Worker in second most retarded sector follows advice of NEETs and chapo's

1  2020-02-05 by hugegrav


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Ok nice

Lol if you actually become an ethot

Lmao you're gonna regret going full retard.

Can I pay you in reddit silver for a picture of your toes?

homie what the fuck lmfaoo

Not hearing no

Claims to work in marketing

Gets paid per hour

Writing ad copy is not marketing you utter fucknut.

I do social media management lol and if you read i clearly stated i don’t get paid enough. I don’t know why I’m considered a “fucknut” for taking a job i needed at 20 with no college degree

So you work in social media, i.e. you're a jannie, sorry, WERE, a jannie for your company's Twitter feed? Yeah, that's leaps and bounds above writing ad copy.

Why don't you go run and fetch my coffee then, and this time try to jazz it up a little. Give it some edge.

I’m literally 20 years old. I think i was doing well for myself at that age but ok (: hope you find some light in your life so you don’t have to be a dick head to people on the internet ❤️

I’m literally 20 years old

Really? You think the inflated sense of self importance didn't give it away?

And yeah, you got your foot in the door. You were doing something soul crushing, but not menial, that paid better than average. That's actually two thumbs up from me.

Then for some unknowable reason you, with all of your wisdom and experience, suddenly decided you're better than the majority of people, and that "we can do better", by which you mean "Hey everyone, figure out a way I can sit around and not have to work, kthnxbye!"

Just wanted to find a better way, i do want to work but not for someone else, i was very unhappy. After dealing with depression, anxiety, PTSD and a loss in my family it made me realize I don’t have a lot of time on this earth and I am young, might as well take a risk and see if i can make something my own.

I don’t think I’m better than anyone, just feel like everyone has their own path. I’m just young and trying to find mine.

As a great man is fond of saying "I'm telling you Mean Gene, you gotta eat your prayers and say your vitamins". It sounds hokey, but it works. Nose to the grindstone, whistle while you work, in 40 years all will be gravy.

Also I hear really great things about this Bitcoining thing. Not quite sure what that's all about, but it's supposed to be the future.

Just so you know, you are making excuses trying to rationalize your incredibly impulsive decision.

Everyone deals with depression, anxiety, and the loss of family members. The only way to fix them is to do your best to make your life better. One of those things is not quitting your steady 9-5 that pays better then what you can get elsewhere.

You’ll survive but will probably have to move back home.

My advice is to unsubscribe from anti work and any subreddits that circle jerk about how they are sad. It won’t help you, you’ll just end up like them. Then figure out your plan for how you’ll make a living.

Also don’t quit on school, it’s absolutely a joke but it is beneficial to your life. Stop being lazy and making Excuses for yourself. And stop smoking weed.

These are just crabs in a bucket getting mad at you. I don't even see any drama on that thread. They just want you to be unhappy for complaining.

Good luck on your journey.


Are you black or something? Why do you think fathers don't exist?


  1. Worker in second most retarded sect... -,

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My job is soul crushing (mostly because the people I work with are retards), but i couldn't imagine doing something this retarded without a backup plan.