/r/Toronto Redditor cooms repeatedly while drafting crime article headline

1  2020-02-02 by newcomer_ts


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"On Ryerson campus" but doesn't mention that it's also directly across the street from a safe injection site. I've seen tons of street fights right at the corner of Dundas and Victoria.

Oh no no no, not Canada’s hecking safe injection sites! Tbf seems like they are not hiding their feelings on that tho.

ppl talking about safe injection sites like it’s just a bus station where addicts shoot up heroin makes me seethe

Good title, though.

My favorite part is his assravaged post has nothing to do with the person he was complaining about, who said nothing racially charged at all.

You can tell he's only seething because the perps are niggers once again.

By now everyone knows.

Safe injection site near a campus? Targeted crimes committed by the usual suspects? People saying mean things? Yeah its mayo time.

Reddit knows who the real victims of this attack were