SRDines are convinced reddit is a right wing site, as they overlap more and more with chapotards

1  2020-02-04 by zerostile


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Ahh yes, the famously hard left reddit where I could go to a main sub and post "As a trans lesbian:" and -not- receive several hundred hate filled messages.

Leftism is instantly reducible to whether or not you love trannies with all your heart lmao

Ahh yes, the famously hard left reddit where I could go to a main sub and post "As a trans lesbian:" and -not- receive several hundred hate filled messages.

I fucking hate SRDines with all my heart.

"...Maybe no one likes you just because you are some creep in a dress trying to pick up women who despise you?"

I mean it is God approved because transbian + lesbian woman can result in a child being born, and 2 lesbian cannot.


They make definitions like this and then are suprised that a lot of people join rightoids.

Maybe if you respond to every post with “ahh yes” you won’t look like a hyper sensitive mental patient.

People genuinely believe this.

Every time a tranny demands that leftism requires you to love the mouthfeel, an alt-right nazi gets his wings.

SRD has been radical left for so long I can hardly remember how it even started swinging that way. I can say it goes back ages and it all boils down to moderators. I do think the subs super left super pc has helped it avoid banning for vote brigading and also helped make it remain niche. However, since way back SRD has been the one sub I really wished were better.

Most of them don't love trannies with all their hearts tho, they just want to virtue signal and just repeat the typical talking points, and call you transphobe if you dare to critisize any of their stupid points. I've seen more honest love from rightoids towards trannies than from leftists.

Not even the transbians love other trannies, they all want to fuck a real girl with a real vagina.

To be honest I meant the empathetic or friendly love, not the sexual one.

You'd be correct either way.

This sub is full of rightoids and the person the most number of dramanauts are sexually craving for is Trappy. (Lalwz comes close to second) And I've never seen this much love that a trans person gets in a leftist group.

because trappy is actually cute as opposed to wanderlei silva in dress

R.I.P. Queen, you left us too soon!

real girl


real vagina


Fuck off faggot.

You will never match up to the real thing.

Pound sand, ya fuckin breeder.

trans lesbian


Even the two trans chicks I know in my life are lesbians. Good friends, sweet girls, took a fetish too far. How predictable.

How does their buss feel

Also - statistically at least one of them is on the autism spectrum.

People are going to look back on us in a few decades like how we look back on those old ads extolling the benefits of smoking unfiltered lucky strikes.

trans chicks

sweet girls


The definition of girl is a female human child.

Not anymore old man

Okay trooner.

Trump could do an AMA on this site and not receive hundreds of hate-filled messages. No one gives a shit about you enough to respond that much. Imagine having that much of an ego.

he did do an AMA on this site during the last election...and I predict the mad lad will do it again. Reddit will literally have to shut down to avoid the potential mass suicide of the leftoids on chapo


So heckin' cute and valid!

I thought this was enbies

Conflating liberalism with leftism is something the actual Chapo Trap House podcast denounces all the time, so its painfully ironic to see r/chapotraphouse do just that and have it be the entire point of their subreddit

I think wokeism for the most part is inseparable from reddit and the way it's built.

The moderation structure and the voting mechanisms provide too much incentive to create ever-expanding lists of excuses for looking down on people and sneering at them and dismissing what they have to say, and people who you can dehumanize and hate while feeling good about yourself for doing so. Wokeism is tailor made to provide that.

For the longest time, you just couldn't mention that you believed in God, or didn't believe in him after a certain point. God I miss the days when it was just r/atheism circle jerks/counter jerks you had to worry about. Reddit leaned left, but it wasn't this retarded shit. If Reddit hadn't gone quite so mainstream, maybe we could still say retarded.

As a trans lesbian, I believe the 6 gorillions is a complete Jewish lie, but it would be great if it did happen

Wtf I love trannies now.

"How dare you specify trans as if there is any difference between a regular lesbian and a so called 'trans' one! They are all women you awful self hating bigoted cunt!"

As if defaults don't go out of their way to fellate girlcock already. Hell most of them are ran by trannie powermods already.

I also like that their standard is hundreds of messages on a sub with millions of users. That's a lower percentage than troons are of the general public.

Come to think of it, I guess it makes sense that they so overestimate a "loud minority". They do it with troids, so they do it with "hate" messages as well. Guess leftoids just don't understand statistics.

took all of 4 comments to get to

‘democratic party in US = right wing by my commie math. checkmate reddit leans right’

>When you're so left that you think dozens of front page posts about how much trump and the GOP suck means it's alt right.

Didn't say any of this, so neat strawman.

>Reddit is generally to the left of the DNC. If that's "right" to you, your stance is completely detached from American reality.

The DNC is literally a centre-right, if not right party, and I know this will come as a complete hammer blow to your reality, but the vast majority of people aren't American, and don't give a fuck about what y'all consider left or right.

they really do think like this, what the fuck

Reddit is amazing, isn't it?

