Truck of Peace in Oklahoma

1  2020-02-04 by unrulyfarmhand


Promoting anarchofascism for 9 years and counting.


  1. Truck of Peace in Oklahoma -,

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The suspect is a 56-year-old white male. Cops were trying to obtain a warrant to conduct a blood test.

The Race of Peace strikes again.

Funny how fast they managed to determine his race.

Truly the conspiracy of our time.

🤔 some muslims must have kidnapped him and got him drunk. No other way...

56 year old white man move on its mental illness not terrorism.

He was just george jonesin

Tbh this probably was a driving while under the influence of fent incident. It's Oklahoma and he drove a truck lol

That's probably the best outcome of living in Oklahoma one can hope for

Three victims are in critical condition and the deceased victim is a female

Is that truck based?


Predictably rightoids call for a ban on assault trucks, which means lefties will hurt themselves in confusion and clamor for good guys with assault trucks