ABoringDystopia can't decide whether its an ancomm sub or a neoliberal sub when its Duck Dynasty Theme Day at the Kentucky senate

1  2020-02-02 by wm20123


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One of the few nations on earth where you can not only own a decent weapon, but can then turn it up to 11 and LARP as Soldier ManTM and take said weapon to your governments' buildings to peacefully protest and not be rewarded with 20+ years in a gulag.

Reddit: wOw WhAt A dYsToPiAn NiGhTmArE

It really is Gun = Bad on this website

in 1966 the black panthers walked into the california state capitol building, 23 of them armed with shotguns, to exercise their constitutional right to bear arms. not to mention they walked past president ronald fucking reagen on the way in, and gave a statement about racist state legislature trying to infringe on their rights and take away their guns. all of these redditors mocking this protest are complete brainlets with no knowledge of american history

edit, the black panthers were the definition of based, and theres a really good podcast on 2nd amendment stuff by radiolab that interviews black panthers founder Bobby Seale. heres the link, i highly recommend it

leftist bring up black panther to talk about how gun control is racist and won’t affect white protesters

and then push for gun control



wow this is such a dystopia, why can't the Government have all the power, like in a true free world

It's honestly amazing how much this website distorts people's understandings of words / ideas. One of the most basic, common traits of dystopian literature / film is the idea of the common people being subjugated by some nightmarishly powerful superstate, a.k.a. the exact opposite of what is being shown in this picture.

"Government bad, but they should have all the power too." -ABoringDystopia

This is a website where people will unironically say "if guns are a right, why do you have to pay money for them?". To redditors, rights are when the government gives you things.

Forget healthcare, food, housing, the lack of rifle welfare is the real crime

Every american deserves an assault rifle 15 on his 18th birthday

swisspilled take

To redditors, rights are when the government gives you things.

what a surprise. pretty much why ther are so many commies on this website.

Do they not realize they look like terrorists?

This is basically just a slightly less cohesive military uniform. We even have the same masks we can use if it's really cold. It's not typical but they do exist.

Well, as we learned from Kill-la-kill, a surprising amount of fashion trends actually derive from military uniforms, so that's not surprising.

I think the big difference between this situation in the middle east and here is that at the end of the day, these guys go home instead of overthrowing the government.

should i play kill-la-kill?

isnt it an anime

should i play kill-la-kill

Don't lose your way in your mind


What women soldiers were wearing those uniforms they have on that show?

Based in what I've heard about women in armed forces, kill la kill involves far less sluttiness than the average females deployment.

Towards the end, p much everyone had a 1 star goku uniform at the very least

Yeah take off the masks and I would just think army man

A lot of them are wearing stupid shit on purpose cuz they're from weekend

Is this the start of the boogaloo?

One of them has a Gucci belt

Surf's up 🌊🌺

If you pulled off that mask they would die

it would be extremely painful

They are not big guys


Ah, yes, I remember seeing old pictures of IRA and Taliban members toting AK-47's and Gucci belts

true dystopia is where the gov has less power over its citizens

Aboringdystopia doesn't even know what it's against, just a general dysthymia it can't really articulate.

Probably a collection of former political junkies who jave fried their dopamine receptors and now feel understimulated

This picture is kinda kool

The military gear with the Gucci belt is pretty legit

My dog would probably do it for a Luis belt.

I thought this was photoshopped for a sec

This is the absolute state of America, sadly.

title πŸ‘Œ

I have a lot of respect for Americans PATRIOTS https://youtu.be/a3QZV-AomtI

He seems unbalanced, but it also does seem kind of like a bullshit visit. Knocking on pillars? Looking around the capital building?

While I'm sure they do have to "follow up on tips" I'm also sure that they:

  1. have some leeway in what they consider credible vs non credible
  2. probably sent these guys as punishment for something they did.

I was not ironic I wish I could sent away the glowies like this

We don't know the full story... If he was on electronical surveillance they might have more than they said

They said it was the cops at the statehouse and he was like, acting strangely, so they decided to follow him. Its actually surprisingly common for autistic people to be questioned by the police for this. Some autist with an architecture fetish will be licking the support beams, and they'll be all "uh sir... are you planning some kind of attack?"

America patriots all decked out in Russian gear

Are we sure they're not some Ukrainian Militiamen?

Duck Dynasty Day


How dare cishet males have guns and rights and shit?! That is literally oppressing all those Womxn of Colors! 😠

What an incisive take. You must write for the New Yorker.