist imperial interests.

They do not seek to improve the lot in life of minorities, they seek to use them as their shield while they continue to bash the white working class into dust, they encourage division among the two sides who's material interests should logically unite themselves as a force, because division among the lower classes is to the benefit of the CIA leftists in their comfy upper class urban gentrified luxury. This strain of CIA leftism is most typified by /r/AgainstHateSubreddits/ and similar garbage subs, but of course it dominate on /r/Politics as well. /r/Politics just being a clueless amalgamation of vaguely center left normies who clinged to this form neutered leftism because they were shocked into hysteria by the defeat in 2016, and can't understand the game that is being played against them.

Your pulitzer is in the mail


How does someone, not Pulitzer, be Pulitzer?


Politics was retarded way before trump


Liberalism is a mental illness proof 1,892,556,002

Liberalism is a mental illness, yes.

whats wrong with these people? he probably got more votes to their party then those people combined.

They’d prefer to lose and play victim forever than actually put their theory into practice knowing its likely to fail

Joe Rogan's semi-endorsement is literally probably one of the biggest reasons that Sanders is currently ahead in Iowa. A lot of these people are Warren stans and such though, again, they use minorities and feminism as a wedge issue, they do not have any policies that could ever actually benefit the material interests of these classes. All they can think of is to offer them affirmative action, to train new loyal enforcers of the neoliberal empire but with the authority of brown skin this time, who will 100% of the time in the end betray the material interests of their own people because they have been totally separated from them by the neoliberal brainwashing they received at university. Obama was literally the greatest success imaginable for this program.

Iowan here. MMA isn't big here. Most people have no idea who Rogan is other than "that fear factor guy."

Sanders support here is because they are fucking relentless with the door hangers, canvassers, mailers and political ads. Literally every 3rd commercial is a Sanders commercial. Every facebook feed has a Sanders ad in it. Every day I get more sanders spam stuffed in my mailbox. Goes straight to the trash with all the other political bullshit.

It's incredibly annoying. Wednesday will come and everyone will go back to forgetting Iowa even exists. For you political folks that think you want to have the first caucus in the nation, you can have it.

Wednesday will come and everyone will go back to forgetting Iowa even exists.

As they should.

Yep it's terrible. Never come here. Tell all your friends to never come here either. We literally drive tractors to work.

Imagine thinking I'd need to tell my friends not to go to buttfuck.

Should I also tell them not to go to Somalia?

I'll dry my tears with the leftovers from my $500 mortgage.

I'll dry my tears with the leftovers from my $500 mortgage.

TIL it's cheap to live in a shithole. I guess your house price is a function of the demand for your area...

Careful not step on any of the homeless people shooting up in your streets on your way to your shift at burger king.

only pussies are afraid of the homeless and I don't live in an area with gun violence

Are these the things you say to console yourself as you stare out at the bleak fields of potatoes and meth heads?


TLDR: you're mad that you live in an empty field that nobody wants

If things were right people wouldn't ever remember iowa exist tho.

This is true

Well. you got your wish.

We aint forgettin about Iowa yet...

of course he did, these people only get people to stop voting dem or stop voting at all


Why would anyone give a shit what Rohan has to say about politics?