1  2020-02-05 by zhcyiDnein

Twitter thread.

I think this hurt Pete, a lot of people in the other campaigns are as angry at him this morning as Bernie supporters.

As if this is even remotely a bad thing for Bussyjudge.

He should rot in hell

He’s already gay, so I guess for some people this is apparently a certainty regardless?

the biden camp are bumbling around dropping their spaghetti everywhere while the buttigieg camp are trying the sith lord strategy

+1 for spaghetti, -10 for starshit

His words don't mean what the words he use usually mean. Its not his fault ..he's got too many languages floating up there.

Sounds like this man is also multilingual.

I cannot stand this man's face.


Anyways, that’s just the tip of the iceberg — the thread is overflowing with seething Bernie bros. Have a peruse of the OP’s account too, there’s plenty more where this came from.


Because someone trying to defend their unreasonably hated interests is just soooooo fucking funny. I'm only here for this post. Sorry kid, but I don't get off on laughing at other's expense so I'm going to gtfo of this degenerate cesspool asap. People wanna get rid of furries. Well how about places like this instead? The world would be infinitely better without drama. This sub is like the young people version of watching the Hallmark channel.



  2. Twitter thread. -,

  3. I think this hurt Pete, a lot of pe... -,

  4. He should rot in hell -,

  5. the biden camp are bumbling around ... -,

  6. His words don't mean what the words... -,

  7. I cannot stand this man's face. -,

  8. r/politicope -,

I am just a simple bot, *not** a moderator of this subreddit* | bot subreddit | contact the maintainers

My country elected a Bernie Sanders type guy and he was revealed to be a total hack so it’s good that he got cucked

my third world shithole is relevant to this discussion


It kinda is, people goes nuts when some weirdo offers them free shit but doesn’t tell them the difficulties to get that free shit

Good point, I'm never voting for anyone who believes in government services whatsoever again

That's good. I'll be here with my rifle and my canned goods firin over the bow of any vw minivan that comes towards my proprty.

Most of the US is basically third world on all economic and social metrics, how is that not relevant?

I have never traveled anywhere and I think living in a trailer with window AC units is 3rd world

Imagine thinking that having affordable AC automatically qualifies you as a first world country.

For example I've been in Azerbaijan recently and basically everything has AC, the shabbiest half-basement shops have AC, the room at the place I rented had a huge ass AC and also a toilet filled with piss on check-in because it needed some shaking the water tube to start refilling the tank, and the owners couldn't be bothered to even check, much less fix that. And that was inside the old city wall, so I assume a somewhat posh place by their standards.

For example I've been in Azerbaijan recently

Literally where? You’ve got to be making this shit up when this “country” you ””visited”” even sounds fake.

Detroit is basically a war zone and LA is full of homeless people


Where dat boi

Mexico? Spain? Argentina?

His words don't mean what the words he use usually mean. Its not his fault ..he's got too many languages floating up there.

by "A progressive who is unsure on how to proceed."

Wouldn't being bilingual fall under the "progressive" flag?

Whatever happend with these people and the whole "aNyOnE Is bEtTeR ThAn tRuMp" motto?

As with almost all our policies, politics and regulations in the States the focus is always on the next ten seconds rather than any form of long term thinking or planing. #GoldFishNation

Whatever happend with these people and the whole "aNyOnE Is bEtTeR ThAn tRuMp" motto?

they act like trump is litruhlly hitler, but if you gave any of these people a, "you lose but trump loses, too VS you win but it's a coin toss in the general" ultimatum, every one of them would take the latter.

every one of them would take the latter.

This. But they'd pawn it off with some limp wristed excuse like "my hands were tied" and they were forced into the decision.

"Self responsibility" doesn't exist in our culture.

Seriously tho, how did buttjudge pull this off? The win in iowa i mean. Like, who even knows what his campaign promises are? I know hes gay and his name is funny. What else is he representing? Hes a failed mayor of some backwater town too, i guess? Like, what policy positions does he hold that distinguishes him from the rest of the party? I seriously cannot think of anything.

I don’t have a fucking clue how he did it and neither does he, I imagine.

if Pete wins, we'd have three people in a row who'd've had no idea how they got into the White House

a freshman senator, a professional wrestler, and a minor Midwest mayor

It was a CIA (literal) gay op, which I fully support in the name of dramacoin.


Can't wait to Killary declares his bussy to be a Russian asset.

  1. He was the least objectionable, least divisive of all the candidates. Iowa loves noncombative, nocontroversial people.