If they don't care then why do they blow their load over every political move we make

I love that the world politics and world news subs are almost exclusively about Trump. Seethe more.

Open borders, gun control, and reparations are actually alt right positions, you silly American.

Then the person says that out of 350 million reddit users only 35 million are American, which is a straight up lie lmao

Reddit is most popular in the U.S. with American users far outnumbering those from any other country at 54% of Reddit’s user base. Second to the U.S., the U.K. represents the next highest share of traffic at only 8%, with Canada rounding out third at 6.4%.

Not sure why you need statistics for that anyway. The major political sub on this site is for.... you guessed it: American politics only


Please use the Politically Correct term "Bongistan"

Actually it's Br*tbongistan.

And conversely, Americans don't give a shit what is left or right in the rest of the world given that they're entirely different political landscapes with entirely different issues. He was so close to being self-aware.

Non-Americans on Reddit will say anything to feel more relevant on the world stage. Anything.

Redditors are the type of people to believe in the Political compass and Overton Window


America is the only country that matters, don't @ me.

lol i love when americans say that dems are right wing anywhere else in the world

Therme might have been some truth to it compared to Europe 15 years ago, but even in western europe they would be center-left now, at least as much as you can compare the different landscapes and issues. Literally the only two issues where they are right of europe are guns and maybe social safety nets, though even that is debatable with what dems demand nowadays. But for comparison, even (dude) swe(e)den closed their borders in '15.

The famously hard left Reddit that isn’t home to some of the largest alt-right message boards on the internet.

I mean, if you consider The_Donald and the few obnoxious MDEfugees burning down their quarantine subs alt-right then maybe. I guess not everyone saw full-Chan before it was put down.

How can they say this with so many large commie subs? 🤬

What do you think commies did to gays? Clearly alt-right.

RIP /leftypol/

No one will miss /leftypol/

yea reddit appeals to right wing when in just under a year the facist r/politics gildings have paid for almost 40 years of server time


I don't give a fuck how much you call your flimsy delusions "enlightenment." There is no amount of ceaseless self-deception that will make you accept the charred hellscape of being a miserable useless destitute fucking junkie piece of shit. You know what you are, and it is deeply ugly on every level.


  1. SRDines are convinced reddit is a r... -,

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How oblivious do you have to be to actually believe that?

That's what happens when they hang out in echo chambers. The left has the right and vice versa to bombard the sheep with boogeymen with and that's all they end up seeing.

The DNC is literally a centre-right, if not right party, and I know this will come as a complete hammer blow to your reality, but the vast majority of people aren't American, and don't give a fuck about what y'all consider left or right.

I love when they trot out this gem.

But, buuuuuuut in urope the US left would be considered right wing!!!

It is so stupid and tiresome

And easily debunked seeing how Boris is now the PM in the UK and other rightward swings are happening in other europoor countries.

Yeah I didn't even want to get started because of how obviously stupid it is. These people only think "Amerikkka's left is the rest of the world's extreme fringe right!" because they are extremely online or lack perspective outside of America. It is purely the result of living in an echo chamber and wanting to think that Euroland is some beautiful lefty paradise that we just have to emulate to solve all of our problems. My favorite is when they act like racism doesn't exist elsewhere because they don't hate black people in bongland

I’ve also gotten the argument that since the left is called “liberal” in America and “liberal” parties are generally center right in Europe, that means the American left is actually right wing. They really are that stupid.

Yeah, it's the atomic facepalm of arguments. Especially since "Liberals" really aren't big fans of liberal policies (except on weed and porn).


I honestly cannot imagine taking the internet this seriously

Unironic everyone right of commies are rightoids lmao.

What the fuck does self aware wolves even mean? I see these retards spamming it all the time

It's a sub for posting people almost reaching self-awareness. Full of mostly smug left leaning assholes. I just decided to turn it around on that person since they were a perfect candidate just on the opposite side of the political fence.

One day we will all be chapotards

I'd rather eat a bullet.

I fucking hate chapos will all my heart. I fucking LOATHE their fucking hypocrisy. They are no different than trumpards. They both even share hating liberals. And those liberal cucks are too fucking stupid too see how they chapos hate them to actually do anything about it.

Yes im seething.

Chapotards are 16 year old "communists" going through their reactionary phase. It's cringeworthy, it's annoying but we've all been through puberty

SRDines, much to their disgrace are 20-30 year olds who never really outgrew that phase. Instead, their very slightly expanded vocabulary and understanding of how the world works only adds to the overall smugness, making them trully insufferable.

To any SRDine reading this: All your friends think that you're a pretentious, insufferable but ultimately well meaning idiot but they won't tell you because you get depressed too easily and it's not worth the drama

This is your brain on leftism