Mayo foid can't resist the chocolate creampie

1  2020-02-04 by texanapocalypse33


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Lmao imagine being so humorless that not only do you not understand certain types of humor, but you actively seek and destroy humor elsewhere that you don't understand. src


  1. Mayo foid can't resist the chocolat... -,

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This thing is a mother.

Why is that pepe wearing the rick owens knock off dunks

Gotta go fast

Gotta flex on the foids


10 bucks says that monster licked diaper

It literally makes fart porn and enjoys it. 🤢🤢🤢

Okay. Maybe the wrong side lost WWII. Even so that doesn’t change the fact that this is a thing we must acknowledge.

But Germans are the czars of skat

And the Japanese...Wtf.

Did they actually win?

In this war of degenerate fetishes, the only winning move is not to coom

Hm. An arousing game.

fuckin gross 😂

Ya know, I didn't wake up this morning and think 'today I'm going to learn that people buy strangers feces to masturbate with'


You're beyond a super-star in the world of scat. You've made incredible videos and love everyone you make. Please do not risk your health for the sake of pleasure. Always play safe. I'm a fan of yours and will always be one. No need to stuff anymore.

Stay safe babe.

Say what you want about coomers, it's an ethos.

Imagine thinking that some literally-who redditor is a greater scat pornstar than Ella Fitzgerald, whoops is that a Witcher reference there, my bad, upvotes on the left

Dearest Evamarie,

You are absolutely incredible. Sweet, talented, and sexy beyond measure. It's an honour to buy your videos, and to see you be glorious.. That said, please stop doing this if you haven't already. Nothing, Nothing.. is worth your health and well being. I know what I'm talking about. I'd still buy your videos if all you did was talk to the camera. That's just a small bit of how remarkable you are.

Yes, I am one of millions of nameless faceless people on the internet, you would never know if you pass me on the street (you won't pass me on the street) You give so much more then you realize, you give more then I have words for. I implore you, if this action is continuing to harm you, please please do whatever you can to be well, and safe.. EvaMarie as a person, as a human being, will always be more important then EvaMarie the performer

This can't be real

This can't be real

Drama users have less empathy than scatocels 😩

Why would you do this to me?

What is wrong with these people.

White women fuck poop.

Does the degeneracy ever stop

Wait till you hear about the horsepill and rich white girls.

I actually feel ill, thanks

There's putting in alot of effort to get off then there's fucking yourself barren because having a shitty pussy makes you come.

Son, your mails here.. it does smell slightly odd though.

serious question... how do people end up like this? How does one develop a fetish for literal shit?

Abused children tend to smear shit on the walls, could have something to do with this.