What the fuck happened to the Superbowl commercials?

1  2020-02-03 by too_much_choice

They're all boring as fuck self-congratulatory crap or something that might be funny if I hopped myself up on fent. There used to be at least some good ones. What the fuck happened?


> Be a burger

> Complain that commercials aren't made like they used to


don't be so rude, he can't help it. It's his culture



Nearly every American watches the Super Bowl, even if they don't enjoy football.

They use the half time show and funny skits in commercials to keep the people who unironically say 'sportsball' to come back every year.

I was being over dramatic. I never understood American football anyway

I love reddit, it’s people making fun what others are entertained by, but because you can look at their post history you can see they aren’t much different...

I'll stop complaining once I eat a bullet. Long since out of school so the odds of that are pretty low.

Suicide risk increases as you age.

Especially for Mayo men

This is kind of a "Why doesn't MTV play music videos level question"

Because we are the generation that stole music and the generation that blocks out ads while wanting creators to DO IT FOR FREE.

Now excuse me as I go share some files.

That one for Amazon Alexa where they made really awkward attempts to hint that Trump is bad was so moving and inspiring. Finally there's a giant soulless corporation that understands me! #resist

These ads feel like an SRDine is prying my mouth open and vomiting into it.

I wonder how happy corporations are now that they can just say orange man bad and all the #resist faggots start shilling their products again.

maybe rightoids shouldn’t shill these products for their companies

non stop talking about how they are boycotting this and that for being liberal propaganda

literal free advertising because everyone forgets why they were mad in like a week tops

I bought a yeti when those morons were blowing up theirs. Fucking right wing nut job snowflakes.

Ooh shiny report button

makes jab at fake news

owns WaPo

democracy dies in darkness you fascist

now shut up and buy our slave-made product

sometimes i think these commercials aren’t made to appeal to the resist crowd but made so retards talk about how they are boycotting big corporation #12 for being leftist propganda

especially when you consider the NFL’s demographics...

it’s almost like when you get a bunch of people riled up talking about your corporation non stop for a couple days you get them to advertise for free, and then people forget why they were mad to begin with...

Look it up on youtube and see how people are celebrating it. Its fucking ridiculous.

Did u see the Rick and Morty Pringles commercial though!?! HOLY. BASED.

The only thing I got out of that commercial is that I should never ever eat Pringles because people might assume I'm a Rick and Morty fan.

Almost put a fist through the TV during that and the alzheimer's Google ad. God the google one made me so fucking angry.

I didn’t see that one.

Not missing out

The foid that begat me started crying because of that Google ad.

I fell asleep halfway through that google one. And the mike bloomburger one as well.

You got to be really smart to understand it

It’s over for low-IQ-cels like me, then.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


It’s a dumb show, dunking on it at this point is even dumber. Dunking on the dunkers is feeding off of the bottom feeders shit. It’s a new level of bottom feeding.

If you dunk on the dunkers of the dunked you loop back around to cool tho

That’s what I was going for thanks

This copypasta is far older than the retarded CONSOOMER shit.

As someone who personally works in entertainment for a living, I can assure you that it is very rare that I actually make time to sit down and watch other artists' work in my free time. However, I gladly do this for Rick and Morty because it's so damn fun to watch.

I haven't seen something this unique or "game changing" since The Simpson's. It has the potential to inspire both new and older artists in ways that may come to even define the overall nature of today's and tomorrow's expectations in entertainment.

There is something truly special about this show. It tends to break away from every storytelling norm we have constantly been told is critical to follow...and yet it still succeeds in telling an interesting story that is worth investing time into.

So yeah, Rick and Morty is important to me...and I think later on it may have the potential to be exceptionally important to other people and artists as well. I've spent many happy hours watching it with friends, family, coworkers, and even by myself. The network and show's creators owe it to their loyal fans to produce quality work in a timely manner....

I hope whoever said this got their head cut off in a liveleak video.


