Donald Trump called journalist with a transgender parent ‘that bitch with the tranny dad’

1  2020-02-03 by Kaiser-romulus


lol he keeps that up and he'll have more black voters than Obama.

He truly speaks to the negro people

Tariq wearing a MAGA hat when?

What if he got an nword pass and started dropping n bombs

Id cooooom so hard

1 n-bomb = 1 step closer to Nobel Peace Prize

It would be amazing. He's still one of the best twatter shitposters to date.

Remember when fat Tom Arnold said he had a video of trump saying nigger lmao. Never proved it tho.

And that, boys and girls, is why we hate Tom Arnold.

I also hate him cause he’s fat

And he fucked Rosanne somehow. Lotta stuff to hate really


He's a degenerate leftist. Full of shit.

The N-word Pass Committee is in session as we speak.

The only question, apparently, is if he's worthy of a lifetime pass or jst a regular, 100 Times a Day pass.

He will do a Gold Digger duet with Kanye on election eve. I’d pay gold to see that!

God nothing would be able to stop him

He doesn't want an "n word pass". Makes fun of degenerates, not black people.

Unironically when I went to see Get Out in theaters a trailer aired for some movie about a transgender woman and some guy up front yelled out "Kill that thing!" and the whole theater started whooping and hollering. My very liberal friends were shocked.

He cute!

When I saw Get Out in theaters, I accidentally spilled baked beans all over myself and a black teenager yelled "This nigga eating beans" and everybody laughed.

Baked beans are the best movie food

Based, and Dennis the Menace pilled.


That’s when I became a republican

This totally happened

Unequivocally based.

Based on what?

Based and low turnout pilled

Trump lambasted by democratic senators for naked attempt to pander to black voters

should've gone with hot sauce

Nice assuming all black people are transphobic, good to know liberals are the true racist

People were so caught up with the white evangelicals that they forgot how religious black and Mexican people are

Someone had to say it.

i just wish trump had actually said it

Wow, you just proved what an absolute retard you are.


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More alarmingly, 25% of the country loves that statement, another 15% of the country is willing to pretend he never said it or that it doesn’t matter that he did because, “the stock market”, and then half of those people probably have no money in the stock market to begin with

its way higher than 25% lol

Waaaaay higher lmao

Waaaaaay waaaaaay higher LMAO

dude trussy lmao

They haven’t realized that normal people don’t fawn over trans people the way they do.

Normal people can barely fucking look at them

Imagine thinking that the way you talk matters in a world that only gives a shit about results.

Dare I say...42%???

We are inching closer to that Michael Richards, hard-R meltdown.

Oh, don't worry, retards.

Trump is a terf confirmed

I want to see him in a pussy hat.

They're still mad that he's the first president to support same sex marriage and can't deny that queen Hillary waited until there was no denying that the majority of the population supported it before changing her tune.

This is unironically a good election strategy

I works hell of a lot better than saying you are gonna have a child tranny pick your secretary of education lmao.

Why do you hate my accelerationist fantasies bb 😔

because Bloomberg is the real accelerationist choice

God your right. Even this comment made me unironically seethe fuck I have so much to learn.

How does he do it?

All the acceleration, but with none of the entertainment.

Accelerationists are inherently Cathbol. History will have a Cathbol bias.

man i hope she is the one they pile the superdelegates on, daddy will have so much fun with her

He'll literally make her cry on stage

Remember when she took a dna test, that was amazing

She's such a dumbass lol

She did that cause trump lol

imagine being such a fucking woman that you actually think scientific tests would back up your blatant lies.

she clearly knew she was lying and still took the test and then published the results after she got them and they said "u full of shit"

She got a geneticist who promised that no matter how little the number was he'd go on record as saying that it is legit, so she thought she had all the cover she needed. She didn't realize that people understand how percentages work.

She not only took it, but then released the results.

that was the most baffling part. wtf did she think she was achieving? "Actually, I am 1/1024th native american!"

