r/aznidentity calls attention to the dangers of the Mayo

1  2020-02-04 by Shubard75


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  1. r/aznidentity calls attention to th... - archive.org, archive.today

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Well they're not wrong. One or two weeks ago when it was already clear that shit hit the fan, all our government did was put up some fucking posters at the main airport in the capital suggesting people should see a doctor if they feel bad lol. Flights from China still have not been banned. We are a fucking joke.


It's a flu though, outside of China its yet to be any deaths, and in China the government only responded because its populace went full lord of the flies because people on social media went full /happening/ because their grandpa died from a lung infection

a flu that is 20x more dangerous than the regular flu bare minimum with a cap of probably 100x that spreads by touch, the air, poop, spit wherein if you survive it you now have lung problems for the rest of your life

*if you depend om chinese healthcare

mandatory cremation of asian corpses when

Ban flights from China? what are you a fucking racist?


I'm sure that Chinese people would never break any rules or laws. Like, you know, the ones against eating fucking bats like you're a goddamn savage. No, it's gotta be someone else who's wrong.

Imagine being a loser American hapa and shilling for Big China. They don't want your half-Korean ass.

It's impressive how masterfully they ignore that elephant in the room.


Fear the virulent Mayo, for its dangers are many and complex

Well at least the chussies of /r/aznidentity have finally found something to complain about other than big dicked chads stealing all of their women .



If aznidentity contained any Asians, they would be ganging up on the Chinese for the coronavirus. Nobody hates Asians more than other Asians. They're mayos coping about their epicanthic fold and terrible parents.

Nah. It’s just a chink sub. Like everyone there has at least one Chinese parent.

Huh. Then why don’t they identify as Chinese?

I’m going to double down. If they’d rather be in the “not white back or hispanic” category even if it means grouping themselves with Japanese, Koreans and Indians, then that makes them fully assimilated into the mayos life.

Yeah, that's what I find most hilarious about them. Categorizing people as "asian" is the least asian thing you can possibly do. The only thing they have in common is that mayos lump them together. If your whole identity comes from how white people perceive you, isn't that the ultimate form of white-worshipping?

Just a reminder that Democratic presidential candidate Andrew Yang has been confirmed to post on r/aznidentity, and also has expressed his support for r/aznidentity's core tenets.