  2. While everyone was gone on impeachment, dude was literally knocking on doors himself to persuade voters.

  3. Wine cave was overblown. Everyone in iowa would visit one if we had the chance. We like booze, and so does Pete.

  4. Nobody was Bernie's second choice. His supporters were assholes.

I think thats a fair assessment. I wonder if everyone's thought process was "Well if i have to vote dem, it would be this guy, since he seems the least crazy."

Biden and buttgag could win, warren and Bernie not so much. I’m going to say this again because I’m not the only person who feels this way — I am a republican who doesn’t like Trump but likes some of the things he has done, but he’s not worth it, but if Bernie or Warren are anywhere near the nomination I will crawl through glass to vote for Trump. I’d vote for Biden or buttgag

Biden and buttgag could win

against trump? Im going to disagree. Biden has been tarnished too badly from the impeachment process and buttjudge is a milquetoast centrist offering nothing trump isnt already doing in spades.

Biden has been tarnished too badly from the impeachment process

You're not living on the same planet as the other 60% of people in this country if you believe that.

What you think breadline Bernie could win?

God no. I hoesntly think if Bernie gets the nom it will end the democratic party forever. It would break in two, liberals vs socialists.

I wonder if it will cause more or less drama than him losing.

Nah if Bernie gets the nomination, one of two things happens:

  1. He beats Trump and faces massive partisan gridlock from within his own party and without b/c his supporters are generally too stupid to realize they'd have to send a whole Congress of Justice Democrats for him to do any of the crap he proposes

  2. He loses to Trump and progs get the blame for the defeat, sidelining them for another generation or so much like what happened after the double whammy of Mondale and Dukakis that brought about the Clintons and Third Way Democrats in the early 90's.

If Bernie wins, Bernie Bros unironically will believe the revolution is at hand and he will rule forever

primaries are factionalism, comrade

Id wager money that trump opts out of debates this election unless bootyjudge wins the nom. Dude is a robot that cant function off script and Trump would probably make him cry on national TV

I can only imagine watching Trump subtley reminding everyone about Pete's boyfriend after every question

Or constantly insinuating he's a bottom irl and also a bottom in foreign affairs


You're forgetting one very important thing. Buttigieg has a D next to his name, so you can get 8 more years of daddy with support from the very same people with TDS

buttgag could win

really? I'm not a yank but I was under the impression that the democrats need latinos and blacks to turn out if they want to win, and I cant really see both those groups being too enthusiastic for a gay white guy

Minorities' biggest impact on the election is the Democratic primary. They usually vote for whoever the Democrats put out in the general. But who knows. Maybe we'll see how progressive the marginalized people really are if we get a gay white dude, just like with Proposition 8.

Watch the South Carolina primary. If there's going to be a prop 8 level shattering of white liberal's understanding of minorities, it'll be that one.

They won't learn and you know it lol

No but their attempts to rationalize the sudden cognitive dissonance are going to be extremely entertaining. South Carolina may have an open primary but they can't blame everything on Mormons this time.

also he rigged the primary, don't forget that part

If the mayor of the 3rd biggest town in Indiana managed to get the drop on all the big name candidates Dick Dastardly style, then he deserves the win even more.

I feel like the mayor of the 3rd biggest town in Indiana is an insulting title.

Do you mean Bernie was nobody's second choice?

Yes. Oops

I've seen enough regulars in /r/SandersforPresident saying their #2 was Trump to believe it isn't just shit-stirring.

What’s the story on the wine cabe?

Pete did a fundraiser in some tech billionaires wine cave.

Sounds fun

Buttigieg also isn't 45 minutes from keeling over like the rest of the candidates which I'm assuming a lot of people like.

He won because he focused on campaigning in Iowa. He hasn't spent money on on national ads, but spent more on ads in Iowa ($7 million) than any of the other candidate except Steyer.

so the prediction is that he will fall off once the race widens to multiple states?

No. Winning Iowa is what got Obama seriously on everyone's radar. Booty is going to get a lot more press and contributions now that he's the front-runner. If he flops in NH, then we can say this was a one-off.

That said, I think the fuckery surrounding Iowa is going to turn off a lot of voters come the actual election. The probability of Trump getting re-elected has gone up in my opinion.

I would agree. Even if you hate tRump, you have to admit the dems are in a horrible, horrible position at this point. If Bernie wins, it might end the democrat party forever. If biden wins they will be a mockery the entire race. If warren wins itll be a shit show. Is buttjudge wins, the party will have to rally behind a milquetoast, centrist and lose.

In the end, there is something poetic about Booty-judge winning the cock-ass.

