How would you bring stds to your partner?

1  2020-02-03 by gee-wayne


Gay porn is a genre that cuts across all demographics and the stigma that you have to be gay to enjoy it needs to come to an end right now.


  1. How would you bring stds to your pa... -,

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oh man I REALLY want to comment and tell this person just how disgusting both:

A) mukbangs are. watching people eat like fatasses is the dumbest trend I've ever heard of. fucking eat your food and watch something, don't film yourself. fucking retard losers.

b) talking about anything, let alone STDs is while filming yourself stuffing your fat face.

what the fuck is wrong with this planet, we need full blow fascism right now, and I dare you to disagree with me after witnessing this travesty.

i watched maybe 5 seconds

aww sweaty, it must be difficult getting so emotional about a youtube video 😔🙏

Nah he's retarded so it comes easy to him.

tell me im wrong tho

Having feelings about things is wrong yes

i have never gotten enjoyment out of eating and it irrates me to see someone enjoy eating so much they film it

That is sad, eating rocks