The nignog-chink race war is gonna be hilarious when nCov-2019 spreads to the US.

1  2020-02-03 by AI_WAIFU


Lol like anyone on the left in the US gives a shit about asians

Asians are more oppressive than whites.

The Model Minority threat strikes again

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First the attacks on the Hyper-Jews and now this. Not a comfortable year to be a radlib in NYC I imagine.

Nah, radlibs don't give a shit about violence against minorities unless the the victim is a trendy color.


I'm still waiting for anyone on the left to acknowledge that the LA riots were ethnic cleansing and should have been met with force. Maybe by the 30th anniversary they will? 🤷‍♂️

You don't understand, it would have looked sooo racist to stop all the blacks and Asians from killing each other 🙄

I'm becoming a conservative in hopes of eliminating all welfare programs.


government granted AR15s are a must

Wow you're right, how could I have been so foolish?

Is that what social libertarianism is?

$68 billion bucks for food stamps every year. Divide that by 500 bucks (I'm sure the government could get a decent bulk discount) means that we could give 136 million free ARs out every year if we end food stamps.

Could expand the program to buy a 100 dollar optic as well as two 1,000 round boxes of cheap .223 (~$400) and we could give out 68 million AR care packages a year.

What set this one off?


Asian + Facemask = Coronavirus carrier

And as we all know, the best way to avoid catching a highly contagious is to use your bare hands to beat the shit out of anyone suspected of carrying it.

I just assumed he though he could beat the virus out of her like it was a demon possessing her and he was the heroic Pastor.

Asian + Facemask = Coronavirus carrier

There was a post in one of the relationship subs with this girl upset her friends are being shitty to her Korean BF because they are afraid he will magically produce the coronavirus and infect them.

Ebola would spread like this if the carriers could afford a plane ticket.

Can't wait for Sinos to start using shit like this as a rebuttal to the Glorious PRC Involuntary Ethnic Education Camps

It's already spread to the US.

BASED Basketballs saving NYC from the Jews, and now the Coronavirus.

Can we make this Black History year?

Tell me someone has a mirror?