Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.
Anyone who can tolerate being around children that are not their own for longer than ten minutes should be documented as a suspected and in all likelihood probable lolbertarian. “Nahh man you’re wrong, I just like kids” yeah so did John Wayne Gacy you sick fuck.
1 AutoModerator 2020-02-03
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1 SnapshillBot 2020-02-03
Streaming is the dumbest thing to ever get popular that I hope this venture does as much damage as possible to the entire platform. I will support any and every cause to nuke all streaming platforms. It was a mistake to dabble in these dark arts, and it must be dealt with.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 Things_Remote 2020-02-03
Anyone who can tolerate being around children that are not their own for longer than ten minutes should be documented as a suspected and in all likelihood probable lolbertarian. “Nahh man you’re wrong, I just like kids” yeah so did John Wayne Gacy you sick fuck.
1 ImJustaBagofHammers 2020-02-03
To be fair, some of them are calling it out.
1 katzen_kratzen 2020-02-03
I'd rather watch a marathon of marvel capeshit than any movie from an artsy French director
1 tHeSiD 2020-02-03
I dunno man, that lesbian movie was nice for my coom ritual