Im yet to meet a fanbase as self loathing as this one. You guys make fun when people say this show is for smart people, but the fact is, it is. The show is full of philosophy, irony, references and a plethora of things that takes at least a somewhat educated mind to comprehend. Im not saying you cannot enjoy R&M is youre an average Joe, what im saying is that this show is smart, much like Fight Club or Wes Anderson movies are smart: they are works of art, they make you think and question your own beliefs, they critizice absurd aspects of society and upon rewatch you notice new things that add whole new dimensions to the story and characters.

What I see in this sub is a lot of people poking fun at fans that believe they are better for watching Rick and Morty, but really, isnt that just a minority? Arent there a lot of people who feel superior for many other reasons, like reading? I get thats stupid, but running this "meme" (ugh) to the ground only makes us look stupider.

The new episode just rolled out and everyone is commenting how everyone is going to quote that Rick line. Well guess what, of course people are gonna quote it, its a damn fine discourse Rick gives there, and critizicing exactly what you guys are doing. Im not posting it here to not spoil anyone, but seriuously go watch the discourse again and read between lines.

Also, i'd like to note that identifying yourself with Rick is not a "cringy" thing to do. I identify with characters from many different shows, because that what happens when you write a polyfacetic charismatic character. Im not to say I believe I'm Rick, thats just retarded in the same way putting a cape and jumping from a building is retarded, but I identify with his nihilism, his hedonism, his egoistical nature, etc.

So, can we just go back to enjoying our favourite show, see ourselves reflected in whatever the fuck character we want to be reflected, and going borderline paranoid with theories? First, because its a nice thing to do, you know, let everyone enjoy the show the way the want, and second, because by giving so much importance to the couple of retards who belittle others for not watching their favourite TV show you are going against the "Fuck all" attitude this show tries to convey.

Or as Rick said:

• I don't give a fuck what you think, Jerry!

I don't know what you said, because I've seen another human naked.

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i can't help it I laughed even though this satirical comment is what made me go watch it

i liked that it was self aware even if that is the show's played-out schtick

Excellent, I just made $7.00 USD.

hey some of that is mine, thats like 50 bucks here

The commercials make me wish that the Soviets had won.

soviet propaganda is more entertaining than ameriburger crap.

Gorbachev makes a pizza commercial

Never even began lmao

That commercial is so unreal, I sometimes wonder if we're the alt history timeline

For the uncultured https://youtu.be/fgm14D1jHUw

We may have supreme leader Putin soon so there’s hope in the former USSR to conquer us.


The average age of NFL viewers keeps getting higher - at this point, the average age of an NFL viewer is 52 years old.

Old people don't like new or interesting things.

Boomer-era ads were incredibly awesome though. The problem is the millenials trying to make ads now who are totally incompetent.

Aaron copeland music in the back ground, robert mitchum's voice over, cowboys riding horses, families at the table, fuck this was so American I just wanted to gut open a cow and eat it raw at my desk.

They should replace "In God We Trust" with "Beef: It's What's for Dinner" on coins. That's how American it is.


Must conssooooooom!!!

Hahahahahaahahahahah that was a good one hahahahaha

The ones with Charlie Day are good because its Charlie Day. I don't remember any of the other ones.

Well that one with Aquaman scarred me for life if that counts

The aqua man one was the only good one and i don't even remember what it was advertising

The Proctor and Gamble one was kinda funny. I always have a soft spot for those Charmin bears because they're so absurd.


To hide their genitals of course.

What really shocked me was the halftime show, though; although this has probably more to do with me being a Brazilian mong who's only now decided to check out this superbowl thing everyone's talking about. This kind of stuff is probably already par for the course for you guys, but for me, it was fucking surreal, because somehow, you burgers' shitty pop music sounds exactly like our shitty pop music.

How could you fucking let this happen? Has American mainstream music always been this shit? Did globalization really just kill regional music styles?

It sounded like shitty Brazilian pop music because two of the US's mediocre Latina pop stars were chosen to headline it. Shakira has some real talent but hasn't done much recently and J Lo isn't a particularly amazing singer who gets by on being hot. This isn't to say the rest of our pop music is any good either.