I'm no Trump fan but if booty gets the nomination, Trump is going to roast this dude the entire campaign trail.

"Gay Sheldon"

Not as hard as he's gonna roat Warren.

That being said, I can't wait to hear him call Buttplug "Fruity Pete"

The difference between bootyjudge and Obama are vast. Bootyjudge isnt charismatic or even likeable, he's a milquetoast centrist robot. Plus, the fact that the app being used in Iowa fucked up so bad that they have still not declared a winner basicslly makes the Iowa Caucus worthless because everyone, including the public, have already moved on to NH so if he does get a victory no one is gonna care.

He's pretty charismatic lol

Gay ≠ charisma

You'll have to delete this comment when he says "dude bussy lmao" on the debate stage

Every primary voter I know who has "charisma" as their main metric for evaluating candidates has Buttigieg as their #1. He's literally the only charismatic one left. Klobuchar talks/acts like a bulldog, Biden's last brain cell is currently dripping out of his ear, Bernie sounds crotechy and old, Warren sounds like an overbearing schoolteacher, and none of the remaining candidates are in the race at this point.

Those people also probably enjoy mayonaise and white bread sandwiches and order hot wings with no sauce

They do, and the horrific thing is their vote counts just as much as yours.


Pete was in the lead in polls a couple months back. What separates him from the other top contenders is that he doesn't collect social security and isn't a heart attack risk.

He spent a fuckton of money in iowa and the boomers voted for who the tv told them to.

Boomers are literally sheep.

Seriously tho, how did buttjudge pull this off? The win in iowa i mean.

he didn't lol

Cuz its Midwest and he's midwestern? Being a bussy conneiseur might have usually hurt him but since it's a liberal primary it doesn't matter. People always forget how regional burgertown really is

honestly isn't hating gays kind of passe at this point? I haven't seen Republicans bring up repealing gay marriage at all

Iowa are true bussy connoisseurs

  1. Pete had strong ground game he had something like 13 offices when the field was still chock full of people and continued to grow. All of his efforts were dumped on Iowa

  2. He's the most center of the road candidate on the field so far. Iowa loves empty suits that promise vague but feel good messages. Him being a war vet is just brownie points.

Who tf is Bootygieg lmao.

Can someone tell a Europoor why chapos and Bernie bros hate this gay dude so much? I figured with him swallowing cum and taking dick in the ass he'd be pretty popular with the progressive bunch

Because he's in Hillary's neolib centrist faction of the DNC, basically. :v

Imagine if we get a gay prez before a wöman prez. And then the first female POTUS is a MtF.



What do you mean

I’m actually not sure. Either answer is a trap, but the bad kind not the hot kind.

All part of the plan to gradually escalate toward the first furry president. ôvô

You could run and tick all three boxes in one presidency

Black lesbian MtF furry? Is that true kaara? Youre making me horny here... 🤤🤤🤤

Sorry to disappoint but I only like dudes. uvu

Based and dickpilled.

I just assumed so cause mods r gay

nick mullen brought up a good point: if we eventually elect a black woman, we'll have no need to elect a white woman.


Condoleezza Rice for pres?

Men are better at everything, including being the first female president.

All Daddy has to do is say he's MTF the day he leaves office in 2025 and it's done, libs would instantly believe in biology again

He is not sufficiently committed to providing male feminists with neetbux and endless free college

There's a conspiracy that he's not actually gay. He only pretends to be in order to be unique and stand out and look more woke than he actually is.

Wouldn't that depress turnout of Christian/blue collar democrats to appeal to a demographic that overwhelmingly votes blue anyways? I'd consider it an unfortunate vulnerability more than anything.

That's true, but there seems to be a massive blindspot in the Democratic party about hispanics and blacks feelings towards gays. The gay marriage ban in California was an example of this.

Who knew conspiracy Berntards could be so dumb

Woketards have convinced themselves that southern democrats are on their side on all issues.

They haven’t got a clue

Literally 4 years ago we did this exact same song and dance with the dreams of Bernie fans running smack into the wall of southern states. Do they just have the memory of a goldfish or were most of the people complaining too young for politics last time around?

They will just post a bunch of articles on /r/politics about why Bernie is good for black people and don’t understand that they are being insanely condescending

God I hope they do again. I want to relive that cope

yup that's what they did last time. I recall a lot of Sanders supporters busting out FBI crime statistics and poverty stats for southern states to explain why they didn't vote the way they wanted.

Most Bernie fans now were in High School last cycle

  1. He was part of the intelligence branch of the Army. When someone says 'CIA plant' they're not meaning it as an insult-- it's a literal statement of fact.

