Wh*te w*men šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤®

1  2020-02-03 by OnlyDidMethOnceYAHOO


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  1. Whte wmen šŸ¤®šŸ¤®šŸ¤® - archive.org, archive.today

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When dreams become memes


Antonio Brown knew. It's why he went crazy.

Sometimes when you stare into gussy, the gussy stares back.

Been there done that. The midwife didnt approve, though.

The midwife shouldā€™ve kept her judgment to herself and been grateful your ass didnā€™t pile drive her from the top rope.

Another Deuxrama repost



How much money per month theses bitches do

Paid by moids.

To solve this problem just don't give moids money for their work. If they don't have any money, they can't throw it away.

With the Yang menace, moids are gonna blow their 1000$ on e-girls sex pics and weed. No wonder richs liberals like him, you have to herd the cattle.

36% of the $1000 would go to this foid per year. Worth raising taxes for imo


Keep your teenage drug sub in order instead janny šŸ˜Ž

fuck you

your post about nicotine addiction is pretty good tbh

thanks i was very spun on adderall when i made it

i was wondering how to piss of zoomers

Send Adderall pls

lol like iā€™d share drugs for free

I bet your health assurance cover it.

not free tho

How much? This shit is illegal here we have only Ritalin

itā€™s like 200 bucks but with insurance itā€™s 40-60$

with coupons (lmfao poorcels) itā€™s like 40 bucks

but this is the XR version the IR is cheaper

Would you ship to a fellow dramatard in Europeland ? I can wire you some buxs

sorry no bro NAFTA would be very upset

donā€™t u guys got good speed? itā€™s the same shit

But speed isn't amphetamines ? I'm not into drugs sorry.

Never saw something else than cocaine or mdma sold here

speed is amphetamines bro


lol UK fag

Wage gap eliminated.

Unironically though, I think Yang is too optimistic about this. Why wouldn't the guy making 250k a year opt into the 1k a month and blow it all on lottery tickets or a gambling trip to Vegas? There's no reason not to.

why is that an issue? it still creates economical activity

Lotto tickets and gambling isn't exactly going to revitalize downtown and promote entrepreneurship. The casino bosses and 7/11's will be happy though.

and not a lot of people are making250k either

No, it wouldnā€™t. Thatā€™s called the ā€œBroken Windowsā€ fallacy.


you have to herd the cattle

basically, shut them up and let them stay home on reddit

View now for $30, 30 days recurring

oink oink paypigs

A lot

dont kill me but i was desperate once and I had a semi ethot gf she didnt even post nudes or anything just sexted with a few lonely guys before meeting me (unsure if she did it after) and some sent her as much as 500 euros we broke up after she tried to use me for money and I said no

So I imagine these full blown thots make 1000s a month

Enough that people should do another round of reporting the whores to the IRS for tax evasion. The first round was really funny, but not effective at all.

If i was your dog i go head first into your ass

Good morning I hate coomers

The pushback against coomers is so fucking satisyfing to watch. I used 4chan for the first time in at least a year yesterday, and anyone posting off-topic coomer content was just being openly mocked.

4chan coomer content being openly mocked

Business as usual

Has this been going on for a while then? Last time I used /v/, thinly veiled fap threads or random horny comments in threads were the norm. Now, coomers get mocked anywhere they appear like an endless game of whack-a-mole.

fucking good. thirsty coomers ruin everything for everyone

as opposed to all the many things 4chan hold sacred and inviolate

4chan content being openly mocked

Just all of it

Last year they were called "cum brains". However /v/ filtered it to say gamer instead

Anyone who comments on this kind of sub, or pays for this kind of content when the internet is full of free porn anyway, should be repurposed into a nutrient slurry.

What I always find funny is the disparity in what gets upvoted and downvoted.

"Omg I wish I was your dog!" +5

"Please sit on my face!" -5

Fortnightly reminder that before man domesticated dogs, white women fucked Neanderthals.

What exactly is the problem (or drama) in this post?

Are you new here buddy? A newfag??? Grossss and yicky icky

Mayo foids like fucking dogs. That's it.

When did Mayo become an antiquated word on are drama?