r/stupidpol is now right wing.

1  2020-02-05 by AI_WAIFU


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Is it actually fucking happening

fuck Mobb Deep. fuck Biggie. fuck bad boy as a staff, record label, and as a motherfucking crew.

I love the non-sequitter

I don't care if you Mobb Deep, I hold triggers to crews

You little fuck, I got money stacks bigger than you

Bloomberg is going to be threat #1 going forward.

Lmao they're so politically retarded that they think Bloomberg has anything approaching a chance. How are they this dumb? I get that they're commies or some shit, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

Get ready to be Bloomed bitch.

OK Bloomer


Am I just drunker than usual or are you fucking based tonight?



Didn’t take you for an accelerationist

I liked Bloomberg's shot at Trump's money.

It was cheap and mean and off the cuff in exactly the way Trump is.

I want someone who's gonna bring the cheap shots and low blows to the general campaign season. If Boomy has the balls to take some of those shots at his fellow demoncraps I'll really start to like him.

Based af

Betting markets have Bloomberg at about a 20% probability of winning which is surprisingly high.

I think it's inflated. I just think people aren't fond of him and he came in pretty damn late.

/r/Drama is one of the most reactionary and transphobic subreddits on this website. Their moderators consistently promote this behaviour, and their userbase has been known to harass leftists and brigade their posts.

I created this subreddit as a response to that. All hatred and shenanigans at /r/drama can be catalogued and made fun of accordingly.

There are only two rules: no bigotry and no /r/drama users.


  1. r/stupidpol is now right wing. - archive.org, archive.today*

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This is why I hate Bernard

Jesus, and here I thought I wasn't self-aware. Of course stupidpol built an identity around one candidate, and of course they'd want to sink the ship if they don't like where it's sailing

smh my head

I mean, its literally what happened in 2016 lmao

Can you really blame them after the DNC cucks them twice in a row lol

Honestly they'd be pathetic enablers if they didn't take a stand

idk if my political party decided to rig the election i wouldn’t vote for them

Biden’s collapse

after the first state.

this primary is gonna be such a rollercoaster. drama coin bout to go through the roof

If anybody other than cummunist daddie wins I'm literally going to coup d'etat the government and set up a fascist junta which murders all minorities and undesirables.

This but ironically

murders all minorities majorities

get it right.

I am frankly shocked that leftoids as reasonable as stupidpollers can still exist after seeing the constant cycle of self-destruction these communities have had. They're absolutely right though. The shockingly retarded "vote blue no matter who" crowd only encourages the Democrats to anoint their chosen one against the will of the voters.

Communists are retarded and don’t deserve to have good things, so they can be right but still wrong.

u rite. it is pretty funny seeing the only people actually trying to be reasonable get cucked the hardest

Radical centrism is the only reasonable way.

Name checks out

this community is the only one that respects my intelligence

The will of the voters is the guy who loses but Chapos wanted to win.

stupidpol is just Heaven's Gate for terminally online retards.