Seattle Antifa Troids Try to Shut-Down TERF event

1  2020-02-03 by moggedbyall


lol non-terf foids are the dumbest retards alive

The only foids in that camp are super ugly ones that know the only contact with a man they'll ever get is one that really wants them to experience 'softer mouth feel.'

my married sister is one of them and I wouldn't call her ugly, but jesus christ is she unlikable

non-terf feminists you mean? because anyone who doesn't care about gender shit at all is still an improvement over terfs

Mom I made a difference today.

I put on my shoes and my bandanna, then I walked down and screamed in the streets, then I went into a lecture hall and started screaming until the police came and had to carry me out like a child. I will surely be remembered in the history books along side Simo HäyHä, Boudica and Vercingetorix as one of the greats!

Implying anyone but redditors remember simo hayha.

Reddit can't stop circlejerking about Simo, though. They like to fantasize about being him, including the improvement in looks. Boudica and Vitalstatistix were pretty famous, at least.

I have to write a paper on Boudica for next month, wanna give me your quick rundown?

  • Romans bow to Boudica

  • In contact with druidic spirits

  • Possesses psychic-like abilities

  • Controls Britannia with an iron but fair fist

  • Owns castles and henges globally

  • Direct descendant of the ancient royal blood line

  • Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Boudigrad will be be the first city)

  • Owns 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth

  • First designer babies will in all likelihood be Boudica babies

  • Said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Alexandria

  • Ancient Indian scriptures tell of an angel who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with her

  • Owns Nanobot R&D labs around the world

  • You likely have Boudibots inside you right now

  • Boudica is in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Roman Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the Pope & the High Druid (first meeting between the two organisations) and arranged the druidic leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Boudica bunker in Wilkes land?

  • Learned fluent Latin in under a week

  • Empires entrust their gold reserves with her. There’s no gold in Lugdunum, only Ft. Boudica

  • Is about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society

  • In reality, she is a timeless being existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know her ultimate plans yet. We hope she's a benevolent being

No, don't reply like this, please do another wall of unhinged rant please.

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fuckin bravo lol

This only confirms my fears.

Basically a way cooler Joan of Arc. She didn't have the religious fervour thing in quite the same way, and reportedly played down her nobility with her army, instead presenting herself as a fellow freedom fighter.

She was also described as tall, with tawny hair hanging down to below her waist, a harsh voice and a piercing glare. You've gotta like that.

I do. Tawny red?

Her army of 230,000 got completely BTFO by 5,000 romans and some allied cavalry. The romans then proceeded to kill and/or rape all her affiliated noncombatants, who had gathered to watch the battle.

The roman legate had a pretty based speech before the battle:

"Ignore the racket made by these savages. There are more women than men in their ranks. They are not soldiers—they're not even properly equipped. We've beaten them before and when they see our weapons and feel our spirit, they'll crack. Stick together. Throw the javelins, then push forward: knock them down with your shields and finish them off with your swords. Forget about plunder. Just win and you'll have everything."

that is based. my prof mentioned they used superior tactics like natural barriers (a forest behind them, and I think funneling them into somewhere narrow like the Spartans at Thermopylae).

I mean, while there's no denying that the Roman strategy of 'ancient riot police with short-swords' was hugely effective against poorly trained irregulars - the claim that they were outnumbered 46:1 is almost certainly just the Romans blowing themselves about how good they were. They tended to do that a lot.

Yeh, 230k is almost definitely a bit steep. But it’s not hard to imagine that the Romans were heavily, heavily outnumbered - it would have been within the realm of possibility for Boudicca to raise a massive amount of pitchfork-and-club wielding civilians. Not like she had to train or equip them, and supply would have been easy enough given all the raping and pillaging the Britons were doing before the battle.

I’ve seen 60-100k suggested as plausible numbers, which still would have been an absolutely massive army by the standards of the time.

I met that nigga in '01 ama.

Reddit can't stop circlejerking about Simo, though. Boudica and Vitalstatitix were pretty famous, at least.


Haha, look at that guy at 1:55, you wonder why 4 cops are having trouble carrying this guy, then you see it!

Of course the first thing that comes into the frame is a white girl with cat ears.

You like that, trannies? Siding with the animal fuckers?



Must support random cause

Loud yelling

*angry gay noises*


You say that like they aren't the animal fuckers.



In August 2016, WoLF filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration for its directive on Title IX permitting students to use bathrooms matching their gender identity.[4] WoLF stated the directive was against the intent of Title IX and would allow men into women's spaces.[4] In 2017, WoLF partnered with the Family Policy Alliance (FPA), an affiliate of the conservative Christian organization Focus on the Family.[2][1] WoLF and FPA filed a joint amicus curiae brief to the Supreme Court in opposition to a lower court ruling in favor of Gavin Grimm, a transgender boy who desired to use a school bathroom matching his gender identity.[2] In 2019, the Heritage Foundation hosted a panel against the Equality Act featuring members of WoLF, which sparked criticism from progressives.[1][2] On August 20, 2019, WoLF filed an amicus curiae opposing the inclusion of gender identity protections for transgender people in the R.G. & G.R. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission case.