Fuck I coom

If I wasn't voting for him before I sure as fuck am now



I think what really bothers people about Trump is that he is still popular, while they the "nice guys" are hated even though they're ever so much nicer than him. It's shades of highschool.

He can behave outrageously, lead the world to destruction, and he will still be more tolerable and likeable than your average polito poster.

90% of that behaviour is just total and utter bullshit and I'm sure he knows that and they know that yet, here we are.

That's it, it's just the genuineness. I am absolutely sure daddy is literally the exact same behind closed doors as he is in public.

exactly, look at the clinton emails, every politician acts one way in public and in private. Trump acts the same in both which is also why he has that weird immunity when people talk about what he does behind closed doors, because its exactly like you think he would act.

he's not your 1900s republican who said one thing in public and then had gay orgies and mocked the poor in private.

With Trump you know where you stand.

He also never apologizes for anything. Like if you do shit and people try and cancel you, never apologize.

I had a soldier who was being a smart ass and said, "What, you're saying that because I'm black?" around his buddies

And then I looked at him and said "Yeah". Fuck that guy's attitude (granted, that could've easily turned out against me...) but it worked. He shrugged it off and never said that shit again.

You wanna cancel me? Fuck off.

I’ve seen this happen a few times with leftoids calling some milquetoast rightoid a fascist only to act genuinely viscerally taken aback when they’re just like “ok sure”.

They aren’t actually one, but the accuser reaction shows that they didn’t actually believe the person was a fascist, they’re just lobbing retarded shit out hoping it sticks, and it catches them off guard when you just agree lmao.

Nice one!!

This. I'm a dirty leftoid but I've told my leftoid friends over and over who don't understand why Trump is popular exactly this. He may not be honest but he is probably one of the more authentic people we have had hold the office. What you see and hear is what you get.

Yup, used to hang out with a bunch of democrat friends that would say all kinds of awful and racist shit sometimes.

But when Trump was running they all turned into offended church ladies.

Trump usually just says what we are all thinking. Pretty much everyone calls people bitches and trannies when not in public.

Trump usually just says what we are all thinking

Are you serious? If he was really thinking what we're all thinking then he'd be thinking Arby's.

They've got the meats!

If Trump was really a man of the people as he says he is he wouldn’t be a globalist shill for internationals like McDonalds and KFC. He’d be an In and Out or Bojangles man like a REAL American

Zaxbys ftw

With the exception of In-and-Out all of those are fucking terrible. You get fried chicken at Church's or Popeye's and if you want burgers it's In-and-Out or Five Guys. Zaxby's is overpriced chicken nuggets with toast. Stop stuffing your body full of swill.

Nigga I have not even been to a zaxbys. I just like getting the chickencels worked up.

You’re not missing much the most popular fast food in the south is cookout and Waffle House, the latter of which is far superior

You're the kind of bastard that brings white meat to potlucks, aren't you?

Not even 5 guys. Waaaaaay overpriced. If you’re not in commiefornia hit up a Culvers for your fast food burger fix

fAggie GET OUT!!!


democrat friends

they all turned into offended church ladies

And here we hear again of the elusive pearl clutcher who can't actually afford any pearls.

The "nice guys" would feed your family into a wood chipper feet first if it made them President.

Who are these nice guys? Can we get examples of who you are referring?

exactly, he really is a real life version of that jock from 80s films, blonde hair tall, acts like a fucking nigger. and everyone loves him

Aren't you just so edgy? Way to ruin the circlejerk.

Shut the fuck up

Now you've done it, you'll be arguing with some neolib in the future and they'll be able to autowin the argument through the power of n-word count bot.

Why do you think I care about that? Lol I’m like at 78 of them. Also what makes you think I’d have a serious argument on Reddit? How fucking dumb are you 😂😂😂

Uh... you do realize you're on /r/SeRiousDrama right? The premier place for serious arguments on reddit.

wait that's how it works?

