Joe Bitin is trying to mimic daddy and keeps kissing his grandchildren, I should be upset but I just coomed to this pic so I’m okay, how about you

1  2020-02-03 by transilio


Are you a literal NPC? First you had trouble counting to two, now you're just copy and pasting your replies. Do you need some time to update before you can type anything new?


  1. Joe Bitin is trying to mimic daddy ... -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

This is my first post here... I will learn to love you.

I stay away from "joe biden touching kids" shit because it really just grosses me the fuck out and all I can say is what the fuck.

But it’s okay when it’s in the family and she’s of age right??? Need to justify the nut.

The best way I can describe my reaction to Joe Biden is as a kind of anti-orgasm, like every time I see him it cancels out at least one previous time in my life that I've nutted.

NoFappers are campaigning for Biden so they can eventually redeem themselves from a life of coom.

Going to post Biden on coomer subs so I can turn them into normal people

How does this make you feel 🤔

I stay away from "joe biden touching kids" shit

Yet... Here you are. 🤔

I want to kiss him too

His own granddaughter is hiking up the skirt for grand-papi, fresh with “fuck me” boots.

Shes been trained well

Post tribute coward.

Subscribe to my Only Fans to see premium content retard.

This is what the E-thots have done to my internet. Everyone’s an entrepreneur now. 😔😣

Have to earn the money to continue donating to Joe “If she’s tight, I’ll widen” Biden somehow!! 🥰

Joe "fresh hymen, I'll widen" Biden sounds better imo

I suspect that people who are so off-put by this behavior have one of two, or both problems:

  1. Lack of familial love growing up themselves

  2. Watched too much step-shit/fam porn

Fendi facts^

For real though Biden prob fucks kids along with Shillary and Drumpf

Wh*te people really aren't human

Grandaughters are halal.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?

God he's so fucking gross. Who's still supporting this guy?

Check the Iowa numbers, apparently no one 🥳