Unfortunately, doesn't matter. Reddit just does not give 1 fuck about transphobia. TERF subs regularly brigade, no repercussions. TERFs regularly harass openly trans users, no repercussions. A trans person snaps back at that? Site suspension for harassment. It's happened to me, it's happened to other trans users I know, it's even happened to one of the mods of a large trans related sub. Reddit would rather have the TERFs and other transphobes around than trans people.

-3 points



Can't help themselves. I miss being private.

Reeee dumbasses everywhere.

We knew the risks when we imported terfcels to control the mde population.

Hey, don't blame us oldfags. It's the Chapos, r/all-fugees, and MDEgenerates who keep shitting up the sub.

Reddit would rather have the TERFs and other transphobes around than trans people.

Who knew reddit was so based?

wow i was misjudging reddit all this time?

This makes reddit seem like an accurate representation of society

and 👏🏻 that's 👏🏻 a 👏🏻 good 👏🏻 thing👏🏻


N word.

Count down initiated....

Troids are fine. But a commie troid? No.

So in summary troids arent fine?

I know some troids irl and they aren't commies. They are just degenerate coomers.

Coomunism is no better or worse than communism.

Have an upvote, Queen of Hearts!

TERFs DO nothing WRONG

Reddit would rather have the TERFs and other transphobes around than trans people.

Same tbh

It's much worse in France, to be honest. There's barely an iota of discourse around the matter at all.

Forget about being a non passing trans person here if you don't want to get sneered at, yelled at or beaten up. Hell, trans people barely ever get mentioned unless they get brutally beaten or murdered, and we seldom hear anything about trans rights.

The prevailing views are the following: trans men don't exist, trans women are sexual perverts unless totally passing, and anybody in between is an attention-seeking eccentric or mentally ill.

I'm fairly certain that attitudes are a little better in places like Germany, Denmark or the Netherlands, however. Southern/Eastern Europe is hardcore transphobic and homophobic in general.

Uhhh, sounds pretty based.

It's the same teenager racism hate cult that MDE was all about. It's just another boring /pol/ offshoot for lonely edgelord losers.


  1. Seattle Antifa Troids Try to Shut-D... -,

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The 19th amendment and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

The real mistake was dropping the property requirement

This, but unrionically

Really? You don't think that by now someone would have hit on the idea of gifting one-square-inch plots of land to thousands of people in order to swing an election?

You've got to use your imagination. Even the seemingly based Heinlein idea of requiring military service would inevitably be hacked. People would make up a medical issue meaning they can't get deployed, then happily sign up. Your voting base would end up being pregnant women and the like.

People would make up a medical issue meaning they can't get deployed

if you cant be deployed you cant vote.

See, you say that now because I just pointed out the vulnerability to you.

The problem is, if you actually implemented Heinlein's idea, you didn't see this vulnerability when you implemented it. So now you see it - but you can't fix it because these non-deployable people will vote against fixing it.

If they are too weak to be deployed they are too weak to fight back.

Do you really not understand the point that I'm making? Any system which limits voting will inevitably be "gamed" and you'll have trouble fixing that because the people exploiting it will vote against you.

It's a bit analogous to the issue we have with corporate taxes. If you try to raise their taxes, they use their power to oppose you.


You don't think that by now someone would have hit on the idea of gifting one-square-inch plots of land to thousands of people in order to swing an election?

high minimum estate value indexed to inflation duh

So they thought about Iron Curtain. And look at the world today!

Good lord, nuke seattle.

These people are pathetic.

But it was pretty funny how the police carried that fatty out there.

Looking like a young boy fucking lol

Based, imagine being a man and telling a woman to shut up in public in 2020 and be supported & applauded. Only troids can do that

You know it's interesting when you actually start to feel bad for feminists lol

Is the enemy of my enemy my friend? Can foids and moids unite under a common interest to defeat troids?

Who knew that trannies were so based. I hate women a lot they deserve whatever these trannies do to them.

Everyone is a woman now.

The real question is, are you all XX or a little XY?

Radfems already made me wonder long before all this drama.

But in the loonytroon era; those with crew cuts, hygine and the maturity to not scream in other peoples faces are more likely to be actual woman.

There's shouty people on both sides. My general attitude is ignore the shouty people and discuss with the reasonable ones.

I have nothing against trans people, I'm happy to consider them as of the gender they choose for social purposes in most cases. But equally biology exists and I'm not about to deny that.

Holy shit that dude is so fucking fat

those poor cops had to carry him

Look at the guy about half a minute in. Whispy, balding bead, bad frameless glasses, backpack.... this is just peak omegamale. Probably thinks Antifa is a good way to meet women lmao.

did you hear his voice crack towards the end of that every gender welcome chant?

I can't decide whether this... thing or the tub of lard the cops carried from the auditorium is more hideous.

Although honestly I think that no one even remotely attractive bothers with any of this shit.

Noone remotely attractive is trans either 🤔🤔🤔

Is this a YAAAAAAASSSS QWEEEN moment or no?

They are fearing for their lifes lul

TERFs do commit genocide on a daily basis. Saying mean words online is the worst thing someone can do.

Number one group causing trans deaths? Trannies 😔


Based transQT's beating up Femnazi's..... ahh, what a beautiful thing to wake up to.

Unbelievable how much gayer antifa is in the states, compared to europe