1 2020-02-04 by unrulyfarmhand
1 SnapshillBot 2020-02-04
Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.
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1 AlecOzzyHillPitas 2020-02-04
The suspect is a 56-year-old white male. Cops were trying to obtain a warrant to conduct a blood test.
1 Ohsbar 2020-02-04
The Race of Peace strikes again.
1 twelve_forty_seven 2020-02-04
Funny how fast they managed to determine his race.
Truly the conspiracy of our time.
1 unrulyfarmhand 2020-02-04
🤔 some muslims must have kidnapped him and got him drunk. No other way...
1 respaaaaaj 2020-02-04
56 year old white man move on its mental illness not terrorism.
He was just george jonesin
1 15nelsoc 2020-02-04
Tbh this probably was a driving while under the influence of fent incident. It's Oklahoma and he drove a truck lol
1 duckraul2 2020-02-04
That's probably the best outcome of living in Oklahoma one can hope for
1 companyfry 2020-02-04
Three victims are in critical condition and the deceased victim is a female
Is that truck based?
1 HisPopeness 2020-02-04
Predictably rightoids call for a ban on assault trucks, which means lefties will hurt themselves in confusion and clamor for good guys with assault trucks
1 SnapshillBot 2020-02-04
Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.
I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers
1 AlecOzzyHillPitas 2020-02-04
1 Ohsbar 2020-02-04
The Race of Peace strikes again.
1 twelve_forty_seven 2020-02-04
Funny how fast they managed to determine his race.
1 AlecOzzyHillPitas 2020-02-04
Truly the conspiracy of our time.
1 unrulyfarmhand 2020-02-04
🤔 some muslims must have kidnapped him and got him drunk. No other way...
1 respaaaaaj 2020-02-04
56 year old white man move on its mental illness not terrorism.
1 unrulyfarmhand 2020-02-04
He was just george jonesin
1 15nelsoc 2020-02-04
Tbh this probably was a driving while under the influence of fent incident. It's Oklahoma and he drove a truck lol
1 duckraul2 2020-02-04
That's probably the best outcome of living in Oklahoma one can hope for
1 companyfry 2020-02-04
Is that truck based?
1 HisPopeness 2020-02-04
1 HisPopeness 2020-02-04
Predictably rightoids call for a ban on assault trucks, which means lefties will hurt themselves in confusion and clamor for good guys with assault trucks