  2. A lot of his proposals are more middle of the road and directly contradict what Sanders and his supporters want. The big one here is he opposes Medicare For All.

  3. I don't like the personality contest aspect dominating electoral politics, but just look at a video of him speaking. He's weird and robotic like Zuckerberg. His words and speaking mannerisms seem straight out of a laboratory.

  4. All the Chapo nuts and Bernie Bros are millenials who are just now getting invested in politics, and they're doing so with as much sincere emotional zeal as possible. This means they're taking this predicted, usual behavior very poorly. They're ingrained with the Hollywood mindset that 'against the odds' is just an exciting tagline and not a warning to be heeded, and that the underdog is guaranteed to win as long as you canvass and spam your phone and donate as hard as possible.

Conflating gay with progressive economic policies is exactly what Buttigieg is here to siphon votes with. Here the difference between 'liberal' and 'leftist' become pretty important.

I think you're making the assumption that most of America actually wants progressive policies. I'm pretty sure that they don't, including a large portion of the ones that vote for Democrats.

This dude is basically a younger, less heart attack/gaffe prone Joe Biden.

Also, I agree with the conventional wisdom that him being gay is going to hurt him at the polls. It's going to depress his black and latino vote which has become pretty much the lynch pin for national elections for democrats. Without them you can't make an electoral college map that wins.

I'm not making any 'assumptions', I'm telling you what assumptions other people are making. I don't know why everyone has lost the ability to tell the difference between the two.

I don't know why everyone has lost the ability to tell the difference between the two.

Because you just listed a bullet point list without any context.

why chapos and Bernie bros hate this gay dude so much

is the question the original commenter asked.

Yes, leaving us to guess as to if this is just your opinion as one of those groups or repeating what you have heard.

Take your autism medication.

He was part of the intelligence branch of the Army. When someone says 'CIA plant' they're not meaning it as an insult-- it's a literal statement of fact.

Wow, are you the reincarnation of Napoleon or Sun Tzu? I've never seen someone who has such an impeccable grasp of how the military works.

I don't see what you're reacting to, sorry

I guess Johnny Cash must have been secretly working for the CIA too. It's a slam dunk case.

Because leftists are as homophobic as they are racist

The homo has to be a deep state literal gay op. The guy was the mayor of a college town and is now a serious candidate for the Democratic nomination with absolutely zero pushback from the powers that be.

He was in military intelligence and gets huge amounts of money from them. He's a CIA asset.


He was in military intelligence

Whoa. That's a huge coincidence. Only several hundred thousand other people in this country have been. 🤯

gets huge amounts of money from them

Them? (((Them?))) Who is "them"?

He's a CIA asset.

Patriot Group INC

He is the least threatening and an asset to the powers that be. There is nothing about him that disturbs any of our "elite", government or corporate, in any way. He will go along with establishment consensus because he believes he is the smart man on the smart team. He has Obama vibes in that he isn’t loved for his past accomplishments because he has none, but rather that he is part of a protected class. He will be the nom.

Bernie has already had one heart attack, he's not gonna make it to 2024.

He won't make it to 2021 at this rate lol

Best drama would be bernie winning the nomination and then dying before the general

Okay, so how do you really pronounce this guys name? I've never heard it spoken out loud because I live in upside down land. I see Bussyjudge, Buttjudge, Buttplug, Buttgag, etc, but to me it looks like it's Bootygay, which is a little on the nose.

Honest answer: Bootyjudge.

The great people of Iowa have me to lean on.

All three of them

Please noone else move here.

Say hi to my cousin for me 👋


people from iowa are the opposite of lean

Literally every state problem

Shut it, fatty.

Lol I already ran 30 mins n lifted for an hour today

Chasing a tenderloin food truck isn't exercise.

That tenderloin food truck that parks by the speedway is legit

Because they're too blitzed off Busch to stand up straight

The Iowa vote has taught a shitton of zoomers and millenials that they actually not as smart or wise as they thought about 48 hrs ago.

This is nothing.

We have a goldmine of acquittal cope coming in a few hours.

All I ever knew about Iowa was that it had one of those universities with the word 'of' in the title which will literally accept anyone. Idaho and Indiana also, something about states beginning with 'i' and low academic standards.

Gay Patrick Bateman is so totally our next prez 😍😍😍

It's fucking over for biden

i literally have no clue who pete is

maybe he won because iowa doesn’t like socialists like bernie, and doesn’t like minorities like yang or biden and he was the only one left