UN womyn updates english

1  2020-02-02 by heeehaaw


✖️ retard

✔️ r/drama user

Hard agree.

✖️ chairman ✔️ chair

Ngl that made me laugh. Just proves women are literal retards.

Person and woperson

I once met a guy named guy mcmanson I guess he'd be person mcpersonperson


Idk, I kinda like it. Puts the emphasis on the position instead of the person.

Is it like missionary but sitting?

I'm a chair, bro human.

✖️ feminism ✔️ humanism


✖️ Feminism

✔️ Autism



literally any opportunity they get

It's the start of the month, of course they're seething about paying rent.

They should just buy their home instead of renting it.

I can understand everything on the list but what the fuck is wrong with BF/GF?

"Lemme introduce you to muh partner"

I hear this all the time. Never quite sure if they're supposed to be fuck buddies or business partners.

Also makes it totally ambiguous on their marital status, so the follow up question is always: So...are you guys married?

✔️ Making language more ambiguous than it needs to be

✔️ Retarded

Now that you mention it. I hear people go “yeah my partner and I” don’t get it.

I prefer 'associate'.

❌ congressman

✔️ legislator

Except Congressman and legislator mean different things: a legislator is any lawmaker, while a Congressman is specifically a lawmaker who is a member of Congress. The gender neutral version would be "Congressperson".

❌ Boyfriend

✅ Dog

Stop destroying my gendered language you Anglo-Saxon colonizer

That's the response you use on them

Yea it's always great when they try to push this in other languages (oddly they always only know one: English) which never works out well for them.

It's almost like these people are Anglocentric 😲😲😲😲

their name is un women what the fuck are they even talking about

I'm sure tenants around the world will be thrilled to call their landlord their owner

❌ spinster

✅ bachelorette

ok sure

❌ mankind

✔️ humankind

Excuse me UN, but we like to say "peoplekind," not necessarily "mankind," because it’s more inclusive.

Is that you Justin? Are you wearing blackface right now? Do you have a giant black dildo in your pants?

It's hilarious because mankind is humankind, just abbreviated.

I honestly don't have an issue with any of these since a lot of them have high gender overlap. I also generally refer to my girlfriend as either my partner or S/O since we have been dating for two years and live together. So, yeah, no real drama here imo. If this was a bait attempt then it is pretty low quality.



dating for two years and live together

Stop making shit up pizza.

Wow, rude.

Did you complete your transition? Or why have you blessed us with your presence?

How did you figure out I was pizza?! :^(

This definitely used to be a pizza alt. Which also explains your flair.

Damn, you saw right through me. Can't ever escape the Rightoid Detective Agency. They never let anything escape their oversight.

Huh? Did you kill pizza and take his/her account? You don’t really some like him/her.

Oh-ho! Our brave detective is picking up the scent! You will make the Rightoid Bureau of Investigation very proud!

Is this your new schtick? You sound like you have a room temperature IQ.

Well, I am not Pizza. Glad to see people keeping vigilant though. I miss watching him get effortlessly baited into essay posting.