1  2020-02-04 by Ultrashitposter


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Lmao at the guy who went off on an unhinged tangent about libertarians.

His entire post history is angry walls of text about random mundane shit Óvò

Believe women and believe ALL women are not the same thing

The first bit is based on things like table 42 of the fbi uniform crime report - pick a year, doesn't matter - telling us who, without a doubt, the most predatory and violent people are in America - yet nothing changes. It's based on things like so, so, so many victims of child abuse talking about how no one believed them. It's based on things like tens of thousands of untested rape-kits proving society simply doesn't give a shit to follow up on so, so, so many claims of an absolutely vile crime. It's based on a legal history of laws the restricted and diminished women alongside a culture that defined their value as only "serving men" then cried when they clawed their way out that shit.

Yup, everyone should wait for the facts. Absolutely.

But you know what? This is a backlash earned from so, so, so, so much history of no one giving a shit even when the facts were there. You reap what you sow, asshole. And for all the crying you do here, on the internet, because you're a victim?

You've never, once, in your sad, sad, sad life given a shit about those decades upon decades of locale-sourced data found in that FBI table, a constant trend since the birth of the report, showing who needs more attention in America.

Not once. In your fucking life. Oh you'll lie - you will lie.

But not once.

So you know what? You asked for it. Shit doesn't just "happen." You're not some poor victim who just never, ever did anything to deserve any scrutiny, waaaaaaah!

You know the other way of stopping false accusations of shit?

Lowering the total net count so time can be spent investigating shit.

Now - that count leans overwhelmingly one way - in every violent and sexual crime. One way. Not for any magical bullshit reason, one way because the majority of people who do violence are men, the majority of people who rape kids - of both genders - are men. The majority of rapists are men, the majority of murderers, serial killers, domestic abusers. Not because "waaaaah men don't talk about it" but because the majority of violence and predatory activity in this country is - has been - and will be until we address it - perpetrated by men. The funny part is, to disarm all your fucking coward shit right off the bat? It correlates globally. And it's our fucking legislative record, you simpering sack of shit.

I'm a man. A REAL one. One who isn't terrified of the truth, of data. I can hold this evil hag accountable after not jumping on that court of public opinion bandwagon - and I can find the courage to understand a minority while we've ignored the majority? Makes fake-crusader punks like you worthless. You take validity from the arguments because you're shit. Sexist shit.

You rob actual male victims of credence because you come from a place of dishonestly and bias far, far worse than any woman with a long history of victimization - 144 of it under law with not having a protected right to vote, mind you - ever will.

So - yeah - I do not give as much of a fuck about Johnny as I do the one all the kids who'll be fucked by men - mostly men today.

Because we never - fucking - have, asshole. Because weak ass men like you won't type out a sentence for them like you will Amber and Johnny, you worthless piece of weak ass fake-man shit.


This is a really long way of saying you don't fuck.

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that sums it up nicely imo

You're not even trying to be witty or anything, you're just circlejerking. How does it feel literally karma whoring, like, actually just being a human who cares enough to type multiple comments for no purpose except to draw a nearby majority's attention to the fact that you agree with them?


  1. #believewomen REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE - archive.org, archive.today

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Bitch, I cited data your pig-fucking trailer-jockey daddy raised a coward son not to be able to even glance at.

Take your coward shit and go, you generic turd. I feel nothing but pity and sadness at whatever pathetic, lonely life you live. Because despite the forthcoming internet claims you'll make - I know, absolutely, you are a pathetic, lonely person. People do not like being around liars and cowards like you - only other liars and cowards.

Boy, I revel in it. I revel in your misery because you are, by choice, a pathetic, weak man.

Snappy plz

The 1 in a blue moon instance of a snappy summoning being well deserved

Men lie the most, women tell the biggest lies

Teach muslims..... I mean men not to rape

sarcasim off

based and retardpilled

I believe all these hoes are MAD MAD MAD