PETA BTFO by the NFL for culturally appropriating basketball American kneeling for cartoon animal use

1  2020-02-02 by SnapagatortheCroc


PETA has killed more animals then they’ve saved lmao. They euthanize most of the sweet heckin puppers that they “rescue”. They’re like the Aktion T4 of the animal world

wtf I love peta now

NOOOOOO they were just trying to save those heckin puppers and floofers from needless suffering NOOOOOO

Vegans are the some of the few people that think its a good idea to compare black people to animals and be proud about it too

I dunno, I think most people who compare black people to animals probably feel good about it.

Not the first time NGL.

people posting meat in replies


How the fuck wolves would stand beside a fox peacefully instead of bite the shit out of it and eat it with its family?

End Speciesism

Ted K. must be enjoying that PETA members are probably the most over-socialized people species around.