r/Neoliberal dunks on of the Bernie bros. Pick any thread and sort by controversial.

1  2020-02-05 by AI_WAIFU


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I may be a 30 year old virgin who has never had a relationship but at least I’m not an incel


  1. r/Neoliberal dunks on of the Bernie... - archive.org, archive.today*

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Radioactive levels of exceptionalism.

pretty based for libtards

These guys are banking on Mayor Pete he has 0% black support

He needs a black woman VP, and I mean that unironically. Bernie's probably going to pick Nina Turner, so Mayo Pete absolutely needs to do the same, it's crucial.

haha holy shit they're pretty funny

If you're still a neoliberal.... read this.

A neoliberal billionare pro-EU deep state establishment shill economics professor and Hillary supporter was teaching a class on open borders, a known neoliberal policy.

“Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship George Soros and accept that free market capitalism is the best economic system that the world has ever known, even greater than socialism.”

At this moment, a brave, socialist, pro-M4A, DSA member and AOC supporter who has 1500 followers on twitter and understood the horrors of capitalism and fully supported all decisions made by communist countries stood up and held a graph of world poverty over time.

“What does this graph say, shill?” he asked.

The arrogant professor smirked like an imperialist and smugly replied “It clearly showcases that global poverty has been decreasing, you stupid commie.”

“Wrong,” said the brilliant anti-capitalist hero. “This graph has been measuring poverty for about 30 years. If the graph is, as you say, true... then there shouldn't be poor people now”

The professor was visibly shaken and dropped his copy of Why Nations Fail. He stormed out of the room, his eyes full of centrist crocodile tears.

The 500 students all applauded and joined the DSA that day. A bird named "Tax the rich” flew into the room and shed a tear, and got rid of student debt for everyone in the room. The Internationale was sang several times, and the students all rose up and ate the rich owners of the university. Karl Marx watched all of this with great joy, smiling from the heavens.

The professor lost his tenure and was fired by a workers' committee the next day. He died in a gulag later that year after Bernie Sanders was elected god emperor of the Socialist States of America

Your pulitzer's in the mail

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