NoStupidQuestions asks a stupid question

1  2020-02-05 by aduketsavar


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Hell hath no fury like a suburban soccer mom cucked, I guess.


  1. NoStupidQuestions asks a stupid que... -,

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Guess how much Americans care about what other countries think.

Teenage communists and Redditors don’t count towards the answer though. Only normal Americans with jobs.

I’d love to see a poll on that.

“Tell us who our prime minister is”


Is a prime minister like a king or president? Silly european countries doing things like it's still the Dark Ages

I think he's speaking through a time machine from 1930s Germany.

Read 👏🏿 another 👏🏿 dictator 👏🏿.

Most of the other ones are leftists

Why do you want them to talk about commies commie

I just get bored of the one flavor.

Imagine being this intimidated by unassailable US Hegemony

Yeah America is so awful those it’s only the top destination that migrants want to come too. But they only wanna come here to laugh at blormph!

I'd like to know how much time the average American spends thinking about literally any other country on Earth, opposed to how much the rest of the planet thinks about America

Pretty much zero for both

Lmao look at the pile of babies getting assmad that America is kicking ass and winning again.

🦅 🏈 🇺🇸 🍺

Reddit is just so unselfaware, it’s hilarious. They don’t realize that their echo chambers really don’t represent a vast majority of the population of the world.

I can't wait for Trump to win reelection. The levels of cope and seethe will be orders of magnitude beyond anything thought possible.

I wish we had the respect of the international community like we did during the Bush years! I wish Russia feared and respected us now like they did when Obama was in charge!!

Only Americans could actually be retarded enough to think that anyone but other retard Americans like them. Oh wait I forgot about Boris Johnson voters, they're also known for their high IQs and flashy new passports.