Thuringia elects a neoliberal minister president. German twitter goes nuts.

1  2020-02-05 by RedditorsFartToo

The german state of thuringia elected a new minister president today and he is from the liberal party FDP. However, this was not possible without the votes of the far-right AfD. Predictably german twitter goes crazy.

Some Excerpts:

She says basically this election is the death of democracy.

Nothing has been learned from Hitler, yada yada

But many of them are of a similar variety and is just shouting "Nazis!".


I’m always amazed how few people know about Gamergate. It’s not only the key to understanding so many violent harassment campaigns going on today, it’s lots of the same people angry about the same stuff using the same playbook.


  1. Thuringia elects a neoliberal minis... -,

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After Reach are they releasing Combat Evolved? Any idea when that drops and is there a roadmap for the rest of the releases? Hopefully all out before Infinite

LOL you should see the faggot cope in r/de

Let me guess: Nazis everywhere?

Its LITERALLY 1933 again

Enough salt for 1000years.

Germans posting on this sub

Raus! Raus! Raus!

HdF fettes Amischwein!

We don't speak Hitler in this sub


Imagine letting a bunch of starving commie dogs beat you in a war

I'm getting a Ouija board and getting in touch with Bomber Harris. He will know what to do.

You mean bombing Persia?

That's generally a good idea regardless of the situation. It's Iran btw.

Der Ewige Kraut

Honestly most Germans have no idea how to use Reddit or care about it.

The only ones posting in r/de are similar to fat chicks who really want to be Japanese and are crazy about anime, except they're Germans crazy about anything American.

And a very small representation of the populace (oddly just like this site).

You got the faggot part right tho.

/r/de-cels have skin as thick as silk paper, the mental fortitude of squirrels, and the intellectual curiosity of brain-dead buffaloes.

Nigga you are gonna have to explain more here. Why do they consider them a Nazi?

The FDP-guy could only be elected with the votes of the far-right AfD and now the FDP is Nazi. There is (so far) no coalition between the FDP and the AfD and no other connection but still german twitter goes nuts.

There will never be, afaik Thomas Kemmerich (the guy that got elected) has already distanced himself from the AfD.

But if all the other partys want to be butthurt about it instead of creating a coalition with the FDP, maybe he won't have a choice but to create one with the AfD.

At which point I will 100% vote for FDP next time.

FDP may be neoliberal pigs, but at least they have a spine.

They actually like their country.

Fortunately, no one else does.

it's full of /r/de-cels, which makes it quite unlovable.

A person gets legitimately elected by a fair election and it’s “the end of democracy”.

Do words not mean anything anymore?

I don't know who Hitler is (some guy my favourite political commentator on twitter keeps referring to Orange Man as) but this is LITERALLY the same as the scene in Star Wars when Palpatine is voted into power. I'm shaking and I would sell my FunkoPop of the Emperor online as my own personal form of fighting against facism, but I have the whole set now so it'd be wrong to ruin the collection. Speak truth to power guys!

when Palpatine is voted into power

Except this guy Hitler never got voted into power.

Your commenters on Twitter keep forgetting that history has facts in it.


Correct, Hitler was appointed.

Reminder that Adolph Hitler, leader of the Nazi party and perpetrator of the Holocaust, was a pencil-pushing appointed bureaucrat. Don't let this happen to your country. Day of the government layoffs when?

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less."

In the minds of lefties "Democracy" is when they get what they want, and "Fascism" is when they don't get what they want.


Thuringia, even the name seems to be taken out from some fantasy novel.

fantasy nerds copy-paste their imaginary land names straight from Europe because titles are hard.

Since when is the FDP "liberal"?

Let's get something straight sweaty, "neoliberal" is not the same as "liberal".

I know they contain the same word, but they're not the same thing.

Both the AfD and the FDP are right leaning, so there's no surprise here.

If it was Die Linke or Die Grüne then maybe it would be interesting.

Twitter users are the same regardless which culture you're looking at: attention grabbing overdramatic morons with little to no grasp on reality making for good drama.


The FDP is liberal. Europe retains the old sense of the word liberal which means basically less government involvement in the economy. In America liberal means more government involvement in the economy which makes no sense but it’s not the case in Europe.

In America liberal means more government involvement

Yea and from an American context that would make the FDP not liberal. And since we're on an a site and sub with an overbearing large number of Americans I used American to explain it to them.

We're looking at how neoliberal the parties are, which isn't the same as asking if they're "liberal".

FDP and AfD are as neoliberal as we get here in Germany, so there's no surprise that they agree on certain issues, whereas (again as we see in the graph) if die Grünen and die Linken would have been on board it would have been something else altogether.

Neoliberal policies are used by both sides of the spectrum.

liberal means valuing freedom.

only in Muttmerica it means valuing dependence and squalor.