And they had J Balvin there to pander to the Hispanic crowd

The whole show was designed to pander to Hispanics. Now my social media is filled with people celebrating our Latina Qweens + J Blavin and Bad Bunny 🤮🤮🤮

Tho I will laugh at all the mayos wondering who the fuck J Balvin is

They'll be too busy cooming to the putería

And I’ll be to busy pounding back Modelos pendejo

An evening well spent

The Superbowl Halftime Show is the ultimate bland, retarded, lowest common denominator kind of music. And it's washed-up old bands from 10-20 years ago. I don't quite get what the audience is supposed to be. I guess it's for drunk women to watch while their husbands are talking about the game?

It's not really a highly respected institution here. Here's how it's shown on the Simpsons in the early 1990s (ironically I can only find it in Spanish). This refers to the 1955 song "Rock Around the Clock" which was never exactly considered in the same tier as Beethoven and Brahms.

iirc the NFL doesn't even pay the acts. It's moreso whomever needs the publicity and has a label willing to foot the bill for everything to try and remind people they actually exist. So they play a few snippets from their most popular songs and try to look cool so people will remember and talk about them.

Money. No. Yes.

They played the same state farm commercial from last yr

That’s interesting actually. I wonder if the commercial had a verifiable boost in sign ups compared to their previous ads or if they are just super lazy.

Both probably

We got a Groundhog Day commercial, it's all good

Yeah, that one was cute and it even suggested that you might enjoy the product that they're selling. Not many Super Bowl ads pull that off.

lol fuck san francisco lol

Cope. Least Coast-cels can cling to their trophies, but we all know what lifestyle they are secretly envious of.

I actually think they toned down the wokeness from last year and the snickers one was actually funny imo.

I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. What the fuck happened to the Super... - archive.org, archive.today

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i’ve never watched a commercial and been like “wow this is super fucking entertaining i’m so glad i’m watching this instead of other shit”

i swear there’s been some subtle marketing to change how people view advertising, instead of people viewing it as stupid fucking market they think it has some emotional or political meaning, that a corporation is on “our side” or “gets us”

both sides do this shit

i am so fucking sick of seeing these feel good/political ads and all that other shit made by big corporation 12

and it’s like people are fucking retarded now or something, all i see are obvious fucking ads everywhere and everyone acts like it has some meaning and isn’t there to shill a product

yeah bro i’m sure that #resist ad made by the lumber company or the chicken place closing on sunday’s is a political message, totally not advertising to prey on retards like u...

it’s totally legitimate and not suspicious at all that the front page of your favorite NSFW cuckold subreddit is full of anti NN posts

and this post is another fucking example too, like wow i’m not gonna look back on fondness about some gay ass commercial made to sell me disgusting fucking canned pasta shit that my parents bought so they wouldn’t have to actually put any effort in making dinner

FUCK YOU **** ********

and now you have retards in the comments talking about their favorite commercial or their least favorite commercial, saying stupid shit like “how does big corporation expect to make money appealing to the #resist crowd” like no retard they want you to make a huge ass huff about it and talk about their corporation non stop, your literally advertising for them for free

”Loretta” was an amazing ad.

It was way too sweet. There's tugging at your audience's heartstrings, and then there's yanking those fuckers up over their shoulders and trying to control them like puppets. "Loretta" was the latter.

Im gonna say the k*s word.

Burgercide when?

What the fuck is with all the sportshitters in my drama?

i’m pretty sure is that the only one who watched the actual footballing was that tomboy snally

incorrect ya boi spikes is a card-carrying sportshitter. I even argue about sports on the internet 😱😱😱

Gimmie your lunch money, fruit! 👊😡👊

the loretta ad was good until i realized how much info you're giving to google about trends from the past they'd be hard-pressed to find out otherwise. can't remember which one but one of the other commercials jabbed at multiple things including people putting listening devices in their homes was pretty good.

fav was the groundhog's day ad just cause of the nostalgia.

The mountain dew zero one was the goat because it literally felt like Bryan Cranston was smashing his advertisement into my brain also mountain dew is a fucking meme on its own

I was highly disappointed this year. Seemed to lack a lot of originality. A lot of them were just plain stupid.