Okay, they need the handicap.


Quarantine incoming

I think what really bothers people about Trump is that he is still popular, while they the "nice guys" are hated even though they're ever so much nicer than him. It's shades of highschool.

It's worse than that. They've never been "nice guys." They do everything that Trump does but don't get the flak for it because they're on The Right Side of History and the media covers for them. Trump's getting away with all the shenanigans they pull even while the media is doing its damnedest to deep-fry him. They don't hate him because they're virtuous and he's crass. They're jealous because he can do what he wants without worrying about getting cancelled.

What the fuck is this pink news website?

A tranny news site I think

lgbt drop the lgb

How the fuck could there be enough news about trans people to have a dedicated news site just for them holy shit. I bet they just scour the internet for anything "hateful" and then write articles about it.

the obituary section takes up most of the pages

Not quite a majority

"Find out which celebrities you never knew were gay"

  1. Ew bongs

  2. Ew a website that rates journalists. Every single site should be rated as bad, no matter what they write about

Newsguard is quite useful as if someone calls your source fake news you can say "Well this third party centrist site says this site is legitimate."


Lol cool

Claims some controversial book with zero proof

You trying to imply daddy aint based enough?

I just remember when an expose book about him talked about how he had his assistants put together a gorilla channel on tv

This I can believe tho.

I agree. He probably didn’t say it but he should have.

He should say it after they accuse him of saying it.

He should say it everyday

I mean, 43% isn't going to just magically happen on its own

haha just kidding. unless...?

Pretty sure Zoey Tur is the troid that completely DESTROYED ben shapiro with threats and physical intimidation

lmao Benji bringin FACTS and LOGIC to a troidrage fight

Yeah, and apparently the daughter and her don't talk any more after she came out ouch

Normally I can't stand Shapiro but great that he didn't back down from physical threats. He should have claimed rape.

Lmao she (male) would've destroyed the khazar manlet.

Zoey Tur is the prototypical autogynephile

Sinking in the Swamp,

Lachlan Markay and Asawin Suebsaeng

Daily beast reporters with no evidence. It's a moid and a ricecel.

Daddy 😍😍😍

Can you imagine if Dementia Daddy vs Dementia Daddy Biden is in full swing and they both accidentally use the word tranny during a debate and then shake hands afterward?

this is more likely than most people think

wow another headline about what some journalist claims with absolutely no proof


Holy based

Imagine being a dad and a woman at the same time

Ah yes, Pink News. The most reputable.


How come every time I hear a news story about "Trump said..." it does not come with audio?

Based and troid pilled.

How the fuck can anyone not love this guy? He’s the most hilarious public official of all time.

Even if you disagree with him 100% politically you still gotta like his personality.


And this is why no president shall ever surpass the sheer unfiltered greatness of President Trump.

I'm voting for Zion Don purely for the memes he creates.

Based. Fuck j*urnos and fuck trannies.


I have a question. How likely is that trump will be defeated if Bernie gets elected (I believe he wil get elected but maybe that’s all the propaganda that /pol/ and reddit are giving me)

Trump once told me he and Obama had a 3-way with Pamela Anderson

It's true and the event 100% happened, because I wrote it on a piece of paper afterwards

Because this is totally unbelievable.

Imagine thinking that trump would agree to spit roast Pamela and not what really happened: him and Pamela spit roasted Obama while trump talked about how tight his Kenyan ass was. It’s true, I also heard trump talking about it

Dementia Daddy gets more based by the day, soon he’ll actually say stuff like this



Oh you mean the same “tranny dad” that in a live debate/discussion threatened Ben Shapiro that he(Tranny dad) would harm him(Ben). Link if you haven’t seen it yet




Lmao so tranny is on the level of nigger now?

Trump is one of a kind

Is Zoey Turd the ugliest of the 41%?

Funniest president in history. So honest, too.